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#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1850 Posts


Describing all the words Sylvari use to say one small thing:

Oooooo Dak found a lil knowledge landmine!

Posted on 2024-10-25 at 18:31:29.

Esther Suddeth
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 6/1
44 Posts


I see the lil Cid found something quite interesting, good for the little rascal 


Also I made a little flavor post 

Posted on 2024-10-25 at 19:52:38.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8868 Posts

Hooray for getting in...

...and digging up some dirt without getting caught! 

Now, let's hope getting out with said dirt goes just as swimmingly. 

Posted on 2024-10-26 at 12:40:00.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 379/54
7170 Posts

get moving, already!

Okay folks.  Just a tiny little update to get y'all out the door.  

If you look at the map, it's right at 375 miles - as the crow flies - to get from your present location to the Sendrian border.  Then another 40ish miles into hostile territory to get where you are going.  

Your exact route will modify this, of course.

You folks need to decide which way you are going.  It would also be nice to have a marching order for you - both single file and 2x2.  Any major combat tactics.  Etc.

I assume our ranger will scout ahead when appropriate outdoors?

Are you wanting to discuss actual party leadership?

I just want to get this housekeeping stuff handled.

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 13:50:00.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8868 Posts

My thoughts as to marching order (at least while the party is outside/on the road) are as follows:

Single file:

  • Rain
  • Arathea
  • Mae’rel
  • Seleneniel
  • Rosariel
  • Dak
  • Ruadhri


  • Rain + Arathea
  • Mae’rel + Rosariel
  • Seleneniel + Dak
  • Ruadhri (Dak could also go here, I suppose, it all depends on how ‘snooty’ Seleneniel wants to be. )

As far as party leadership goes, that’s a bit of a tougher call. Rain is technically leading the party but I don’t think he’s the sort that would want to be the leader. Arathea, being a bladesinger, has the tactical mind and martial clout to be a sensible choice. Then we have Seleneniel – this mission is sanctioned by her House and, as a member of said House, I’d say she wields some small bit of authority as a result; like Rain, though, I don’t know that she’d actually want to lead. Dak and Ruadhri are “outsiders,” so I don’t think that either of them would fit the bill (and Dak wouldn’t want to do it, anyway).

Anyhoo… just my personal opinions… I could very well be wrong about any or all of it.

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 15:02:08.

Esther Suddeth
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 6/1
44 Posts

Marching orders you put out make fair amounts of sense, no objections here I think.


For party leader, Arathea also has high charisma. Bladesingers are trained in diplomacy, the Imperial government itself often sends them as ambassadors so she is very familiar with negotian. Seleneniel also makes sense due to her social standing, though I wonder how interested she'd be in the job. 


I personally see Arathea taking most of the leadership role, or perhaps most of the negotiations and maybe stratrgezing role cause obviously Rain will be the one guiding us.

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 15:12:01.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8868 Posts

I get the feeling...

...that most negotiations are going to be the aggressive sort, facilitated by blade and bow.

That said, I can still definitely see Arathea being the "face" of the party.

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 17:13:46.

Cheshire Cad
Karma: 107/3
1206 Posts


Absent (sensible) orders to the contrary, Rain will absolutely be scouting ahead outdoors, but no more than a shouts distance away, most of the time. Gotta be able to check in from time to time.


Marching order looks good to me, and as for leadership/face of the party, no objections here!


Going to work up a short post now about the route. A reccomendation  to consider.

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 17:44:58.
Edited on 2024-10-28 at 17:46:00 by Chessicfayth

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1850 Posts

Sounds gouda

The marching order looks good to me. Side-eyed having both clerics in the second line in the 2x2, but if everyone is cozy with that, I'm cool to run with it.

Arathea seems like the right choice for leader, so I'll throw my hand in for her as well.

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 19:11:27.

Cheshire Cad
Karma: 107/3
1206 Posts

Onward to adventure!

Post is up, lets all discuss!


Also will be posting a backdated bit from Eol and I later, so don't mind the double post!

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 20:30:00.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1850 Posts


Your dirty little mage dealings, whatever.

You wanna raise a little dead for funsies? Go piss, queen.

But you kicked a cat?! Somewhere in the manor, Rosariel doesn't know why, but she rolls up her sleeves and goes into a barbarian's rage somehow.

.... also yes, I'll be posting tonight or tomorrow as well!

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 21:51:08.
Edited on 2024-10-28 at 21:51:36 by breebles

Regular Visitor
Karma: 11/0
70 Posts

That cat had it coming

S will def opine on route but will let the morning Daktion play out first 

she is happy to let others lead while she tries to guide the party in her own special way

Posted on 2024-10-28 at 22:07:07.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8868 Posts


That's a bunch of posts! Once the morning meetings are out of the way, I'll do something about getting one of my own together.

Posted on 2024-10-29 at 07:50:33.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 379/54
7170 Posts

so much..

Yep, so many posts.  

Our resident ranger has some plans, and if he gets what he wants, it may allow me to do some really cool things I've wanted to do for a long time but have never had the right stage for.  

Also, love the translation stuff on the first page.  I went and added pronunciations for the few Bófir things.

Posted on 2024-10-29 at 09:50:53.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 58/1
1850 Posts

Pronunciation tings

I did a lil research in the Vault for the Syl phrases I used. I don't know if you wanna add them to the terms at the front but in case you do:

Quel amrun - Good morning

Lle ai’thost - I found the words for "you" and "little", but of course there was nothing for "s***" haha so I found a Tolkein dictionary and bastardized their word for "stinky thing" to turn it into slang  anyway, it's "you little s***". Or at least it's trying to be.

Posted on 2024-10-29 at 10:13:38.


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