Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
RPGs can and do give people nightmares. Call of Cthulhu. RavenLoft. World of Darkness (Especially Wraith). A well-done RPG can be as emotionally effective as anything short of real life, and sometimes moreso with a truly gifted GM. No, slasher flicks and violent video games are not good for little kids, but they don't make them evil little torturers. There is zero doubt in my mind that that kid would be the same brand of crazy evil without the horror movies and video games. It's his brand of evil that draws him to them. The same goes for anyone else who seems to have been affected in a similar way. Minds are not bent by these things, bent minds are attracted to them.
Posted on 2007-04-19 at 08:31:31.
Fantasy Sharlisaurus Karma: 31/10 529 Posts
pfft, that's silly.
His dad has him watch the movies, if you want to know. The kid is obsessed with his dad because he never sees him. His dad is in the army and is always gone. When the dad comes home, he does 'boy things' with him, and has him watch those movies and buys him all the stuff. Not having his dad around is the biggest problem, but those games and movies are just messing the kid up in insane ways. 4-5 year olds don't bite a hole in someone's leg and say he's Jaws because his dad is away for a while. Nor do they act like they're going to slit your throat with a knife and say obsene things that you've heard in a film or a game. I won't even mention the sexual tendencies he has, just from watching stuff on TV and movies that is wayy too adult for him to see.
So, yes, while bent minds may be attracted to them, minds DO become bent by them. Maybe not yours, maybe not mine, but many people suffer from it. I don't know if you've seen the pictures he sent of himself to NBC News. He makes poses that are the same as scenes from movies and video games. Like in the Matrix, and some violent asian film. I don't think Cho played enough video games for the games to have had any influence, actually. On his main thoughts, i mean. But perhaps, like Lysk said, it helped desensitize him to what he was going to do.
Anyway, there are also physical problems that cause this behaviour. Tumors, brain damage in the wrong place, etc...
They were discussing it on CNN today. A killer like Cho was found to have a large tumor, pressing on his frontal lobes. That area of the brain is what controls your judgement. So ya know. It could be all kinds of things. But i won't be letting my kid play any shooting or strange psychological games. Or watching movies like that. It's like saying, 'Hey, be destructive and have problems!'
Posted on 2007-04-19 at 10:18:37.
Edited on 2007-04-19 at 10:23:39 by Fantasy
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
I have a question...
I have been thinking about this and comparing the VA Tech shootings to the car bombings in Iraq.
This guy was the same as a suicide bomber.
The difference being he used handguns but essentially his intent and motives were the same.
I've heard aruguments that if other people had been allowed to carry concealed weapons he may have been stopped sooner.
I have to admit, I agree. It's very scary to feel you must resort to that but honestly what is the alternative?
To allow only the criminals to carry weapons?
It's one of our rights as a US citizen to bear arms.
Anybody have thoughts on this?
Posted on 2007-04-19 at 18:19:50.
Edited on 2007-04-19 at 18:20:23 by Lyskhala
Fantasy Sharlisaurus Karma: 31/10 529 Posts
everyone thinks entirely different thoughts:]
lol, end of discussion.
Posted on 2007-04-20 at 10:02:19.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
All good points LSD, but I meant no disrespect to anyone who is fighting in Iraq as my nephew was there for 18 months basically acting as a target. I was referring to the act of killing people in itself for whatever political or personal reason, it all boils down to making a statement for an agenda. Certainly you can see the correlation there. At any rate,it was an act of terrorism, or more to the point, "cowardism".
As for stating opinions as facts…I never realized I did that but I can see how it could be construed as such. For that, I do apologize. Please know that everything I say on this board is of course “my opinion”. I would never assume the responsibility of thinking for someone else (no matter how much I’d like to at times ).
Regarding ‘deep questions’, personally I like them because it makes me look at things I may never have even thought about before. Guess that’s the philosopher in me.
If you don’t like to read them…skip over them but everyone has a right to post here regardless of other peoples “opinions” of their posts.
(providing it doesn't violate the site's rules of course )
Posted on 2007-04-20 at 12:19:19.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
Oh...well then disregard everything I said.
hee hee...just kidding.
Seriously though, I have learned a lot about myself and how people percieve me from posting here and I'm grateful for it all even if it does cut from time to time.
just goes to show...old dogs CAN learn new tricks
Posted on 2007-04-20 at 16:04:10.
Kyle Epic Level Bard Karma: 31/3 557 Posts
Kyle takes a sip from his tankard and then lights his pipe. After a second or two, “I think all questions do something for the Inn. Creativity is a major part of the Inn. As for the other things in question, well I will keep them to myself, for I wish to not step on toes.”
Posted on 2007-04-20 at 18:00:15.
Fantasy Sharlisaurus Karma: 31/10 529 Posts
couple of funny questions
-Why is it called a TV "set" when you only get one?
-Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
((found those online, thought they were quirky)).
Posted on 2007-04-20 at 18:03:35.
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
YOU are quirky Fan...and I like you that way.
Posted on 2007-04-20 at 18:25:43.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
People who are sensitive to that sort of thing are not going to play the games or watch the movies enough to desensitize themselves to it.
Some people are bent by their lives, and some people enter the world bent, but the only thing movies and games do to affect it is to give bent people ideas for how to express their mental misalignment.
Posted on 2007-04-21 at 07:52:18.
Fantasy Sharlisaurus Karma: 31/10 529 Posts
i had some fun questions here that were kinda humorous, but the fun has been taken out of them, so there's no point in keeping them. They weren't meant to be taken so seriously, that's the point in a joke.
Anyway, i'm not going to post anymore questions to this forum game(which i invented), funny or serious. What's the point?
Hope you guys can still have fun.
Posted on 2007-04-21 at 20:08:26.
Edited on 2007-04-22 at 00:26:30 by Fantasy
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
1. I doubt it. They never seem to actually look like the people that I've seen.
2. Sure. Last I checked, regular people would have to standing at a pretty odd angle to get any amount of sunlight up there...
3. Lack of pigmentation.
4. It does. They are.
Posted on 2007-04-21 at 21:37:28.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
2. I can stand at a perfect angle to produce maximum illumination up there. Yes...
Posted on 2007-04-21 at 21:51:04.
Fantasy Sharlisaurus Karma: 31/10 529 Posts
That's nice to know grugg.
Posted on 2007-04-21 at 22:34:56.
Rystefn K'ryll Original Palassassin Karma: 66/191 544 Posts
You took away my questions... Now my post doesn't make a lick of sense...
Posted on 2007-04-22 at 19:40:52.