Hey Nomad,
Here's my character. If you could give him a look over, that would be great.
Name: Ewyn Donnelly (pronounced "Hugh-Win Don-All-Lee")
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Warlock [Hexblade] 3
Ability Scores
- Str 8 [-1]
- Dex 14 [+2]
- Con 14 [+2]
- Int 10 [+0]
- Wis 12 [+1]
- Cha 16 [+3]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +3 (active); 13 (passive); able to see 120 ft in magical and non-magical darkness
Speed: 30 ft
Saving Throws
- Strength -1
- Dexterity +2
- Constitution +2 (advantage on CON [Concentration] checks)
- Intelligence +0
- Wisdom +3
- Charisma +5
Total AC: 18 (Scale Mail, Shield, DEX mod)
Max Hit Points: 24
Current Hit Points: 24
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (x3)
Melee Attack Option: Warhammer (Hex Warrior); +5 attack; 1d8+3 damage (B)
Melee Attack Option: Short Sword; +4 attack; 1d6+2 damage (S)
Melee Attack Option: Whip; +4 attack; 1d4+2 damage (S); Reach 10 ft
Melee Attack Option: Eldritch Blast (disadvantage); +5 attack; 1d10+3 (F)
Ranged Attack Option: Eldritch Blast; +5 attack; 1d10+3 damage (F)
Ranged Attack Option: Light Crossbow; +4 attack; 1d8+2 damage (P); Range 80/320; Ammunition 20 bolts
Skills: Deception +5; Insight +3; Intimidation +5; Persuasion +5; Perception +3; Stealth +2 (D)
Human [Variant] Racial Features
- Ability Score Adjustments: +1 CON; +1 CHA
- Feat: War Caster
- Skill: Perception
- Languages: Common, Elvish
Warlock [Hexblade] Class Features
- Hit Dice: d8
- Armour Proficiencies: Light; Medium; Shields
- Weapon Proficiencies: Simple; Martial
- Skills: Deception; Intimidation
- Saving Throws: Wisdom; Charisma; advantage on CON [Concentration] saves
- Patron: Hexblade
- Hexblade’s Curse: 1x/short or long rest, as a bonus action, place a baleful curse for 1 minute on a creature you can see within 30 ft. Provides bonus damage on attacks vs creature equal to PROF bonus; Critical hit on rolls of 19 – 20; If the creature dies, regain hit points equal to Warlock lvl + CHA mod.
- Hex Warrior: Gain proficiency in medium armour, shields and martial weapons; Add CHA mod to attack and damage rolls with one specific melee weapon. After a long rest can change to a different weapon. Must be proficient with the weapon, and the weapon may not have the two-handed property.
- Cantrips Known: Eldritch Blast; Booming Blade
- Spells Known: Armour of Agathys (1st); Hex (1st); Darkness (2nd); Misty Step (2nd)
- Pact Magic: 2 2nd Lvl Spell Slots / Short or Long Rest
- Invocations Known: Agonizing Blast (add CHA mod to Eldritch Blast damage); Devil’s Sight (able to see in magical and non-magical darkness out to 120 ft)
- Pact of the Tome (Extra Cantrips Known): Guidance; Mage Hand; Vicious Mockery
Guild Merchant Background
- Skills: Insight; Persuasion
- Tools: Vehicles [Land]
- Languages: Dwarvish
- Feature: Guild Membership
- Scale Mail (50 gp)
- Shield (10 gp)
- Warhammer (15 gp)
- Short Sword (10 gp)
- Whip (2 gp)
- Light Crossbow with 20 bolts and case (27 gp)
- Backpack (2 gp)
- Traveller’s Clothes (2 gp)
- Explorer’s Pack (19 gp)
- Scholar’s Pack (40 gp)
- Healer’s Kit (5 gp)
- Mess Kit (2 sp)
- Mule (8 gp)
- Bit and Bridle (2 gp)
- Cart (15 gp)
- Pouch containing 11 gp, 18 sp, 3 small citrine stones each worth 5 gp