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QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Yeah I was thinking that...
That's why I added the part about more pluses and studying on the monsters.
If I would be able to get a couple of additional pluses or if the DC could be lowered a smidgen because of my studying than it would be good. But Mr. C needs to be able to let us know that!
Posted on 2010-07-07 at 16:26:09.
Mr.Conquest Veteran Visitor Karma: 11/3 112 Posts
Sorry guys
As you can tell, i've been really slow in updating. RL is getting to be a pain in the backside and things are moving slowly.
Now, RL is starting to get so much in the way, updates are getting impossible. Until this has cleared i'm going to put the game on hiatus unless someone wouldn't mind taking over.
Really sorry, but RL comes first.
Posted on 2010-07-09 at 15:48:12.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
The Game May Live
Sorry to hear you are bogged down. Did you put together any sheets for the three NPC's? If you did could you send them to me. I may be able to find a fill in DM amoung some friends here or Graven and I could just continue each of us DMing alternating encounters. Could be a whole new game form. Would you mind if we continued the game?
I kind of like the thought of revolving DM's. Sort of like the three word posting game only in storey. Could have rule #1 : No TPK setups. Well just a thought. I'll e-mail you too just in case you don't get back here soon.
Posted on 2010-07-09 at 16:47:22.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Might not be a bad idea...
Could be fun Ody.
Maybe we can get that crazy DM (GM) of ours to get on here and play for a change?
Posted on 2010-07-09 at 17:26:48.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Maybe crazy DM Jr.?
This might be something Nick would like to try, taking on a DM position for this game. I know there seems to be a lot young people on the site.
Posted on 2010-07-11 at 15:07:21.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Hrm.. Let's not let this die.
I say, if Mr. C allows us to, that we reopen this to new recruits. We can plant them in along the road. I now have the adventure and can plan out everything.
Ody you and I (as well as the party) can create the world, and I can DM.
On my week off next week I will be reading the whole adventure and taking a look at some finer points.
What say ye?
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 19:12:55.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Yah, who, and away we go.......
Let's do it! Augy wanted in and we fill other spots. You just need to open a post in the rules section and one here in Q&A. Maybe just rename it so it doesn't get confusing.
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 19:35:09.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
You think renaming is best? ARgh I am not sure. It may get new recruits but it will be starting from where we kind of left off...
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 20:31:53.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Ask the Great and Wise Guys.....
Send t_catt11 or Grugg a Pm and ask about having the game, the Q&A and the Recruitmnet threads switched to your control.
Posted on 2010-07-16 at 20:37:41.
QuestorSilvanthus Regular Visitor Karma: 7/0 79 Posts
Did it done it!
Did it! Yay! Let's get this thing Rolling into Darkness!
Posted on 2010-07-30 at 17:12:57.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, Keep Those Kobolds Rolling.....
OK, QS you get an applaud for saving the game.
We have Pit in the game and we're "Off To See The Lizard!"
Posted on 2010-07-30 at 19:20:50.
Pit F(r)iend Welcome Waggin' Karma: 115/3 1245 Posts
Rawhide! *whip crack*
Ditto for me, Questor. Thanks again.
Posted on 2010-08-03 at 13:20:36.