I was a skinny baby. They actually accused my mother of child abuse I was so thin, did all these tests and found that I just had a super high metabolism. I was a pretty healthy child and only in the past ten years have started to have medical issues, I was tested for celiac (I love bread and am very happy that came back negative
), and they found that I had IBS and probably have for a long time... one of the results is you don't absorb food like normal people, along with other things... I am currently 26, 5'6'', and 115lbs, so I'm still tiny, and smaller than anyone in my family.
I'll keep the little bundle of joy in my happy thoughts, and hopefully it's just something like that.
If it is just something digestive related on a long term basis he'll just want to be more aware of digestive problems than most people his age. I've already gone through two colonoscopies, had a large polyp removed and am due for another scopie in a few months. But I'm still plugging along