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my recipe...

haha, yea, that would be cool! I don't know if it would catch on with everyone though. I actually don't think there are -that- many people who make great chili (or any chili at all for that matter). Maybe i'm wrong. I hope i am, because i'd love to see other recipes! However, contest or no, we can still share our recipes! Eol asked for the recipe i use and i PM'ed it to him. I can post it here also. Maybe people would like to try it.

Alright, here's my best recipe:

Makes 1 large pot. Can serve up to 4 people.

-300 grams organic ground pork (or beef, chicken, or turkey. Your choice). I find ground pork or ground turkey best. Chicken tends not to have enough flavor and ground beef is rather ordinary.
-1 large, chopped onion
-3-5 cloves of garlic, chopped well
-4 or 5 chopped up peppercorn peppers (seeds incl.)
-1 chopped up red bell pepper
-1 can skinned tomatoes
-1 can black beans (or kidney beans)
-1/2 can corn
-1 medium-sized jar of spaghetti sauce (try to avoid cheese flavored sauce. You can add cheese yourself to your own bowl later if you like).
-1 packet of chili or taco seasoning
-teaspoon of cinnamon (or a little more if you're daring)
-1.5 to 2 ounces chocolate (dark or milk choco, doesn't matter)
Spices: salt, ground (chunky) black pepper, tyme(optional)

Get a good sized pot and heat 2-3 spoons of olive oil with 2 spoons of cooking butter.
Add your chopped garlic and onions first, and saute them a little, to get the flavor of each out into the oil.
Add your meat and some salt, black pepper and tyme, and cook it all the way.
Take your skinned tomatoes and pour them in a bowl, and with your hands, squish them up a bit (leave them bigger if you want them thick. Mash them more if you want them thin. Thicker is best, in my opinion.)
Put in your tomatoes, but only the tomatoes, try to avoid the juice from them as much as you can.
The go ahead and throw in the chopped red pepper, the corn, the peppercorn peppers, and the black beans.
Mix it up and then pour in the spaghetti sauce and the packet of chili/taco seasoning.
Stir that around and let it get good and hot, then add your cinnamon and chocolate.
Keep stirring as the chocolate melts. Stir well, all the way through.
Then you're done!

((you can add some beer if you would like it, but it can ruin the chili if you're not careful. So i would recommend trying a little in a seperate pot first, to see if you like it. It does change the flavor a bit.))

so...if you make it, enjoy! It really only takes 30 minutes at the very most to make. The time-consuming parts are just cutting up some of the veggies.

Posted on 2007-03-21 at 19:09:31.
Edited on 2007-03-21 at 19:18:19 by Fantasy

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

ooooh YUMMY!!

I will definitely try it
I'm not a big bean eater so most of the time I make mine without beans or put two types of meat in it. The most economical of course is hot dogs.

I'll post mine tomorrow. Gotta get the recipe from home
It's kinda pricey to make cuz it has Filet Mignon and Guiness Stout in it but if you only make it once a year it's well worth the cost

Posted on 2007-03-21 at 19:35:03.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts


i actually HATE beans, but you don't really taste them in this chili, so it's all good. Plus, Michiel and I only eat meat that is Organic/Biological. It's animal friendly and so much more healthy. It's hard to find a big variety of organic meats here, so the two types of meat thing is out for me. It's too expensive to use two organic meats in one dinner meal! haha Though tofu is an option, i don't care for it in chili.
But yea, when you can't get meat that often, beans are a good source of fiber and protien when you can stand them. In the chili recipe i wrote, you don't even notice them. Really.

man, it's been yeeeaarrrs since i've had filet mignon. They don't really sale that organically around here, lol.

Posted on 2007-03-21 at 21:33:10.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8865 Posts


Wow! I highly recommend trying Fan's chili recipe, folks (if you even like chili, of course). Made a small pot of it last night...It's absolutely yummilicious! Mmmmm-mmm-mmmm!

Posted on 2007-03-22 at 13:25:05.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

stop it!!

you're making my mouth water!

Posted on 2007-03-22 at 19:12:04.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 5/0
130 Posts

a thought has purplexed me

ok so the opposite of up is down ,but if you were in the center of the earth and ofcourse able to live that makes every direction up so where would down be? if the is a place where every direction is up is there a similar place where every direction is down?

do humans have a limit to their potential?

do humans still have their insticts?

are some animals or even all of them able to think think rationally?

Posted on 2007-03-22 at 20:45:40.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8865 Posts

The answer to most of those questions is yes

ok so the opposite of up is down ,but if you were in the center of the earth and ofcourse able to live that makes every direction up so where would down be? if the is a place where every direction is up is there a similar place where every direction is down?
Up, Down, Sideways, etc are not absolutes anywhere, and technically, do not exist at all. Direction as we know it is a purely conceptual construct that we have created to realte ourselves to our environment...So, to use your question as an example, if you were at the "center of the earth" every direction would technically be up, down, and sideways simultaneously. If you have one person standing at the North pole and another standing at the south pole, each one will have a opposite perceptions of what "up" and "down" really are.

do humans have a limit to their potential?
Probably not in the sense you mean... It's already been established that most humans use only 10% of their minds/brains... If we continue to evolve (assuming we don't destroy ourselves in the process) and eventually unlock the remaining 90% who knows what may come of that? Humans as a whole, i think, are as boundless in their potential as anything else... Individually (and probably due in large part to our relatively short life spans) there probably is a limit to what an individual may accomplish, but as a species, I highly doubt it.

do humans still have their insticts?
Absofrigginlutely! For example... if someone insults, offends, or otherwise "hurts" my family, my immediate instinct is to kill... Do I act on it, though? Probably not... "Okay, you called my wife a b--ch... I'd love to just pound your face until the meat falls off of it but I won't because that'd just make the situation worse for both of us, right?"

are some animals or even all of them able to think rationally?
At some level, all animals are capable of "rational thought." It may not be the same sort of "rational thought" that you and I are accustomed to, but there are definitely species other than us, pink, squishy, bipeds, that are capable of "learning", know what they can and can't do, etc...

Posted on 2007-03-22 at 21:17:48.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts


glad you liked the chili, Eol!

those were good questions and answers too. I do think that mankind will destroy itself (the majority anyway) before we ever use much more of our brains. Call me a cynic, but i prefer the term Realist.
And it's so strange and overwhelming how up, down, sideways, and the like are really nothing. Just like a 'year' is only 12 months and 365 days because we SAY it is. Same with any other measurement. What is everything really? Just chaos and whateverness i guess, waiting for construction.

Anyway, we just got back from a Dance theatre production called Hell. It was rather odd, and interesting...and lots of naked people...well, not that many people, but a lot of nakedness, i should say. The overall meaning of the show is not known, and you're constantly sitting there absorbing a ton of weird, vivid information. So my mind is on overdrive tonight! I thought the play was about gays, and Michiel thought it was about the loss of innocence. And there were cigerettes involved in the beginning. And i'm just so confused!!!

Posted on 2007-03-22 at 22:04:08.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 29/17
1229 Posts

reading a few pages back...

blister agent?
*considers eating mustard*

Posted on 2007-03-22 at 23:45:48.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

here is THE question of my life

What is organic meat, and how is it animal friendly?
I mean if it is like tofu, then I understand, but if it is actualy meat then the part I don't understand how animal friendly the meat can really be you know? ^-^ so anyway, that's all I have to say.... it's been a while since I've actually posted.

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 02:34:30.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 5/0
130 Posts

ok more weird question.

so, milk mostly comes from cows, goats, etc. and juice from fruits and vegitables so, here's my question why do coconuts have milk and not juice i mean they are technically fruit right?

ok i belive there is a balance to the world. what do you think?

what does it mean to be a person is it a state of mind a birth right or just a revolation that's taken for granted.

can anyone truly figure out who they are?

is there a such thing as a complete person or are people a part of a whole?

ok i'm done

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 03:50:22.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


In chili? Ewww... Filet Minon? Worse. I would NEVER use Filet Minon in... well, anything I cooked, actually. I hate the stuff. It's dry and tastless, even for beef, which pretty bland and flavorless intrinsically unless you season the crap out of it. Chili is ideally made with multiple meats, but mostly I use ground beef pork chops, or chicken. I prefer chicken, but that's a personal thing that crosses into most kinds of food. I never use beans because I hate beans. Onions are required just as much as tomato. Red and green bell peppers are pretty important. Potatoes help more than you'd think, but most people leave them out. Corn is not allowed except in bread form. Chili, cayenne, habanero, garlic, cinnamon, black pepper, a little salt, oregano, lemon pepper, sage, parsley, whatever else seems appropriate at the time. I'd post a recipe, but I have never cooked from one, so I wouldn't even know how to begin writing one. I cut up some vejables while the meat is cooking, mix it all up in a pot, season and let it simmer on low heat all day. Serve with rice for regular people, with cornbread for true southerners, or with Fritos for a change of pace. Also works well as a base for burritos.

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 05:31:01.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

Ryst, don't knock it till you've tried it! ;)

Sibelius: Organic meat is pure, normal meat that has not been chemically altered with added hormones, steroids, dangerous preservatives, and other chemicals. All the meat you eat that isn't organic, has these things. With organic meat, the animals were given free-range and space to walk and live out their lives until slaughter. Most animals slaughtered for organic meat have been able to live out at least half of their lives in a normal way, without being confined in tiny spaces, crowded together with tons of other animals, and not put under the extreme pressure of added steroids and growth hormones that cause the animal's legs to break down, and their heart to give out. This is the case with almost all meat that isn't organic or animal friendly.
The organic animals have been humanely slaughtered in a quick, 'painless' way. Like a shock to the brain, or some other form of instant death. Normal slaughter routines for cows, pigs and chickens is to hang them unpside down while alive and cut their throat--for easier and quicker blood drainage. Before or after that, the animals are scent to scalding tanks to remove all the hair from their bodies. This is most often done while they're alive.
And since there's really no pressing need for that whatsoever, I stick with organic meat, where i know the animals were dead before this happens. If you really want to see how routine slaughter goes, you can watch this video:
WARNING: IT'S EXTREMELY VIVID and disturbing. Don't watch it with young children around.

I'm not for 'PETA', they're psychotic, however they did make this video, and it's a very true video. You can find other video's and information on the internet with the same information that's in this video. Peta didn't exaggerate this film in any way whatsoever.

I don't believe that people should stop eating meat (but i respect it if they do). I eat meat because mankind has always used animals for food and clothes and everything else. It's nature. Though i am hugely against animal mistreatment.

Oh, and if you're under the impression that organics are uber-expensive, they're NOT. Organics are very affordable in most all places sold. We spend maybe 1 (sometimes 2--but rarely) dollars more on organic meat. I'd say that's a small price to pay for the safety of animals, the health of YOU, and the health of your kids.

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 08:51:35.
Edited on 2007-03-23 at 12:40:51 by Fantasy

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

Awesome questions...

I fully intend to put my 2 cents in but later when I have time to think.

Ryst...dahlin' I don't where you get YOUR filet Mignon but I have NEVER had any that was tough and flavorless.
And as Fan says...don't knock it till ya try it.

My hubby made some chili a couple weeks ago and put potatoes in it. It was really good.

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 11:34:41.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

Nightbeast's questions...

Q: ok so the opposite of up is down ,but if you were in the center of the earth and ofcourse able to live that makes every direction up so where would down be? if the is a place where every direction is up is there a similar place where every direction is down?

A: Direction is relative to your point in space so it makes no difference where you are...
up will always be above you and down will always be below you according to OUR definition of up and down.


Q: do humans have a limit to their potential?

A: Good question…I’ve often thought about that myself.
I believe we are limited by what we have been taught of the effects the physical world has on our bodies. I think to reach our true potential will take tremendous concentration and effort on our part. Much more than any of us have to this point been willing to put forth to achieve it. I think that were we ever to achieve our potential we would no longer be in a recognizable physical form. Something akin to light…pure energy.

Q: do humans still have their insticts?

A: Of course. We use them every day to survive. Just because we are not ‘animalistic’ about it doesn’t mean we don’t still have them. That’s what being ‘civilized’ is…not overcoming your instincts but being able to control them.


Q: are some animals or even all of them able to think think rationally?

A: I would need your definition of rational to answer that one.

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 12:47:53.
Edited on 2007-03-23 at 12:49:51 by Lyskhala


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