The gloaming hangs in the air;
No hesitation: take flight.
Alright, now that I have time to post again, I'll finish off what I started. Common rules for renga gatherings include a minimum number of participants, (well, hopefully, for us
), a minimum number of stanzas between returning to the same topic, reserving certain stanzas for the moon, and others for flowers, one rule that says the word insect may only occur once per hundred verses, and many, many more. Also, traditionally there was no concept of rhyme in Japanese poetry as a whole (indeed, a rhyme, accidental or intentional was considered a fatal flaw to the poem) but in the same vein as the sonnet
"If by dull rhymes our english must be chained", we'll stick to freedom of verse.
And to clear up how connections are supposed to be made a bit: the 2-line cap must be connected to the 3-line hokku, but the way it does this is left for the following poster to decide, such as through cause-effect, comparison, contrast, or even linked in surprising or puzzling ways.
On that note, the rules for our game are as follows: Finish the previous hokku with your somehow related cap and then start a new hokku, both with roughly the right number of syllables. (That's it! No crazy insect rules or subject-restrictions! Have fun!)
The wild Grugg hungers.
The scent of crayons lingers:
There will soon be blood.