Now I've gotta take off my goofy hat and put on my "stern guy cap"... *sigh*
Gentlemen, I urge you both to review the TOS for the Inn. The forums are not the place for "flames", "snipes", and/or "personal attacks" of any kind (unless they're game related, of course)... Yes, we all have disagreements from time to time... No, we don't expect every Innmate to get along swimmingly with every other Innmate... We do, however, expect that all of our Innmates try and maintain a wee bit of decorum and that they'll reserve "personal issues" for PMs, e-mails, etc, and not post them out in plain view for everyone to see. We're here to have fun, folks... not to bicker over essentially nothing, hmm?
Flame wars are the path to the Ban-side, yes?
Let's be happy and see if we can't all get along shall we?
Thanks for indulging the mod-hat...