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Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

Nightbeast's other questions :)

Q: so, milk mostly comes from cows, goats, etc. and juice from fruits and vegitables so, here's my question why do coconuts have milk and not juice i mean they are technically fruit right?

A: well now, that is a GOOD question. It probably got it’s name because it’s white.

Q: ok i belive there is a balance to the world. what do you think?

A: Absolutely. This one could take forever so…a short and sweet answer from me: there is complete and perfect balance to the world. To see it in it’s purest form look to nature. Also, look at Cause and Effect, Ying Yang…etc.

Q: what does it mean to be a person is it a state of mind a birth right or just a revolation that's taken for granted.

A: Not sure what you mean by “be a person”? Please clarify.

Q: can anyone truly figure out who they are?

A: You become what you focus on which means you can change how you see yourself and how you are perceived by others simply by shifting your focus. I don’t think it’s a matter of knowing who you are but who you want to be and becoming that person by focusing on what you need to do in order to achieve it.

Q: is there a such thing as a complete person or are people a part of a whole?

A: I believe that we are a complete and whole microcosm that is part of a complete and whole macrocosm which is part of whatever comes after macrocosm…etc etc etc. did that make sense?

On a side note: I also think each person is complete according to their genetic makeup. If your genes have dictated that you are born with one kidney then you are complete. If they have dictated you have MS, you are complete and whole. A cancer cell is perfect in form and function for a cancer cell.

Posted on 2007-03-23 at 13:31:46.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 29/17
1229 Posts

here is a question for you


1. clap your hands twice

2. say silk four times

3. what do cows drink?

Posted on 2007-03-24 at 03:21:59.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


So, Fan, you do know that cutting the throat is one of the more instant and less painful ways to go, right? I should be so lucky. "huh? What was that? I feel a little woozy..." Dead.

Takes about three seconds at the outside to die with both jugulars and both carotids open. Scalded or no, beats the crap out of the way most wild animals get it, belly ripped open and eaten alive, broken leg and starve to death, random viral infection, swallowed whole... Thank you, no.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 01:51:40.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

nature is nature. Ryst is Ryst.

uhh, Ryst, you're mistaken. They only cut a jugular vein, and the animal hangs there and suffers for a rather long time. At least watch the video before you go saying "what you know". The reason they do it this way is to purposely keep the animal alive, so that the blood continues to flow through the body. It comes out faster if it's still pumping. Once the animal dies, the heart stops pumping blood.

Even if they were to kill the animal quickly, it doesn't rule out all the other turture and crap it has been through throughout its life and shortly before its death.

As for animals in the wild, don't think i don't feel sorry for them too when they get ripped open by another animal. But that's how they've done things since the beginning of time. Animals haven't developed a sense of being civilized, like we humans are capable of being. Animals remain barbaric and get food as they are capable of. We have the minds, the tools, and the means to be decent. Now, if you're a barbaric hairy man, out in the wilderness, with nothing other than your self-made weapons, then that's what i expect you to use when getting food. Since we aren't hairy barbarians, we can do otherwise. At least a lot of those animals in the wild got to be in the wild, and not in freaking cages and hooked up to milk-sucking pumps, and constantly impregnated by humans to ensure 'quality' milk.

Edit: and the hairy barbaric man doesn't sit around and turture and abuse the animal for a few days before he kills it. He kills it and eats it and uses it's fur and parts and that's it.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 06:40:18.
Edited on 2007-03-26 at 06:44:26 by Fantasy

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts

Jeez...that's messed up

On the organic meat issue, that is a good idea.
Things like that are one reason I agree with most Jewish dietary laws. Kosher animals are those who have been raised and killed in the quickest, most humane manner possible.
Personally, I would slip them a medication to knock them out into their feed, and kill them quickly in their sleep. Either that, or develop a variant of the cocktail used to put pets down which can be used on food animals without poisoning the meat.

However, while I agree that animals should be treated in a humane manner, I do not like PETA pushing vegetarianism on people who may simply desire an alternative means of obtaining their animal products.

Organic meat is a worthwhile venture, but the downfall of all things organic is the price. Organic foods are not selling as much as other foods because they are far too expensive. If I could find organic or even kosher foods priced reasonably, I would buy them as long as I could find them. Until this happens, I'm gonna avoid the hit on my already diminishing budget.

On a lighter note, what would *you* do for a Klondike bar?

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 10:35:44.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Anything. May I have one?

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 13:04:59.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts


yea, the price. Well, everywhere i have been (in terms of grocery shopping), i have found organic meat and foods to be very reasonably priced. Our budget doesn't take any hits. We only buy organic meat. Well, now they have meats that are 'animal friendly', but not chemical-free enough to be considered 'organic', so we buy the animal friendly stuff as well. It's only 1 dollar/euro more than a normal pack of meat usually. We live in the Netherlands, by the way. But i am American, and we go to America very often, and the last time we were there (christmas), we found a LOT of organic foods and meat that was priced the same as it is here. The chicken was 10 times cheaper, even! That was in Southern America, so maybe it's different in other parts, but so far we've been lucky to find cheap organics.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 13:28:36.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts

Milk pumps?

That's not cruel. Do you know what happens to a dairy cow if you DON'T milk her? A slow and lingering extremely painful death.

Also, what sense does it make to hang an animal upside down to drain all the blood, then try to keep the flowing through the body longer? None. Counter-productive. There is no reason to try to keep the blood in the body longer, so they don't do it. Furthermore, even with just on vein cut in the neck, death comes in a matter of seconds. Some PETA video can't change biology. If you've done research which turned up the same answers, maybe you should consider the source - other animal-rights groups, right? Other pro-vegetarian or pro-organic meats groups? In short, people who have something to gain from getting you to change the way you buy food.

I suppose clubbing seals is cruel, too? The very definition of instant death, that.

Yeah, I may be a little cynical, but when looking at any piece of information, I look at who has money to make from me thinking that way. Consider the source, I say. There's a lot of money in the charity business these days. Billions upon uncounted billions of dollars changing hands. What would you do with that kind of money on the line? Lie? Distribute false information? Appeal to emotion over reason? Even if you wouldn't, you know as well as I do that most people would. Trust no one.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 15:02:44.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts


Come here and say that to my face, you Persian!!!! *buffs up*

Anyway, I don't need to argue with you. You have to have the last word, whether you're right or wrong.
But just know this: The world isn't out to get you. It loves you. Embrace the hug!!!!

and PETA sucks a$$. I mentioned that. The video doesn't have any special effects though
Look up your info on the internet, search something other than PETA. You get the same.

Yes, Seal clubbing is cruel because they do it for sport. Eat them and use their parts, you weasels!

300 has really gotten to me. I'm ready to beat Ryst up.

hehe. All in good fun, Ryst.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 15:57:01.
Edited on 2007-03-26 at 16:18:19 by Fantasy

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


That's the most hilarious thing I've seen in a LONG time!!
If you two did nothing more but make us laugh, it was well worth the duel.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 17:06:09.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


Y'know, one thing I have not doubted is that C is really 14 even though she is as smart and witty as most adults I know.

Now Ryst, on the other hand...
Some of the things like the diamond and the $400 tip...those are about the most outrageous things I've ever heard from anybody. As much as I'd LIKE to believe them I find it very hard.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 19:21:14.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


It's not for sport. It's for furs. Well, sometimes for food as well, but mostly for the furs.

As to the diamond, well, I believe I said that I did NOT get the diamond, rather that I look back and think that maybe I should have.

If you don't believe me, nothing I can say or do will change that, I think. Not from here over the internet, at any rate. Frankly, I'd prefer that you did. No, the whole world is not out to get me, you, or anyone else - but more than enough of it is out for itself to the extent that anything that happens to me in the course is not even considered that I tend to look to motive before taking anyone's word for anything.

Yes, I live a life of extremes, I go over-the-top as much as I can, and maybe you're a little too comfortable where you are to shake anything up a bit, but your inability do something or think a certain way is no reason to doubt that other people have that ability. The only thing stopping most of you from dropping a $400 tip is the fact that you consider it too valuable to give away. It's not that you can't afford it - you're on a computer, aren't you? Do you have a TV? DVD player? A nice car? The fact that you're eating in a restaurant in the first place shows that you have at least some money to spare, does it not?

...but you'd rather spend it on yourselves. You'd rather have that little luxury or convenience. Yes, a certain amount of greed is necessary to get by in this world, especially living as we do, in a capitalist society, but let's be at least be honest about it. You don't do what I do out of greed, and you can't wrap your brain around the idea of someone who isn't as ruled and driven by it as you are.

So I guess here's my question to you: How honest with yourself are you about your own motivations? How much self-deception is needed for you to sleep at night?

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 20:33:59.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts

Milk Pumps, part 2

So, is it OK for someone to force impregnation on your significant other by someone other than you, and put her in a squeeze chute, strapping a machine to her to extract milk which could injure her?

Not that I'm saying you're wrong here, but a good argument should cover all the bases.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 22:15:12.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 5/0
130 Posts

a clairifacation for my earlyer question as asked

a person in refering to a sense of self or the ability to feel. emotions, remorse, etc. and the right to do live or take others rights away. the sense of right and wrong.
this also bring a question do you belive that people can forfeit their rights and if so when and why?

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 22:25:20.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


First, neither I, nor my significant other are members of a species all but extinct in the wild which exists in its current state for the sole purpose of providing said milk to the farmer.

Milking a cow, by the way, has a smaller chance of causing injury than a human driving to work in the morning. Cows are expensive, milk cows especially so. Injuring one costs the farmer quite a lot of money in vet bills at the least or the purchase of a new cow, in addition to the lost profit in being unable to milk her for any length of time. Contrary to popular belief, farmers tend to be fairly intelligent - quite a lot moreso than your average city-living desk jockey. They know all of this, and go out of their way to ensure that their dairy cows are kept as healthy as possible.

Also, I don't drink milk, and neither should you. The adult body is not designed to process the stuff. If we were meant to drink milk all of our lives, women would constantly produce the stuff.

In response to the question of forfeiture of right - you have no rights except for those you take and protect for yourself. Any "right" you allow someone to take from you, you never really had. Any "right" you are not prepared to protect, by force if necessary, is not yours.

Oh yes, and dogs can look up.

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 23:45:58.


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