Well I don't have a title, I'm always bad at coming up with those myself.
I have all these stories started on my computer that I just have saved under the main character's name because that's all I can think of.
But... back to your story.
I liked it. I think the shifting between past and present works pretty well... at the end with the wizard it got a little confusing, since she was fighting a sorceror/wizard and I was confused at first as to whom she was talking to. Maybe giving the 'good wizard' a name and a bit more information (how she knew him, where he came from etc) might clear that up.
And just a personal thing... I'd love more info on the protaganist. Currently he seems a little flat... kind of your generic 2D bad guy that appears in every story. I like bad guys with a little more to them personally. We know why Raina is doing what she is doing, but why is the sorc?
Well there is my two cents...
As a bit of D&D type lore it is great (and if that was the goal then disregard my opinion on your protaganist, that kind of lore doesn't need deep bad guys... just awesome heroes (or heroines as the case may be))!
Thanks for sharing!
Looking forward to seeing more from you!