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RDI Fixture
Karma: 29/17
1229 Posts

*pokes MLSD*

who else am i supposed to be, grugg?

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 23:51:17.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


Ryst, you bring up good points.
You would indeed make a good lawyer

Posted on 2007-03-26 at 23:53:32.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


No I wouldn't. I'm too quick to throw in a personal insult to mix up the dish. A little spice as I see it, but most people respond to the insult and ignore the argument, either to insult back or to condemn the use of insults in a serious debate.

Although, now that you mention it, for a while I did have a series of articles in which I would argue against any statement a person cared to level against me, no matter how obvious it seemed, nor even that I had vehemently argued the other side elsewhere. It helps you to understand your own thoughts very well when you are trying your hardest to deconstruct them. I've argued both sides of the Slow Giant vs Fast Giant debate, argued for and against several religions/philosophies, debated whether or not there is an objective evil, and settled uncounted scores of "who would win" arguments. The only point I made off-limits was that I would not argue against the palassassin, that was, is, and will remain my challenge to the rest humanity.

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 02:18:27.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts

Re: Answers

My diet is none of your business, but, since you seem determined to give me advice, I'll divulge it anyway.

I eat dairy. I drink milk. I eat meat. I eat fish. I eat just about anything that tastes good, and yes, that includes veal on rare occasions.
I eat what I like to eat, and not you, or anyone else is gonna stop me. I really couldn't care about physiological reasons or moral implications either.

Do you see where this can go? This can take any number of turns and/or twists, none of which I am going to explore.

I am not getting into a flamewar with you, Ryst, or anyone else. I was simply poking a hole in your argument to expose weak points in it, and encourage you to cover all your bases.

This was a lesson in double-standards.

Your significant other, believe it or not, *is* a member of a species nearly extinct in the wild, whether or not she exists for the purpose of giving milk to a farmer. Humans do not live in the wilderness, and somewhere in the ball park of 40000-50000 people die in car accidents every year in the US alone, so the double-speak doesn't fly.

To recap, cover your bases, and avoid double-standards.

That's 2 lessons in debate, and I don't give 3.

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 03:25:17.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts

Slow, painful, death?

A cow would not die if left unmilked, if they actually let the cow do her natural job. All mammals function thus, and, if that were the case, Humans would die if they didn't milk themselves. *You* used to debate? I think I'm with death on this one. Over-the-top, not very believable.

On a side note, has anyone told you, Ryst, that you sound very much like Cap'n Lou?

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 03:31:07.
Edited on 2007-03-27 at 03:49:04 by Miko_Ayune-sama

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


"My diet is none of your business, but, since you seem determined to give me advice, I'll divulge it anyway.

I eat dairy. I drink milk. I eat meat. I eat fish. I eat just about anything that tastes good, and yes, that includes veal on rare occasions.
I eat what I like to eat, and not you, or anyone else is gonna stop me. I really couldn't care about physiological reasons or moral implications either."

I'm not trying to stop you, merely pointing out a fact. Frankly, I don't care what you eat or don't eat. It doesn't affect me. I also don't care if you drink, smoke, do drugs, bungee-jump, drive through rush-hour traffic, or endanger yourself in any of a hundred thousand other ways. However, if you thought any of those things was safe, I'd at least point out your error. I do have at least that much compassion. After that, you're on your own.

"I am not getting into a flamewar with you, Ryst, or anyone else. I was simply poking a hole in your argument to expose weak points in it, and encourage you to cover all your bases.

This was a lesson in double-standards"

Hole? Weak point? I fail to see anything of the sort. Double standard? Not at all. I put my species above all others, yes. It's a survival trait. If hunting the blue whale to extinction would make better for one human, I'd be the first to put a harpoon gun on my boat. However, I would not condemn any other creature for doing the same. Or trying, at least, at any rate. The leopard almost had our number there for a bit, you know. Do I hold a grudge? No. It was doing what a smart predator does, taking the easy meat. Then we made ourselves the hard kill. Best move we ever made. The cow made itself useful to us. Good move on its part, I think - considering the ones that didn't submit are pretty well gone.

"Your significant other, believe it or not, *is* a member of a species nearly extinct in the wild, whether or not she exists for the purpose of giving milk to a farmer. Humans do not live in the wilderness, and somewhere in the ball park of 40000-50000 people die in car accidents every year in the US alone, so the double-speak doesn't fly."

Really? Nearly extinct in the wild the same way as ants and termites, I suppose. We live in communal hives of our own construction. Worked out well for us so far. Don't count it as wild? I guess that's your double-standard, then. As to the death by car crash - thank you for showing that you should have understood the very point I was making: it is SIGNIFICANTLY more dangerous to drive to work than to be milked in a dairy farm. Do you cry out against the evils of making people work in offices, forcing them to make that drive?

"That's 2 lessons in debate, and I don't give 3."

Interestingly enough, you failed both. I wouldn't give a third, either.

Oh yes, and dairy cows are NOT humans, nor do they hold very well to the standards of any creature not specifically bred for one purpose for thousands of years. We made them to produce milk, and we did it right. They can't stop. See

"The process of milking the cow is essential for the cow's survival. If the cow is not milked properly the pressure will build inside the udder causing it to explode."

I have been told I sound a bit like Lou... I disagree, but I'm hardly an objective observer, am I?

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 03:51:37.
Edited on 2007-03-27 at 03:55:48 by Rystefn K'ryll

RDI Fixture
Karma: 29/17
1229 Posts


run for pres, ryst, we'll vote for you

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 03:53:27.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


I am and have been for about 5 years now. Vote Rystefn in 2016.

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 03:56:38.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 29/17
1229 Posts


you know, that's the year i graduate from college
*makes sure she votes for ryst*

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 03:57:53.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts

Good to know

It's the first year I'm eligible to run. Otherwise I'd do it sooner.

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 03:59:40.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 29/17
1229 Posts

i hire ryst as my lawyer

to convince the bunch of people who think i'm grugg that i'm not

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 04:01:26.

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts

Convince others... Interesting.

Alright, I suppose I'll take it for now as an exercise. Have you any helpful information, or am I doing this cold?

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 04:26:43.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts


I got positive karma for that? Nice. Also, I stay true to my word. I am saying nothing further on the topic. It is closed to me. A well-fought debate, worthy of my history professor. I salute you, good sir, but, mind you, I wasn't trying.

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 10:01:55.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

mm hmm

i believe her when she says she wasn't trying. You're only trying when you're 'trying to find the answers'. She said more in a few sentences than Will said in umpteen posts.
You know, i wouldn't say i had to try either. Well, it took me a few minutes to make that picture, though.

Why does Flammable and Inflammable mean the same thing? It really does, i checked on the back of my cleaning products/air fresheners. They say both, and both is to mean they can inflame!

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 11:12:03.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts


there's actually something i want to add before this discussion is over, that i should have said a long time ago, it just didn't cross my mind after i hit the reply button a couple pages back.

Ryst, you wrote:
Yeah, I may be a little cynical, but when looking at any piece of information, I look at who has money to make from me thinking that way. Consider the source, I say. There's a lot of money in the charity business these days. Billions upon uncounted billions of dollars changing hands. What would you do with that kind of money on the line? Lie? Distribute false information? Appeal to emotion over reason? Even if you wouldn't, you know as well as I do that most people would. Trust no one.
But the thing is, the most important part of organics, is that they are hormone and chemical-free. There's no added foreign substances that could endanger your health. That is why the largest percentage of organic meat eaters, buy organic meat. A lot of them don't even know or think about the animal treatment aspects of it, they just want quality meats. It's not a charitable organization at all. The reason organics cost a little more is because it takes a little added effort and added money to supply these pure foods. It takes more land, better ways of fertilizing, longer growing periods, and suitable pesticides, if any, to even have organic foods. Society has really adapted to a fast paced, fast-food, easy lifestyle, using corrupt and often dangerous methods of getting the most out of a plant, out of an animal, out of a car, etc.

Organics are becoming more and more popular because more and more people are realising what kind of new health issues are arrising, and what bad consequences are coming to our environment for using such harmful pollutions. Therefore, the prices of Organics are dropping fast!! More people are asking for organics, affordable organics, and stores and farms and markets are TRYING to make it available for the public. What the public wants, the public gets, as long as they're paying for it. But the public controls what they WILL pay for it. So, just try not to think only about the animal mistreatment activists in this whole scenario of price and charity, because in complete actuality, organics are made to be organic, aka: pure. Not specifically animal friendly...that just comes with the package.

There's a book that i really love called 'The Complete Organic Pregnancy' by Deirdre Dolan and Alexandria Zissu. I recommend anyone to read it, not just prego's. The book covers all aspects of your life, your house, your environment, your food, your furniture, your cleaning products, and well, just everything. It's extremely informative, while also very interesting to read. Everything in the book is well-researched and covers all bases. The front reads: "What you need to know--from the nail polish you wear to the bed you sleep in to the water you drink."

Not everyone is into reading books, but we're on the rdinn here, so i don't think we should have that many non-book readers Even if so, think of this book as a sort of guide/informational book, rather than a novel. That's what it is. I bought mine on amazon. Well, Almerin bought it for me as a birthday gift

Posted on 2007-03-27 at 11:13:20.
Edited on 2007-03-27 at 13:49:09 by Fantasy


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