Well it seems rather obvious at this point that this game isn't going much further. I must appologize because truely it is my fault.
This would be the first game I have ever attempted to GM/DM/or otherwise Master in some way shape or form. And I had a cool idea and ran with it before really knowing what I was doing...
Beyond just setting up the character backgrounds I had nothing else really planned out, and due to that fact I have left you players with little to go on... and at this point I'm not certain what plot additions I need to make, nor am I currently inspired to accomplish them...
So I shall again appologize and thank you all for joining in this little expiriment of mine... and not killing me when it falied miserably... lol
I'm actually doing some research currently in how to be a decent DM and in a few months I might be putting up a call to start a D&D game, but with tons more planning than I put into this (which is why I'm saying in a few -months-).
So thank you everyone... and I'd still watch your backs, the murderer was pretty excited about their role