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Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 474/28
8798 Posts

"Your love of the halflings leaf has clearly slowed your mind..."

Those hobbitses might be filthy, but they know how to party!

Posted on 2024-10-20 at 17:06:50.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 56/1
1737 Posts

That's Just Like... Your Opinion.... Man

"hippie rat girl"

You like... want some bro? *coughs*

Posted on 2024-10-20 at 18:55:50.
Edited on 2024-10-20 at 18:56:14 by breebles

Esther Suddeth
Karma: 5/0
17 Posts

Watching, Learning, Observing

Are the hippie and sarcastic Cidal gonna like 

1) Smoke pot together?

2) Kiss?

3) All of the above?

Posted on 2024-10-20 at 20:04:43.
Edited on 2024-10-20 at 20:05:17 by Esther Suddeth

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 56/1
1737 Posts

Who can say

A secret 4th option that has yet to reveal itself.

Posted on 2024-10-20 at 20:13:40.

Esther Suddeth
Karma: 5/0
17 Posts


I'll keep watch on you two

Posted on 2024-10-20 at 22:16:40.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 56/1
1737 Posts


Rosariel is a sweet, innocent, 171 year old baby child. Not a nefarious bone in her sick bod.

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 01:23:34.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 474/28
8798 Posts


*Dak, hiding in the shadows as the rest of the company does battle with whatever little ghoulies crawl out of the crypts* "You're doing great! I've got a special batch of brownies for whoever survives!" 

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 08:55:05.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 56/1
1737 Posts


"Did you say brownies?!" Huntress protect us!!!!!

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 10:08:16.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 474/28
8798 Posts

Ruadhri speaks!


And Dak got a chuckle out of him!!!

*Double squeeeee!!!*

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 11:49:49.

Karma: 9/0
23 Posts

Bath campaign

So much good stuff waiting for me after work!

"why does he have a bigger chair" ?

"Hot manure on harvest feast"?

Tubs' tub scrub ? ? 

[damnit I don't know how emojis work apparently]

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 19:16:23.
Edited on 2024-10-21 at 19:16:55 by alovet

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 56/1
1737 Posts


Haha yeah I too learned that phone emojis become ? When you try to use them here. You have to use the emojis provided on the right side of the chat toolbar 

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 19:23:08.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 56/1
1737 Posts


Also! Is there a cheat sheet or like language primer for Sylvari phrases? I wanna insert little bits here and there but I dont' have the hang of the language structure yet. Any tips and/or tricks would be welcomed!

Also also, since we're talking about it... if you have Duolingo you can add me: breebles2

Adios! ?????! (oop, it also doesn't like hiragana)

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 21:40:22.
Edited on 2024-10-21 at 21:40:52 by breebles

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 376/54
7094 Posts

I use the elven dictionary in the site's "vault" page as a starting point.  I check the maps and existing Audalis stuff - Megilindar for "Bladesinger" is right there on the Maelamin map (southern kingdom).

Others, I google to see if a word speaks to me, or I make it up.  K'goth is something like "evil person" combined from words in the elven dictionary I mention.  Cora may have been made up entirely, or I may have used the dictionary for referece.  I don't remember.

I figure that at worst case, if you make up a word and we hate it, it can be a dialetical variant, local slang term, etc. 

We really ought to compile this stuff into a central location.  Maybe I'll edit the first post here and start adding terms we have used in the game there.

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 21:49:35.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 376/54
7094 Posts


tréad - this is the bófir word for "herd, family".  Tansathil is using this to motivate (manipulate?) the bull into helping.

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 21:52:43.
Edited on 2024-10-21 at 21:53:03 by t_catt11

Karma: 9/0
23 Posts

como se llamo

bree if you reverse conjugate the elven words i put in seleniniel's posts (using the Vault resource Olan mentioned) you may lose a little reswpect for me 

Posted on 2024-10-21 at 22:04:24.


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