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Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

no you don't

Kuri did the one you guys go for it LS

Posted on 2007-12-10 at 20:36:35.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 8/1
142 Posts

Hmmm ... okaydeethennnn...

Standing alone on the bluff looking out to sea, she could see the tidewater ships passing through the port-of-entry gates under her, at the base of the cliff. Their day was at an end. Hers was not.

At a greater distance, yet still close enough to identify, was one of her family's ships. The colors of the flags at the top of the main mast indicated an incident of great import. But the ship needed to be closer to determine exactly what it was.

Posted on 2007-12-11 at 03:06:02.
Edited on 2007-12-11 at 03:07:51 by Longshadow

Utan the Orange
Karma: 23/18
458 Posts

Your turn, Lysk, Kuri ... (I kinda like this ,.,,)

A solitary figure atop the rocks of the promontory, she watched distractedly as the fishing fleet returned for the night through the protective gates of the harbor. She watched them pass beneath her feet while she looked down the rough grey face of the cliff, as if looking down from the brow of one of the Town Elders. The cracks, gullies, and runnels on the cliff were much the same, and for much the same reason, as the deep lines of the faces of the Elders, caused by their time weathering the wind and water from the sea. She would not leave her chosen vantage point on this vigilant countenance until the last ship had passed. however long that may keep her here.

Farther out, a distance beyond the final fisher, another ship was sailing in the direction of the harbor. Even at this distance, the barely-distinguishable colors of the flags on the main-mast identified the ship and a number other details. The ship was one belonging to her ramily's fleet, that something important had transpired on-ship, and that it was in a hurry. Any further details would have to wait until the ship came closer, or if it became too dark, until the ship docked. She waited only for the former, to be able to tell her parents what she saw as soon as she could. The latter would defeat her self-imposed purpose and gain her the unpleasant reprisal from her parents for disobeying them yet again.

Posted on 2007-12-12 at 04:41:08.
Edited on 2007-12-12 at 04:59:55 by Utan the Orange

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