Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
Fan, I've done nothing except respond directly to statements made by other people. I'm sorry if you have trouble following what I'm trying to say. Of course farmers have nothing to do with wild-grown food. We weren't talking about wild-grown food. We were talking about organically-grown crops. That requires a farmer. Farming is NOT natural. Period. not by the "humans are different" definition of natural everyone but me seems to use, anyway. Farmers have NOT been around since the beginning of time. It's a relatively recent development. I get my information out of a Hell of lot of books a papers I've read over the years, and I continually read more, especially when someone tries to tell me that I'm wrong.
Yes, I have a lot to say about activists of pretty much any stripe - mostly because the larger portion of them are either hypocrites or dupes. Yeah, I'll admit to a fair bit of cynicism about humanity as a whole, but it's based on what and who I've encountered in my life, which is rather a lot compared to most people, I think. Yes, I would have something to say about you feeling bad about having to put your dog down: I would say that I feel for you, it always hurts to lose a friend.
Just so you know, they don't kill seals with a gun because bullets cast money, and guns make noise which will cause the seals to scatter. They don't do it with a knife because seal skin is very think and there's a layer of protective fat beneath it. Trying to kill a seal with knife requires actually fighting the thing, repeatedly stabbing and slashing until you manage to get something important. By then, you've likely damaged the fur that was the point of all this, and sooner or later, you'll be injured by what looks cute, but is a predatory animal - a creature that kills on a daily basis. It's also not exactly the fastest or least painful way to die for the seal. Knife-fighting seals would be a sport, maybe, if that's the sort of thing you're into. Clubbing them is work. Quick, efficient, effective, and one of the more humane ways to do it as well.
I don't have some overarching point I'm trying to prove. Like I said before, I'm just responding, point by point, to statements made by others.
Like I already said - I don't honestly care what you choose to eat or not eat. What kinds of poisons you take or avoid, so long as you are choosing based on reality. I never said anything against choosing organic meats, I merely said that the method of slaughter conventionally used isn't as cruel as it's made out to be. I was trying to draw a comparison with the seal clubbing as well, but I guess it was missed. I never said anything against people who avoid milk (Hell, I don't drink it), I merely said that dairy cows are well-treated and kept healthy; that not milking them will kill them... Oh yes, and I neglected to point out that they are NOT kept continually pregnant, they are bred once a year - a pretty normal birth rate for most types of animals on tis planet.
So once again - I defy you to point one instance of me telling anyone they shouldn't eat organic foods. Try it. In fact, I agreed with you: "Personally, I'm inclined to agree that a lot of it is pretty bad for you. So is milk. Aspartame. Tobacco. Marijuana. Raisins. I don't go on campaigns to shut these things down, I just tell people, and let them decide on their own. Vote with your wallet, it's the only vote that you can make which actually counts."
I think what's happened here, is that I pointed out a little flaw in your argument, and you took it to be an attack against the whole idea, and the personal morality and philosophy behind it, which it was most certainly not.
Mik0 - I am familiar with the phrase, but I fail to see the relevance. There were no sleeping dogs I've roused here. My role has been completely reactionary in every post I've made here. If no one cared, they'd stop responding to me. Fan obviously cares. So do you. I continue to post because it amuses me to do so. When it no longer does so, I will stop. If you would like to see me stop responding to you, stop posting things for me to respond to.
As to the Lou bit:
1) I knew it wasn't a compliment. Everyone reading it did. There was no need to point that out.
2) I never quoted you. When I quote people I use these: "". They're called quotation marks. You'll find that in every case I make use of them I am making a direct quote. In every case I do not use them, I am NOT making a quote. I'm terribly sorry if such a basic and fundamental aspect of the English language (and several others as well) is beyond your comprehension, but it is in no way a failure on my part. Although, the fact that you correctly used them yourself in the very statement I'm responding to now shows that you do understand. This, to me, at least, implies that you know very well that you are wrong in accusing me of quoting you incorrectly (or indeed, of quoting you at all), and are simply trying to convince others that you have in some way scored a point against me or somesuch. Since I put little stock in the opinions of anyone so easily duped, even if it does work, you've accomplished nothing except to perhaps boost your own sense of self-worth with the support of the small-minded.
I answered your question. I'm sorry the answer was not to your liking, but that's your problem, not mine. I'm not here to provide pleasure or enjoyment to you.
Nightbeast: are people hiding who they truly are behind a mask of who they want people to think they are? At least some, probably.
if ligtning can't strike the same place twice why do we need lightning rods? Lightning can and does strike the same repeatedly. It's very common.
why is fighting neccary? Nature, red in tooth and claw.
why do people act so, different during the full moon? They don't. Statistics prove there are not greater instances of police or other emergency action during full moons, people simply tend to notice it's a full moon and attribute every instance for three days to it.
why is the human mind so dormant? I don't think it is. Individual human mids are at times, mostly because we live in a society actively suppressing creativity and individual thought.
Dreams? I don't pretend to know.
Posted on 2007-03-29 at 22:58:31.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
Most people's eyes change color at least to some degree with their emotional state, but unless you know the person well and are looking closely all the time, it's not easy to read anyone that way. I think, though, that the origin of the phrase is that you can, with little practice, send and receive quite a lot of nonverbal communication with facial expression, much of which happens in the muscles around the eyes (and mouth, but that's a different conversation).
Posted on 2007-03-30 at 01:17:03.