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Shadows of the Empire

8th Bre Taola, 452 E.R.
Isil'nari manor house, library
Tansathil Isil'nari sat easily in a familiar chair, with various documents spread on the table in front of him.  The sylvari lord's expression was entirely bland to the casual observer, although those most familiar with his apparently ageless features might have detected the slightest hint of tension around his icy green eyes.  As was the custom among the high nobles of the sylvari, Tansathil wore his platinum hair loose, allowing it to hang freely past his shoulders.  He wore tasteful, loose-fitting clothing of the finest cream-colored silk, with a delicate gold chain around his neck.
The surroundings of the room were similarly tasteful; the many shelves of books were meticulously arranged and organized, and the furniture here was all of muted colors, soft cushions, and pleasant lighting.  The library was designed for serious study, and the lord had spent countless hours making full use of it.  Today, however, the hour approached to see a different use to the space.
To his left stood a tall sylvari woman with blonde hair a few shades darker than the lord's.  She was likewise outfitted in the trappings of nobility, which she carried with unconscious grace.  Her expression, however, was more noticeably darkened.  
"Are you certain of this course, my lord?" the woman asked carefully.
A ghost of a frown pulled at the corner of Tansathil's mouth.  He glanced up from the papers to the woman's face.  "Meriliel, my beloved," he addressed her in a smooth tone that yet suggested tension, "we have discussed this.  There appears to be no other way."
Her frown was clear and her tone frosty.  "Is that so?  Why, after all this time, can we not simply allow the past remain in the past?"
Now, the lord's frown grew pronounced - and the sight of it caused a shiver inside of Meriliel, though she did not outwardly show it.  
"My lady," he spoke with hidden iron in his tone, "the very future of this House demands action.  I will speak of this no more."
The lady knew full well that there was no point in arguing when her husband was like this; truth be told, for the past few decades, he had been like this more and more often.  Part of her desperately longed to wind her life back a few centuries, to the time before Tansathil had become the head of House Isil'nari.  Back when her life still seemed her own.  
But there was no use expressing such thoughts.  With a small nod, she stepped back away from the desk.
A soft rap at the door led to a servant's admission into the library.  The young syl bowed his head with sufficient respect before speaking.  "Lord Isil'nari, your guests have arrived," the servant spoke.
The platinum-haired lord nodded slightly.  "Very well," he answered.  "Admit them."
Presently, the servant returned, leading an interesting contrast of individuals into the library.  As the group assembled in front of his desk, the lord made no motion to rise and greet them.  Instead, Tansathil remained seated, with a pair of armed bodyguards standing stone-still behind him in flanking positions against the wall.  Meriliel had had exited the chamber prior to the admission of the guests, leaving just the lord and his three attendants behind.  
"Thank you for joining me here today," the sylvari lord spoke graciously.  "I trust that your needs have been seen to?"
Indeed, the visitors had been treated to a table of fine foods and beverages, including the offer of a wine older than any of the guests in the room.  While the host had not joined his visitors for the meal, he had been certain that they were treated with respect.
(OOC: assuming a general positive response, or at least no objections...)
His face impassive, the lord spoke.  "I am Tansathil Isil'nari, lord of this House.  Welcome, guests."
(OOC: any responses can go here, none are required)
"I will not waste your time," the lord explained.  "Instead, I will move to the heart of the matter."  The older sylvari took a long look around the room at the collection of figures present.  "Some of you, I know personally," he stated as his eyes lingered on the young sylvari woman with a missing arm.  "Others," he continued as his gaze swept over the group, "I have yet to meet before this day, though you have proven to be reliable to my House.  As such, I have gathered you here today to seek your aid."
The seven guests indeed seemed to represent a wide swath of the populace; five of the seven were sylvari from all levels of society, one was a cidal, and one was a massive creature that seemed a mix of bull and man. 
"Many centuries ago," the lord explained, "there were six Great Houses of Alloyren.  Teltathar, Birdel, Eleneth, Isil'nari, Mithethiel - and Lanalthir.  In the war against the k'goth - the accursed Anathari - the great city of Viastel was laid waste, and the House of Lanalthir was thrown down.  Our people have mourned this loss for two millennia, and even now, the pain tears a hole in our hearts."
Truth be told, Lord Tansathil seemed far more angry - or perhaps bitter - than mournful.  
"The ruins of Viastel lay within the bounds of what is now known as Sendria.  This is a land of evil men, a land of dark magics, a land of dangers and hatred.  We are eternally grateful to the vigilance of Hyanda Nost for their determination to keep us safe from the pollution of these children of the Anathari."  
The lord continued.  "At least the humans did not fully despoil Viastel as they did some of our other beautiful tal'en; rather than raise up one of their teeming wasp nests they call a city over the bones of Viastel, they have allowed the forests there to overgrow the ruins, so nothing but birds or beasts live there today.  And yet..." his voice trailed off for a moment.
"The loss of the city, and of the Great House, stains the honor of our people to this day.  So many priceless, irreplaceable pearls were trampled beneath the swine of the Anathari horde... those foul creatures that destroyed in unthinking ignorance and hate."  He took a breath.
"House Lanalthir had a manor some twenty miles west of the city of Viastel.  We know that the manor also fell during that dark time, and we long assumed that it was fully despoiled.  The crypts that contain the bones of our cousins..." his voice trailed off as Tansathil shook his head.
"Viastel itself once contained several fabled relics of our people," the lord continued, "but by all accounts, all of these treasures were lost with the city, and history has given us no indication that any survived those dark years."  He paused for a long moment.  
"Until now."
The tiniest whisper of a grin graced the sylvari's alabaster features for a moment.  "Recently, we have come to possess an ancient journal that speaks of desperate efforts to preserve some of those irreplaceable items, some of those connections to our people.  The account tells of a rush to secure some of these treasures beneath the crypts of House Lanalthir.  The Anathari were well known for their superstitions around the dead - which made the crypts an ideal location for this.  Add in the sealing of the crypts, and certain defensive measures... naturally, nothing is certain after so much time, but the possibility is strong enough to be worth investigating the truth of the present day situation."
Lord Isil'nari sat up straight and steepled his fingers on top of the table.  "This, naturally, is where you come in," he explained.
"The empire is not in a position to march a detachment of soldiers across a heavily-guarded border into Sendrian land to demand the return of long-lost relics of our people.  That would undoubtedly lead to open war." 
He frowned slightly.  "Nor are we foolish enough to send some diplomat to seek their return; at best, we would be ignored.  More likely, the humans would send their own expedition to ensure that what rightfully belongs to the Sylvari is never returned."
The elder syl allowed his gaze to once again pan over his assembled guests.  "Each of you," he began, "brings a certain unique set of skills to the proverbial table.  Each of you is more than capable in your chosen craft.  If you were to successfully infiltrate the human lands, locate the ruins of the House Lanalthir manor, and retrieve these relics from the crypts there, you would earn the gratitude of the empire... and more immediately, the favor of House Isil'nari.  As I understand it, each of you could benefit greatly from such gratitude."
Tansathil allowed his hands to slide into a flattened position.  "In the event that this is somehow not obvious," he added, "this... mission is not a thing to discuss with every washerwoman and hunter that you may pass.  Naturally, the idea that the Sylvari would condone an... expedition into hostile human territory is not the sort of thing that one may simply broadcast about the countryside.  This is sensitive information; I take some degree of risk even discussing it with you.  Understand that while you would earn the gratitude of the empire and the favor of this House on your success, betrayal of these secrets would likewise earn you the sort of enmity that... well, let us say could lead to an unpleasant future for you.  If you elect to decline my proposal, you must surely understand that any sort of information leak would go very poorly for you, indeed."
After letting the understated threat hang in the air for several moments, the lord spoke again.  "Naturally, I expect that you have questions, you may wish to converse a bit among yourselves and so forth.  Be that as it may, I will need to know whether or not I can count on you to aid House Isil'nari."

Posted on 2024-10-16 at 15:24:53.
Edited on 2024-10-16 at 15:37:26 by t_catt11

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 55/1
1705 Posts

I'm Going on an Adventure

Rosariel peered around the table at her six compatriots as she shared a meal with them. Four other Syl, a Cid, and a… bovine man? She had never seen such a being in all her life, but she had lived a relatively sheltered one, and he appeared to be a capable warrior.

When she had left her home she had expected to stay on the outskirts of society. She had never been to a city and had no desire for it. Taudor Salka’s domain was the hunt, the wilderness, and the preservation thereof, but the evil that plagued the wood unfortunately did not always stay there. And thus she followed it into a world unknown to her: civilization.

She held a small crumble of cheese up to her shoulder, where from the soft folds of the hood and out from behind her dark brown hair, the two tiny, outstretched hands of a rat slid through, snatching up the piece and retreating back into the darkness of her cloak.

Eventually they were called to the library of this Sylvari lord, a room as lavash as the dinner spread, at least to one whose only experience with a library had been the stacks of books in her small home.

"Thank you for joining me here today, I trust that your needs have been seen to?"

Rosariel nodded slightly and waited for him to proceed. As he provided context for the task at hand, she couldn’t help but become caught up in the story he told. The lorekeepers told tales of what they knew of their history, but mostly they kept to practical stories and those that would scare the younger Syls into behaving. Never in so much detail, and never with so much emotion had she received such a lesson regarding a wrong done to her kind.

"The empire is not in a position to march a detachment of soldiers across a heavily-guarded border into Sendrian land to demand the return of long-lost relics of our people.” He was saying now, “That would undoubtedly lead to open war. Nor are we foolish enough to send some diplomat to seek their return; at best, we would be ignored.  More likely, the humans would send their own expedition to ensure that what rightfully belongs to the Sylvari is never returned."

He scanned them once more, “Each of you brings a certain unique set of skills to the proverbial table.  Each of you is more than capable in your chosen craft.  If you were to successfully infiltrate the human lands, locate the ruins of the House Lanalthir manor, and retrieve these relics from the crypts there, you would earn the gratitude of the empire... and more immediately, the favor of House Isil'nari.  As I understand it, each of you could benefit greatly from such gratitude."

Interesting. What a different sort of hunt this would be.

She felt Tubs squirm around the back of her neck and patted his back through her hood.

But Sendria… She did not know much about the world outside Dor’ghen Loth, and even less about the world outside the Sylvari Forest lands, but she did know Sendria was a dark place filled with worse people. Bringing the vengeful light of the Huntress to such a dark world, aiding these hunters around her… she could feel Taudor Salka’s excitement rising with her own.

Her focus returned once more upon the elder lord,  "Naturally, I expect that you have questions, you may wish to converse a bit among yourselves and so forth.  Be that as it may, I will need to know whether or not I can count on you to aid House Isil'nari."

Rosariel waited as the others spoke, trying not to fidget as crumbs from a cracker she had given Tubs fell down her back. She felt in her heart she had already committed, she felt the Huntress had given her blessing to assist on this mission. But some of this varied crew, those who knew the world better and knew how to speak within it more succinctly, she wanted to hear them first.

She stood silently, her left hand resting on the antler bone and turquoise beaded bracelet around her right wrist, listening to the others, learning more, as she never seemed to be able to stop doing. It was a moment before they began to declare their alignment with House Isil’nari, and when it came to her, she would declare herself to them as well.

Posted on 2024-10-16 at 18:15:16.
Edited on 2024-10-16 at 18:18:21 by breebles

Esther Suddeth
Karma: 3/0
6 Posts

Another Mission

Arathea Ondolithe brushed a strand of snow white hair away from her soft blue eyes, keeping focused on Tansathil at all times as she breathed softly. She had dressed well for this meeting, wearing a rather decorated dark blue dress, though unlike a true noble, she had worn this dress to many events and would likely wear it to many more.


The night for her had been pleasant, she had savored the meal provided, it brought back memories of home. Though she speculated as to why such her host had abstained from it, ultimately brushing it off as a combination of him being both too busy and of him not wanting to share a table with the more... unique people there.


Arathea had seen many things in her, for Sylvari standards, short time on this planet. However for all the things she'd seen a Bófir was new among them, half man half bull? That was something that brought nothing but questions to her mind. She wondered how it even got into the Empire without something horrible happening to it.


The cow was not the only strange thing here however, a Cidal too? An amputee who appeared to be a mage, and perhaps the only one here who could come close to matching the look of not belonging that the cow in front of Arathea did, a huntress. Though nothing would stop Arathea from trying to be welcoming and positive, she tried her hardest to hold small talk and she told many stories of her life and her days.


Arathea remembered being brought here as the group entered the library, an invitation from the head of the prestigious Isil'nari House being given to her made her wonder what kind of mission she was about to go on, and as she met her new comrades she could only wonder more about what the reason for being here could be. It was clearly something special, she could know that from the start, but this was abnormal even for someone like her. 


Arathea looked around the room for a moment now, exhaling slightly before looking into the eyes Tansathil and smiling softly. Slowly she began to speak up in a gentle manner. "Well Lord Tansathil, as you know I am Arathea Ondolithe, loyal servant of Her Imperial Majesty and all Sylvaria."


Arathea tried her best not to get too upset over the clear hatred towards humans being shown, she was after all, a die hard Pacifist. While one would think the young woman would get used to these things after 150 years of being a Sylvari, it never did cease to get under her nerves, her ideals remaining close to her heart at all times. At the very least, she was able to ignore it for the most part, staying focused on the task at hand.


Indeed the mission did excite her, she felt dedication to this new goal almost immediately. Curiosity also came to her mind as she wondered of what these treasures were, of what awaited her. She understood the risks, while she was positive towards humans herself she was well aware that humans hated Sylvari, especially Sendria, she understood she had to be careful and diligent.


Arathea noticed the squirming in the hood of the huntress and almost giggled, finding humor in the situation she was in. She was surroundings by strangers who were truly quite strange, talking to a great lord, and about to be going to save ancient treasures.


"You can count upon my aid sir, it is my duty to bring glory to our great nation, and the return of these treasures is glorious indeed." Arathea kept an elegant demeanor about her, carrying herself though she were a noble herself, and she kept herself looking far happier with the world and her surroundings than Tansathil. Her eyes showed a spark of dedication, and her hands rested gently on her lap. "But I am compelled to ask, what are these treasures my lord? Given how Houses... know eachother, and given how much study you seem to have given to House Lanalthir I would be inclined to believe you may know at least a little bit about what we may find."











Posted on 2024-10-16 at 18:56:45.
Edited on 2024-10-16 at 18:59:14 by Esther Suddeth

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