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RDI Fixture
Karma: 24/16
742 Posts

City of the Damned

Seth found himself waking up with the taste of blood in his mouth yet agian. He knew he should've kept his mouth shut with his old man. Damn, he thought, I'll never be able to get out of this place. I'm 23, and what have I got to show for it?

He stood up, and pulled his cigarettes out of his pocket. "Damn, this is my last one," he muttered. He pulled on his cigarette, letting some of the smoke drift out of his mouth before sucking it all in and inhaling, then releasing it a few seconds later. He threw the empty pack away, grabbed his bag, and walked out of the dirty old apartment.

As he walked through the bustling streets of NYC, he looked around for something to do. He stopped in a store, bought another pack of cigarettes, and then counted up how much he had. $9.32. Brroke again. He recently lost his job, so money was hard to come by. And his dad was brutalizing him every night Seth didn't come home with alcohol.

"That's all that bastard ever does anymore. Beat me, drink, beat me some more."

He left the store, and walked about two miles down the street, into a cemetary with a few newer graves, but mostly old headstones.

"Mom, why'd you have to die? You ruined Dad. He hates the world. He hates me. I wish that you, and everyone else who left their loved ones and died would come back."

As he finished this, he noticed an old lady walking around the graveyard, dressed in some weird robe. She laughed, and spoke with a cackling voice.

"Be careful what you wish for, young Seth. It might come true!"

Seth stood up.

"I hope it does, old crone. Now I don't care how you know my name, but I'm leaving. I've got better things to do then sit here and listen to you tell me I'm wrong to want my mom back."

Seth stomped out of the cemetary, and didn't see the malacious grin on the woman's half covered face.

Posted on 2008-11-29 at 05:37:09.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts


i was wanting to join a horror game, if you're still up for it, I'd be down to join in. is it all completely real and the ghosts will enter or are we talking full fledged gothic (lycanthrop, vampire, etc...)?

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 05:58:07.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 24/16
742 Posts


I was going for a kind of left 4 dead, resident evil feel. I plan on changing it up a little bit. Maybe like, Saw meets RE or something. I'll edit the top post with my new ideas.

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 06:34:09.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts


Cool sounds good, if you're going for that maybe warn people of mature content (just edited Mature into the title or something like that, that way we wouldn't have to shy away from things like that. Its totally your call in the end. I have a character idea, I think he'll work within this context (completely human, etc...).

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 19:40:57.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts


Please keep in mind that we like everything on the Inn to be PG rated. So despite any warnings you may put at the start of a thread, you still need to keep the content suitable for that rating. Anyone can jump into a thread halfway and miss the warning.

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 19:53:05.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts


Ah indeed, no problem, thanks . Sorry about that.

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 20:11:16.
Edited on 2009-01-14 at 20:12:13 by Dragonblood

RDI Fixture
Karma: 24/16
742 Posts

Don't worry

We'll keep it PG. The worst thing that might happen is tobacco use and alcohol consumption.

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 20:42:39.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

well heck

I've got that and more in Rocinante - so you'll be fine!

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 20:43:34.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts


Yeah I wasn't thinking R rated really when I said Mature just thinking that it may be violent, or gruesome (the undead always are ) its usually a funner game to opt these things out in the option of suspense, or horror. You know? Cool, let's play.

Posted on 2009-01-14 at 20:46:02.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 24/16
742 Posts

next week

I'm hoping to have a new beginning to it. I'll just totally post over again. probably some time monday or tuesday.

Posted on 2009-01-16 at 03:49:42.

Facelick Squeegee
Karma: 37/7
401 Posts


Sounds good I just PMed you about that

Posted on 2009-01-16 at 03:52:38.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 24/16
742 Posts

entry post #2

It had been a week. Nobody knew what hit, all anybody knew was that people were going crazy. It seemed like the entire population of NYC had went crazy over the past week. Cannibalistic, even. Some people were calling them zombies, but they weren't zombies. They were intelligent, they used weapons, they could talk. They were just people. With a rather insatiable appetite for human flesh and blood.

Seth was now sitting in a safe house. When the army swept through, they left areas that could be heavily barricaded to provide a place to rest. They were usually houses with bared windows, thick metal doors, and metal walls. They were basically giant bomb shelters. The awesome thing about them, is they were stocked with weaponry.

That's why Seth was here. He was trying to find out if his family was still here, or if they were even alive. Well, at least he was curious about his mom and brother. His dad could rot in hell. He puffed on a cigarette as he thought, and he was tapping the muzzle of his pistol. There were other people inside the safe house, but he didn't know them all that well.

Living wasn't certain in the city. But fighting was.

Posted on 2009-01-20 at 08:21:45.

Karma: 57/15
900 Posts


Another zombie game?0_0! Zombies are taking over the Horror Section!

Posted on 2009-01-22 at 05:27:38.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 24/16
742 Posts


Zombies are amazing.

Posted on 2009-01-23 at 13:51:51.

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