Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
Greetings and salutations!
Hello to all! I'm brand-new to the inn, and thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. The name's Duncan, as in the doughnut or the Highlander, choose your fun-poking method, and I'm a vet gamer from way back. I've been playing tabletop games for about 20 years, I recently started playing Hero Clix, I LARP when I can, and in fact am helping officiate a LARP that's starting on the weekend of the 7th. I also play World of Warcraft online and am looking forward to the Warhammer MMO game. I've always loved gaming, and some of the best friends I've ever had came from my gaming. I'm also in the SCA and have loved doing that ever since I started it. I live in Alabama (you may make jokes accordingly) and am 34 years old. I look forward to meeting folks here, and hope I can add the inn to the list of gaming places where I've made lifelong friends. Hope to hear back from somebody soon, and good gaming to you all!
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 08:43:18.
Edited on 2008-06-02 at 08:45:07 by Duncan74
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
Welcome to the site...
I think the webmaster's from Alabama as well, so I won't make any jokes just yet.
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 08:57:31.
Skari-dono Icelanders! Roll Out Karma: 102/11 1514 Posts
Welcome, and don't worry about us making fun of your name or home since we pretty much make fun of everything anyway
Seriously though, if you can tolerate some of our sense of humor, you are going to love it here just like the rest of us
P.S.: I would warn you about feeding the Grugg, but I fear his rather recent rise to power, so I won't.
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 09:16:18.
Edited on 2008-06-02 at 09:17:44 by Skari-dono
Lyskhala Kohai Karma: 80/28 3600 Posts
Welcome to the Inn Duncan
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 11:41:54.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
There can be only one...
...although, they kept disproving that after the second movie, didn't they?
Anyhoo... Welcome to the Inn, Duncan. It's always nice to see 'fresh faces' from other places gracing the halls of the Red Dragon, don't ya know? I'm sure you'll find something (possibly a good many somethings) that will keep you coming back... if you don't... welll... we can always send the Grugg after you (that's exactly the reason we usually don't feed him, BTW... we had to feed him recently, though, because he threatened to break the Inn if we didn't. )....
There goes Eol, runnin' off at the yap, again...
I'll shut up, now, and leave you with a "Welcome" and a "Holler if you need anything".
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 12:44:19.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
Yet another new Innmate from 'Bama... woot! I considered tossing a lot of cornpone-soaked silliness in here, but just couldn't manage to do so this early on a Monday.
Welcome to the Inn... fresh faces are always welcomed, and those that know their way around games tend to find themselves quickly assimilated into our community. If you need something, don't be afraid to ask.
Otherwise... enjoy.
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 13:21:48.
cdnflirt Angel Reincarnated Karma: 87/22 1159 Posts
from across the boarder. I'm from Canada, and offer you a very warm welcome. I know you'll love it here. I have openings in my game is you are interested in 2e.
Another warning about Grugg: Do Not Under Any Circumstances Feed Him!! If you do, please remember you may wind up with missing limbs. Consider yourself warned!
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 14:34:30.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Greetings and Salutations Back
Well I haven't been here long myself, but welcome nonetheless. Hope to see you around.
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 15:53:58.
Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
Warm and Fuzzy Feelings
A warm welcome indeed! Nice to hear from all of you. And I shall refrain from feeding the Grugg as forewarned-hehe. Although I could make my 5-alarm chili and feed it that; results could prove most amusing. But alas, I am too attached to my limbs to risk losing one, even with the chili.
Well, I've had a bit of time to look around and am really liking what I see as far as content, chat capability, good games and good participation. I think DragonChat is going to be perfect for convening staff meetings for our LARP, too.
So, my time was limited this morning, so I didn't get to explore as much as I would have liked, so a couple of quick questions: Is the Star Wars content being run primarily on the new Wizards format or the old West End Games D6 format? I only ask because all the materials I have on-hand are old format. Also, are there any special requirements for running a game? I had thought this might be a good opportunity to start a couple of games I've been wanting to run, maybe Serenity (I looove me some Firefly) or Battlestar Galactica.
Guess that's enough questioning for now. Thanks again for the nice welcome, and I'll be sure to stop by Petco for some Grugg Chow-hehe. Later good people
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 16:57:37.
Edited on 2008-06-02 at 16:58:05 by Duncan74
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
Hey! If Grugg won't eat it, I will...
...I looooooves me some chili!
Some real quick answers for you (let's see if I can remember all the questions, eh?):
Nope... no requirements to run a game other than you be an Innmate - no account, no posty, you know?
Star Wars games around here have been primarily the WotC d20 rules but I doubt anyone would be opposed to the D6 version that you're thinking (you might have to lend a hand with those unfamiliar with the earlier rules, of course, but there's nothing in place that would stop you from running a SW game/campaign using those rules).
Ummmm... what else did you ask? *brainfart*
Chatrooms - Yes, useful for all purposes as you mentioned (you can even password protect a 'private room' if need be).
Recruitment, Q&A, and In Game threads - best idea is to use all three forums for your game (typically in that order)... makes for nice, neat organization, etc.
If you post it, they will come... it's the Inn for the love-o-pete!
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 19:44:31.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
Welcome to the Inn.
Feed me.
Yes this is an awesome message.
Posted on 2008-06-02 at 19:55:59.
cdnflirt Angel Reincarnated Karma: 87/22 1159 Posts
hehe gruggybear
Well, again welcome and hope to see you around, if I can find the time I will check out any games you start, but alas I have been quite busy. I'm only working part-time yet my days are ALWAYS full, ask the players in those games, I have 3 games to post in tonight, if or tomorrow morning at the latest...and then update mine tomorrow before i go out. I'm a busy girl, but never too busy to help out a fellow inn mate, if i don't have the answer, I'll find it for you .
Posted on 2008-06-03 at 00:30:13.