Greetz, Odyson!
Hmmm. You seem. . .strangely familiar somehow.
Oh, no! Sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything about, y'know, the whole "all werebears look alike" or, or, ummm. Yeahhh.
Say, those _have_ to be the best-kept set of fangs and claws I've ever seen on a werebear--
Not, er, to further imply that werebears are creatures of ill hygiene, no sir! Not like wererats or wereboars. . .
Your best friend's a wereboar?? Why, I bet he's terrific! You should bring him over soon! Sorry, mate, I keep forgetting which lycanthropes are Good.
*frantically motions to Ion*
[to self: Get it together, Pit, you're better than this at welcoming new Innmates! Sheesh, make a Will save or something!]
Say, Odyson, I'll bet you journeyed long and far to find us and the Red Dragon Inn (and I'm ever glad ya did) so whaddya say about a drink on me, huh?
*tappity-tappity* "Evening, gents! What'll it be?"
My usual, good Ion, and for my new best friend, Odyson--
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Make it a double!"
Oh, I like you, already guy. I see your traveling duffel there--looks mighty heavy. *nervous chuckle* No dead bodies in there, right?
*Odyson reaches into the bag and produces a 2ed Deities and Demigods*
*Gasp!* Second Edition?! Wow! And it's pristine--do you still play?
"Yup. Second Edition totally rules. You get all the imagination of First Edition without all the tedious table cross-referencing. Everything else is a half-hearted video game wannabe." *downs drink like water, orders another*
Alrighty, then, Odyson! Keeping it real in an unreal world, I see. In any case welcome to the Inn! Have fun, keep it clean, and vote at the homepage every day. Oh, and watch out for Eol and the dreaded FaceLick!
*at that moment, the bell on the Inn's door jingles, and Eol walks in. While Odyson is distracted, Pit reveals a single rose and lays it next to a refreshed glass of Four Horsemen*
I think you'll like it here, guy