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Miko_Ayune-sama RDI Fixture Karma: 27/4 539 Posts
Posting drunk
*Spreads arms, and speaks in an Irish brogue* I've only had a wee bit to drink-just enough to give me a bit of a swagger.
Posted on 2007-04-27 at 06:12:05.
nightbeast18 Veteran Visitor Karma: 5/0 130 Posts
in other worlds
the keg is now empty and he swears to drunk he isn't god.
you know this explains why he locked himself in the bathroom the other night.
Posted on 2007-05-09 at 03:52:51.
nightbeast18 Veteran Visitor Karma: 5/0 130 Posts
be my guest. i'm not a center of attention type of person anyways. although when i'm drunk i become a very happy person i'm told.
Posted on 2007-05-13 at 21:06:11.
Carey RDI Fixture Karma: 7/1 570 Posts
hey nightbeast...
I am a very happy drunk as well
(unless it is wiskey then I have been told I hit)
Posted on 2007-05-18 at 04:00:00.
nightbeast18 Veteran Visitor Karma: 5/0 130 Posts
well, i'll admit i've had a few different types of drinks, but as far as i've been told the only time i am not happy when drinking is when some one mentions a tratouse paracite that i once thoght was my friend. then i want to kill the sob. not the person who brought it up the paracite.
Posted on 2007-05-19 at 23:12:47.
nightbeast18 Veteran Visitor Karma: 5/0 130 Posts
did this thread die or what?
well, i have beguin to wounder does our mind body and soul have a so, called "key" to grow and push our selves beyond what we are and grow?
is it better to be safe and alone or in danger by letting people in your life?
why has the world be come so, currupt?
will utopia ever be possible?
can nature be healed for all the damage humans have done?
can humans acually be called humane or is it just being hypocitical without realization?
was religion better as an idea or now?
Posted on 2007-06-13 at 21:04:11.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
Life is dangerous. Find what joy you can in it while you live. Safety is a relative term anyway. Wherever you are and whatever you do, a giant rock can still fall on your head and kill you. So find yourslef a pretty girl (or several, if that's your thing), and make the most of the time you have. Live every day like it's your last, because one day, it will be.
The world was always corrupt.
Humans are part of nature. What we do is not damage, merely taking things in a new direction.
Posted on 2007-06-14 at 14:42:39.
nightbeast18 Veteran Visitor Karma: 5/0 130 Posts
sorry, but i'm gonna die alone i already know this and i also well awar i'm going down stairs i got resevations. last of all i don't think humans can be said to be part of nature becuse nature is balanced and when something is taken something is ussually given back. we don't do that or at least more often than not we don't. for now that's all i can think to say.
Posted on 2007-06-28 at 03:00:23.
Carey RDI Fixture Karma: 7/1 570 Posts
Humans are part of nature. We just happen to be the most destructive part of it.
Posted on 2007-07-13 at 00:39:19.