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RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Ewyn Donnelly

Hey Nomad,

Here's my character. If you could give him a look over, that would be great.





Name: Ewyn Donnelly (pronounced "Hugh-Win Don-All-Lee")

Gender: Male

Race:  Human

Class: Warlock [Hexblade] 3


Ability Scores

  • Str 8 [-1]
  • Dex 14 [+2]
  • Con 14 [+2]
  • Int 10 [+0]
  • Wis 12 [+1]
  • Cha 16 [+3]


Initiative: +2

Perception: +3 (active); 13 (passive); able to see 120 ft in magical and non-magical darkness

Speed: 30 ft


Saving Throws

  • Strength -1
  • Dexterity +2
  • Constitution +2 (advantage on CON [Concentration] checks)
  • Intelligence +0
  • Wisdom +3
  • Charisma +5


Total AC: 18 (Scale Mail, Shield, DEX mod)


Max Hit Points: 24

Current Hit Points: 24

Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (x3)


Melee Attack Option: Warhammer (Hex Warrior); +5 attack; 1d8+3 damage (B)

Melee Attack Option: Short Sword; +4 attack; 1d6+2 damage (S)

Melee Attack Option: Whip; +4 attack; 1d4+2 damage (S); Reach 10 ft

Melee Attack Option: Eldritch Blast (disadvantage); +5 attack; 1d10+3 (F)


Ranged Attack Option: Eldritch Blast; +5 attack; 1d10+3 damage (F)

Ranged Attack Option: Light Crossbow; +4 attack; 1d8+2 damage (P); Range 80/320; Ammunition 20 bolts


Skills: Deception +5; Insight +3; Intimidation +5; Persuasion +5; Perception +3; Stealth +2 (D)


Human [Variant] Racial Features

  • Ability Score Adjustments: +1 CON; +1 CHA
  • Feat: War Caster
  • Skill: Perception
  • Languages: Common, Elvish


Warlock [Hexblade] Class Features

  • Hit Dice: d8
  • Armour Proficiencies: Light; Medium; Shields
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Simple; Martial
  • Skills: Deception; Intimidation
  • Saving Throws: Wisdom; Charisma; advantage on CON [Concentration] saves
  • Patron: Hexblade
  • Hexblade’s Curse: 1x/short or long rest, as a bonus action, place a baleful curse for 1 minute on a creature you can see within 30 ft. Provides bonus damage on attacks vs creature equal to PROF bonus; Critical hit on rolls of 19 – 20; If the creature dies, regain hit points equal to Warlock lvl + CHA mod.
  • Hex Warrior: Gain proficiency in medium armour, shields and martial weapons; Add CHA mod to attack and damage rolls with one specific melee weapon. After a long rest can change to a different weapon. Must be proficient with the weapon, and the weapon may not have the two-handed property.
  • Cantrips Known: Eldritch Blast; Booming Blade
  • Spells Known: Armour of Agathys (1st); Hex (1st); Darkness (2nd); Misty Step (2nd)
  • Pact Magic: 2 2nd Lvl Spell Slots / Short or Long Rest
  • Invocations Known: Agonizing Blast (add CHA mod to Eldritch Blast damage); Devil’s Sight (able to see in magical and non-magical darkness out to 120 ft)
  • Pact of the Tome (Extra Cantrips Known): Guidance; Mage Hand; Vicious Mockery


Guild Merchant Background

  • Skills: Insight; Persuasion
  • Tools: Vehicles [Land]
  • Languages: Dwarvish
  • Feature: Guild Membership



  • Scale Mail (50 gp)
  • Shield (10 gp)
  • Warhammer (15 gp)
  • Short Sword (10 gp)
  • Whip (2 gp)
  • Light Crossbow with 20 bolts and case (27 gp)
  • Backpack (2 gp)
  • Traveller’s Clothes (2 gp)
  • Explorer’s Pack (19 gp)
  • Scholar’s Pack (40 gp)
  • Healer’s Kit (5 gp)
  • Mess Kit (2 sp)
  • Mule (8 gp)
  • Bit and Bridle (2 gp)
  • Cart (15 gp)
  • Pouch containing 11 gp, 18 sp, 3 small citrine stones each worth 5 gp

Posted on 2020-06-25 at 15:49:52.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Another thought

Also, I was thinking that maybe what has bound the group together in recent history is protecting the same shipment of goods Hammer's character, Dok, came down with. I, at least, did imagine that for Ewyn and Dok... that Ewyn has travelled between Dok's homeland and where the campaign is taking place.


Just a thought.

Posted on 2020-06-25 at 15:53:41.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Looks good

For the last day+ each time I tried to get on the site it wouldn't load.  So a bit slow to respond.

The warlock looks good - I have never run a hexblade so I will have to read a bit about that to be sure, but beyond that it looks right.

Coming in with the caravan is one option - it would work for some or all.  

Posted on 2020-06-25 at 18:01:12.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
114 Posts


Please send me a new invite to the campaign as I created an acct on D&D Beyond. Thanks.

Posted on 2020-06-25 at 23:31:33.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Character list

Keeper of Dragons – High Elf Thief Assassin - Hornet

Tann – Warforged Fighter - Steel

Nimu – Elven Wizard - Soledad

Hammer – Hill Dwarf Cleric – Dok

Mischief – ½ elf Rogue - Silver

Ayrn – Human Warlock (Hexblade)  - Ewyn Donnelly

Dragon-Sould92 – Elvish Eldritch Knight - Thaoran


I believe this what the party looks like.  Ayrn's and Dragon-Soul's characters aren't in D&D Beyond yet, but they or I will get them there fairly soon.  I also need to do a minor update on Hammer's character - probably within the next hour or so.  But the party is set and ready to go.  I am going to start working on the first post, well technically I guess, the second.  It will get all of you to Botkinburg to discover the trouble that has been affecting the town.  I'll probably make use of the caravan Dok is in to get most (or all, I have to check) of you there as it seems easiest.  This first part is just to get you into the town and start moving.  I'll tend to move through this quickly otherwise back and forth discussion could take weeks.  But feel free to ask whatever questions you want - and you can always PM me with a question for an NPC if you want an answer back to work into your posts.  I will also move this sort of discussion to the Q&A thread and we will be leaving this recruitment thread behind.

Posted on 2020-06-28 at 11:35:17.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Looking for a couple of good campaigners

This game recently lost a couple of our player, one of them hopefully only temporarily.  I'm looking for one or two more people to join in to bring the numbers back up to 6 or 7.  We are only a little ways in and it will be easy to jump in.  The party is currently still pretty well balanced, so anything goes.

Posted on 2020-08-29 at 13:07:57.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

Checking In

Still looking for a player or two to join in? I'm interested, if so.

Posted on 2020-09-09 at 12:54:04.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


Characteres are third level, 5th edition.  Most characters are set up on D&D beyond for the ease of rolling them up, but that isn't required as the game is run entirely on this site. 

The party currently looks like this:

Keeper of Dragons – High Elf Thief Assassin - Hornet

Tann – Warforged Fighter - Steel

Nimu – Elven Wizard - Soledad

Hammer – Hill Dwarf Cleric – Dok

Dragon-Sould92 – Elvish Eldritch Knight - Thaoran


That means that pretty much anything is open.  What are you interested in running?

Posted on 2020-09-09 at 18:04:31.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

Oath of the Crown paladin male dragonborn (blue) with the noble (knight) background. I'll likely join the majority on D&DBeyond. Do you need the sheet done by a certain date?

Posted on 2020-09-09 at 20:31:09.
Edited on 2020-09-09 at 20:53:20 by CameToPlay

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


Not really a set date.  But the sooner he is rolled up, the sooner he can join the crew.  We can talk about how to mix you into the group.

Posted on 2020-09-09 at 21:50:18.

Karma: 12/1
312 Posts

are you still looking for a player

Hi there my name is Mark known on the site as Dragonmist. I am looking to join a game online.

Now I havent played 5e before but i did play for several years on The Triolgy War with Tann Tanalas.

I still run  a table top game once every month as DM and think I could get the 5e down with a little 

work .If you think I might work out just give me an idea of the type of character is good for your game

     Thanks for considering me

     Mark aka Dragonmist



Posted on 2020-09-21 at 06:21:51.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


Mark, It is good to see someone who has been active on the site come back.  You would be welcome in the game.  I do the rolls also, so that makes it all easier.  I think the first thing to do would be to read the thread here and then the first couple of posts in the Blacktooth Ridge thread.  It will tell you what the game is doing.  We aren't that far in.  Right now we have a well rounded party which would allow you to do whatever you want.  I think we just added a paladin, assuming that works out we have two big fighter types plus a ranger.  But that doesn't mean you can't do that if you want. If you look down a couple posts on this thread I show who is in the game - plus add the paladin.  That's the group. 

Most people have set up their characters on D&D Beyond - I can send an invite to the game if you want to do that.  But that isn't necessary.  The game is run here.  What do you need from me?

Posted on 2020-09-22 at 19:14:00.

Karma: 12/1
312 Posts

type of character

   hi Nomad D2 is dragonmist i have always like playing druids 

is that a class thats allowed in the 5e world if it is let me know 

what level the characters start at how you do your starting attributes

and such i be waiting to hear 





Posted on 2020-09-29 at 23:10:35.

Karma: 12/1
312 Posts

type of character

   hi Nomad D2 is dragonmist i have always like playing druids 

is that a class thats allowed in the 5e world if it is let me know 

what level the characters start at how you do your starting attributes

and such i be waiting to hear 





Posted on 2020-09-29 at 23:10:35.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Druids rock

Druids do exist and they can be quite good.  This campaign also has an outdoor component with no similar skill set.  A great choice. 

I believe we started at third level.  Stats come from a point buy system at the front of the Players Handbook.  Do you have access to it?  You can find a pdf of it online.  Or access to the site D&D Beyond?  Not needed, but it is quite useful. 

There is also some information on the first page of this thread.

Posted on 2020-09-30 at 18:40:34.


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