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Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


why is it that some words just make people laugh.

Don't know. I imagine it's because they asscoaite it with something that made them laugh in their past. Or maybe it just tickles Like the word "puppy" makes me giggle cuz it sounds exactly like what it is, a ball of fur that bounces around playing fetch

why is it there are people that lagh for no reson and it so, contagiouse you just have to laugh?

they must have a reason even though we don't what it is. Perhaps it's just to get other people to laugh too?
now don't think i'm bad mouthing the army with this one , but how can you be an army of one? isan't an army a lot of people?

Good question. Think what they mean is having the strength(fortitude) of an army within yourself.
has anyone here eat starfruit before? i like then and i can't understand why? Nope.

if god came down right now and looked at the world do you think he would cry? if he came down and gave you one question what would you ask?

I don't believe in God (or deities of any kind) so that is a moot question for me.

i belive life has a balance to it does anyone else belive that?

Yeppers, but just like balancing on a beam, it's hard work to stay that way when you try so just allow yourself to flow like water.

Posted on 2007-04-11 at 14:32:07.
Edited on 2007-04-11 at 14:33:43 by Lyskhala

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 5/0
130 Posts


sorry no deep questions today.

Posted on 2007-04-12 at 01:58:43.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts



Posted on 2007-04-14 at 18:42:49.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 5/0
130 Posts

hm just one today.

why do some people just come to D&D to bee the center of attention and when you ask them to stop they have to try a tick you off and then when you start to get mad everyone thinks your the bad guy. i'm talking about stopping the session every five minutes by interupting and just being a jerk. then at the end of the session everyone wonder why didn't we get to do anything.

hey it's not terrably deep, but it's all i got to day.

Posted on 2007-04-15 at 17:44:29.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts


Boot the arsehole. I did. My players thanked me.

Posted on 2007-04-17 at 14:37:00.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

my question:

Why did Cho feel like killing that many people at Virginia Tech?

I'm pretty upset by it. I don't think there is anyone on the Inn from Virginia, but i know some of you are from neighbouring states, and my condolences go out to those who have had a loss, or feel saddened by this tragedy. I feel a loss, even though i didn't know any of the victims. VT is like any other college in the United States. Could have been any school. Perhaps some of my old high school classmates go there. I don't know. In any case, it's very disturbing and confusing. So best wishes to the friends, family, and any one else feeling the hurt.

Posted on 2007-04-17 at 19:25:46.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


I read he was on some anti depressant meds.
He was also in a creative writing class and after reading one of his assignments his instructor advised him to see a counselor.

Posted on 2007-04-17 at 19:29:46.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

mm hmm

yes, i know, but what led to this? Some people said video games could have been a major influence...

It sounds a bit far fetched, but there are big problems with children in China (or asia in general) and video games. It has been on the news several times.

Anyway, he had some issues, obviously. I just wonder what caused them. What was going through his head when he did this? And he killed himself as well. That's very extreme, even though it happens often.

Well, we needn't discuss it, unless people want to. The news and other forms of media give us what we need to know. Just didn't want to go on on the Inn like it didn't happen. It just seemed weird for it to be that way.

Posted on 2007-04-17 at 19:43:34.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 5/0
130 Posts

ok new deep question

should death be feared?
does fate exist?
are our shadows more a part of us then they seem?

Posted on 2007-04-17 at 23:11:34.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts


Yes, if you're an atheist.
Yes, if you're a Calvinist.
Yes, it you're a poet.

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Posted on 2007-04-17 at 23:45:49.
Edited on 2007-04-17 at 23:52:28 by Miko_Ayune-sama

Rystefn K'ryll
Original Palassassin
Karma: 66/191
544 Posts


Video games had no part, I'm sure. People who are the sort to snap and kill people are going to do it, regardless of what their hobbies are. Blaming video games now is no different than when the blamed RPGs a few years back.

Death should not be feared... dying, though, that can be pretty painful. Feel free to fear that.

Posted on 2007-04-18 at 06:07:20.

Karma: 31/10
529 Posts

i normally never answer, but what the hey

-should death be feared? I fear death.
-does fate exist? perhaps. probably
-are our shadows more a part of us then they seem? not in my opinion. Just blocking the light.
-Video Games: are now way different than RPG's. People (grown adults even) get nightmares from playing some of the video games available now. Like Silent Hill, Doom, etc...
The shooting games (like with 50 cent) are just ridiculous and flex feable minds in stupid directions.

I don't think he did it because of video games. That's too little of a cause. He's just mentally disturbed due to several things probably. But if he played a lot of those sorts of games, i don't think they helped.

I know this family with a young child, 5 years old (though now he is probably 8 ), whom they let watch horror movies and play bad video games all the time. He's psychotic and extremely mean. Talks about those horror movies all the time, and has a very disturbing nature about him. His mother can't keep in school the whole day, they won't allow it. He's too destructive and upsetting to the other children. Tortures animals in sick ways, so they can't get a pet. Tries to torture his sisters. Luckily they're older than him, so they can usually defend themelves, but not always. I had to babysit him a few times. They gave him medicines to sedate him most of the time when i had to be alone with him. He still of course said odd things and would freak out if he couldn't play a game or watch a movie. So you can't tell me that the games and movies had nothing to do with that.

But of course, that's a case where the child started very young with those influences. They have very impressionable minds.
However, i know adults become very affected by extreme hours of video game usage. I just read an article in a magazine about a man who played the Sims so much, that he started obsessing over it in his every day life. Monitoring his whole family and when they had to pee, amongst other things. He imagined meters above people's heads, and when in a social situation, tried behaving as a Sim to get plusses or minusses (or hearts or whatever) above his head, to obtain whatever social stature he wanted with that person. When people were talking with each other, he would imagine text bubbles above their heads and picture what would appear in the text bubbles. Try to imagine what they could be talking about. He monitored everything and thought of his family as a family of Sims, and just let it guide his life, his finances, his household, etc.. He said he's getting better, after lots of counseling or something, but he still plays the games. He says he's just too addicted/obsessed. And that's just the sims!

But anyway. That was a long post. I thought the sims guy was pretty interesting though. I read it on the plane going to America, actually, lol.

Posted on 2007-04-18 at 06:43:16.
Edited on 2007-04-18 at 07:14:03 by Fantasy

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


Ryst you said "Video games had no part, I'm sure. People who are the sort to snap and kill people are going to do it, regardless of what their hobbies are. Blaming video games now is no different than when the blamed RPGs a few years back."

This is probably true but they certainly help desensitize people (children especially) to pain and death.
I have found the statement "you are what you focus on" to be true.

Posted on 2007-04-18 at 11:26:44.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts


should death be feared? Other than the possible physical pain? No, and I am an Athiest.

does fate exist? That's a tricky one.
I believe we create what happens to us with every word we utter, every look we give and every thought we think. However the argument could be made that in the end the result of those actions is Fate simply because with the equation you were given and the way you worked it out there was no choice in the results, it had to happen that way.

are our shadows more a part of us then they seem?
our shadows are not "part" of us at all, simply the effect of contrasting light.

"shadows are carved by contrasting man's wrong is another man's right" From The Legend, by ME

Posted on 2007-04-18 at 11:43:16.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

Wow, such controversial topics

I'm just glad that we didn't get anymore arguments over some of these answers. Especially over religion, arguments about religious beliefs can get pretty fiery. Take a look at most of the big wars in history XD anyway, I have no major questions right now ..................................
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... oh, to say something about NB's shadow question, it depends on which shadow, one's darker, wilder side or one's personal light-blot following them? g'night anyway (where ever you are, it's 10:52pm here, so read this first thing in the morning and tell your neighbor good night, because I am sleeping ^.^

Posted on 2007-04-19 at 04:54:42.


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