Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
Skill Examples (and specialization)
Now for skills it's very very similar. The only difference is. There's no initial dot in skills. ((One thing to note right now, at char creation, you can't have a dot higher than 3 at the beginning)
For the jock example, Let's just go physical (primary), Social (Secondary) and Mental (Tertiary) again.
Primary: 11. Secondary: 7. Tertiary: 4.
Mental (Tertiary-4 dots total)
Computer: *
Occult (Zombies):*
So for this I decided, he spends a decent amount of time on his computer, he has experience trying to find things, he's taken a wood working course before and he has a secret love of the occult. Particularly zombies. Now all of the dots are only 1 so that means very very limited knowledge of everything.
Physical (Primary- 11 dots total)
Athletics (Football/Running):***
This one is going to be a lot, a total of 11 dots! He's obviously skilled in running, gotten in a decent amount of fights ( Remember, 2 dots is average!), knows how to drive, has some experience with a gun (goes hunting with his parents perhaps which also accounts for the stealth and survival skill) and perhaps he plays with a knife as part of his image and knows how to use it (to limited degree)
Social(Secondary-Total of 7 dots)
Animal Ken:*
I think you guys get the point, but this one is a total of 7 dots! Not a lot but good enough to get a decent range of skills or to be very skilled in one thing.
Posted on 2016-09-22 at 13:17:04.
Edited on 2016-09-22 at 13:24:54 by Impulse
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
As a guide line
I haven't introduced everything yet, I think I might introduce the mechanic later..?
There's going to be references to willpower, virtue and vice, don't worry about that for now.
Here's a very rough char sheet. Really all I want right now are skills, attributes and a char concept
Name: Virtue: Profession:
Player: Vice:
Chronicle: Concept:
Intelligence: *
Wits: *
Resolve: *
Strength: *
Dexterity: *
Stamina: *
Presence: *
Manipulation: *
Composure: *
Animal Ken
Health: (5+ Stamina)
Posted on 2016-09-22 at 13:21:11.
Edited on 2016-09-22 at 13:21:38 by Impulse
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
If you have any questions feel free to ask me! It's not a bother at all and I realize it's confusing so if I can help even a bit, I'd be happy to
Posted on 2016-09-22 at 13:23:38.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Thank you.
That explanation helps a lot. I've resubmitted my character to you via PM.
Posted on 2016-09-22 at 13:24:16.
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
Great! I'll take a look at it soon
If anyone needs help, I can also go in the chat room and we can work on it together!
((One thing to note, You can group different groups with different tiers.
For instance, the jock that I had earlier, I could have his attributes go
Physical (Primary), Social (Secondary), then Mental (tertiary)
But let's say he only played football to look good, he actually just wants to be with all the ladies (or men, I'm not judging)
Then I could go Physical (secondary), Social (Primary) then mental (Tertiary).
They don't have to correspond with each other. It was just a coincidence that that happened.
Either way i feel like it'll make the most sense if they do correspond but it's not required
Posted on 2016-09-22 at 13:25:24.
Edited on 2016-09-22 at 13:28:20 by Impulse
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Clarification Please
Next choose skill specialties. You get three. A specialty gives you an extra die in the dice pool for actions relating to that subdivision.
I understand most of what you have Posted for choosing the Dots, but I am Not Clear about the 3 Skill Specialties ???
Posted on 2016-09-23 at 10:29:36.
Edited on 2016-09-23 at 10:30:06 by Hammer
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
I kinda glanced over it
Basically it's a subdivision in a skill that you already have that shows you have an increased amount of experience with that particular aspect which mechanically gives you an extra die when you roll checks related to that particular action
So using the jock again, he has the following
Mental (Tertiary-4 dots total)
Computer: *
Occult (Zombies):*
So for this I decided, he spends a decent amount of time on his computer, he has experience trying to find things, he's taken a wood working course before and he has a secret love of the occult. Particularly zombies. Now all of the dots are only 1 so that means very very limited knowledge of everything.
Physical (Primary- 11 dots total)
Athletics (Football/Running):***
This one is going to be a lot, a total of 11 dots! He's obviously skilled in running, gotten in a decent amount of fights ( Remember, 2 dots is average!), knows how to drive, has some experience with a gun (goes hunting with his parents perhaps which also accounts for the stealth and survival skill) and perhaps he plays with a knife as part of his image and knows how to use it (to limited degree)
Social(Secondary-Total of 7 dots)
Animal Ken:*
So he has general stats but note how he has Occult (Zombies), athletics (Running) and for the third one, he knows how to flirt well so I'll put in socialize (Flirting).
This means whenever he does an action relating to that specific subdivision. (I.e. he wants to remember something about zombies) he can roll a die. Let's look at two different examples
He wants to remember the weaknesses of vampires
He would roll his intelligence plus occult. Only a dice of 2 for this general occult roll.
However let's say he wants to remember how to kill a zombie or any special information about a zombie.
He would again roll an intelligence plus occult check, for a total of 2 dice. However, because he has "Expertise" in this specific area, he gains an extra die, for a total of 3 dice to roll!
The specialty you can choose can be anything you want, I can vet if I find it's too broad or I'll suggest something else (just broader, not something entirely different) if I find it's too narrow to be of use.
Example could be weaponry (chef knives)
I'd just ask why don't you have weaponry (Knives) instead, that way you get the extra die more?
If it's like weaponry (Guns) I'd ask you.
Which type of guns are you really proficient with? Why are you so good with that gun? And we could narrow it to rifles, pistols or any thing you can think of.
Clear? Again ask me anything you want to/need to!
Posted on 2016-09-23 at 10:40:44.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
I Think So
Your Explanation made things 'Clearer'
I must settle some things in my own Creative Mind regarding my Character who is named Preston Prowler.
I will be busy most of the Day (and Netflix just released Season Five of 'Longmire') so I will work on my Character Concept over the weekend as I am able.
I must get some things settled regarding my Character, before I assign Dots etc.
Thank You
Posted on 2016-09-23 at 11:50:06.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Made Some Progress
I have modified the Background Story for Preston Prowler who is a Columnist and oversees a 'Soup Kitchen' in Toronto
Friday I was able to figure out all the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Dots
Was not sure what Animal Ken is, but he probably does not need that as a Social Dot
Have also chosen his 3 Skills
Will PM to you and I have to flesh out his Background
Posted on 2016-09-24 at 10:44:20.
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
hey all
Apologies for the long delay. I've had a busy week. I"ll probably be able to post more sometime tmr and this weekend
Posted on 2016-09-29 at 13:03:28.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
List of Players - Characters ?????
May we have a List of Players - Characters ???
Hammer - Preston Prowler [a Columnist who owns and oversees a Soup Kitchen somewhere in downtown Toronto]
Posted on 2016-09-30 at 11:21:00.
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
I think we have three players at the moment.
Nomad D2: Something like a college/ university professor (I believe)
Bromern Sal: Colum MacRath, motorcycle biker
Hammer - Preston Prowler [a Columnist who owns and oversees a Soup Kitchen somewhere in downtown Toronto]
Obviously theres more to everyone char but I don't wanna share too much without your permission
Posted on 2016-10-01 at 13:50:46.
Edited on 2016-10-03 at 08:50:02 by Bromern Sal
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
If there's more people who would be interested, feel free to message or post here! I'd be glad to have another player, 3 seems a bit small (but definitely doable) to me.
I'm not the most experienced DM but I will say that I will try really hard to host a fun game for all of us so don't be shy, if you'd like to play just say so!
Posted on 2016-10-01 at 19:16:30.
Impulse Resident Karma: 12/1 494 Posts
some final mechanics
Hey all, so to finish up, we're going to introduce a really unique system called willpower. ((Maybe not that unique actually))
Basically, you can spend a willpower point (which is equal to resolve plus another stat, i forget, might be composure) to increase your dice pool by 3 which exponentially increases a chance of success.
You can regain willpower by a couple of ways, you can risk will power on a roll which means you dedicate a large amount of willpower to do a task and you get a plus 3 to roll, if you succeed, then you get that will power point and another back. If you fail, it tuns into a dramatic failure (something really bad happens)
Then you regain a willpower point every day.
Now this is where it gets fun. You can get a vice and a virtue. Now this vice and virtue doesn't mean that you're automatically a glutton or a saint but it just represents what really drives your character.
So for instance, using the football character, he could have the vice: pride.
Whenever you indulge in your chosen vice, you regain a point of will power. So this means that if for instance, he saw someone pretty in the street and he made it out of his way to flex or w/e to try to get a compliment from her and she gave him one, he would get a point of willpower.
Then his virtue could be something like, honesty. When he sticks with his virtue despite the possible consequences or contributes meaningfully to that, then he regains a point of willpower as well. So let's say he broke a window and he could've blamed it on his team mate but he instead says that he did it, he would regain a will power point.
Super cool cause it gives a mechanical benefit for roleplaying your character well instead of doing the optimal thing.
Once we get this sorted out, first session can happen next weekend! Just gotta pump out the map and we're good to go
Posted on 2016-10-02 at 22:41:23.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
And you can...?
You can choose any vice and virtue you want?
I thought Eol was playing. Did he drop off? If so, I'll throw things at him until he consents to joining again.
Posted on 2016-10-03 at 08:53:17.