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Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

Make the Stats to Your Favourite Characters

I had an idea and I thought maybe others might like to share in it. The idea is to take famous or popular characters from any franchise and speculate what their specs in any version or variation of D&D might be. These speculations can be anywhere from epic visions of the character to hilarious crack-suggestions for the lulz.

For one example, a classic:

Human Fighter
Weapon Specialization (Hammer)
Equipment: Some kind of large two-handed hammer, such as the Maul, or Pathfinder's Earthbreaker
The hero of the Mushroom Kingdom is never seen without his iconic red hat. He wields his massive hammer with proficiency against the foes who would seek to capture the beautiful Princess Peach.
The lines begin to blur and things get more interesting as you drift into the less clearly defined, humanoid characters:

Mr. Game and Watch
Gnome (Many possible classes, each quite amusing to comprehend) Monk, Ninja, Cleric of some Mad God, etc.
This eccentric Gnome covered head-to-toe in black cloth rarely speaks saving the occasional utterly incomprehensible phrase.
Of course, you can tailor your ideas to specific aspects of the character (I think most characters popular in geek culture don't fit perfectly within the confines of a single possible build... even Conan the Barbarian, inspiration for the Barbarian character class probably had levels in Rogue)

So let me have 'em! Who are the characters and what are the stats you'd assign them? As you might see from my examples, include as much detail as fits your theme.

I leave you with one more example:

(Human, Elf, Half-Elf, something like that) Ranger
Weapon Style: Sword and Shield (Pathfinder's Advanced Player's Guide)
Animal Companion: Epona (Light Horse)
Favoured Enemies: Humanoid [Goblinoids] (you know who I'm talking about), Undead, Humanoid [Evil Gerudo Warlocks]
Equipment: Master Sword (+X Holy Longsword), Large Shield, Chain Shirt, Shortbow, many more things
The legendary Hero of Time proudly wears the green Hero's Garb over his chain armour. He wields the Sword of Evil's Bane among many other specialized tools that he uses in his quest to hunt down and destroy the evils plaguing the land of Hyrule

Posted on 2011-06-10 at 08:39:15.
Edited on 2011-06-10 at 08:41:42 by Sibelius Eos Owm

Karma: 19/0
403 Posts

I'm in!

Hah, many a time I've thought of similar things. I have only glancing knowledge of 3.5e D&D (Gathered from Neverwinter Nights 2), but in-depth knowledge of 4e D&D. Not that it seems to matter.

Great idea, though. Here's a couple I can think of... Setting is most inspired by 4e D&D.

Starting with a SEGA character...

Shadow the Hedgehog Race: Shifter
Class: Psion/Monk (Hybrid)
Paragon Path: Timebender
Greater Weapon Specialization: Unarmed Strike
Description: Savior of the world several times over, Shadow's stoic nature has unnerved more than a few. Capable of teleporting himself and others long distances through his powers, as well as being exceptional at hand-to-hand combat; Shadow is a fierce foe, though perhaps most well known for his ability to slow the passage of time around him.

And onto somebody completely different...

Darth Vader Race: Human/Warforged (Blended)
Class: Battlemind
Paragon Path: Iron Guardian
Greater Weapon Specialization: Longsword
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Description: your father.

Posted on 2011-06-10 at 14:29:45.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

That's the spirit, any edition, any popular character.

Hehe, Darth Vader, Human-Warforged Blended Love it.

I see your Sith and raise you one protocol droid.

C-3PO Warforged
Skills: Perform (oratory), Knowledge (Nobility - specializing in etiquette), Knowledge (the Plane(t)s), Speak Language (repeatedly)
Feats: Polyglot
Description: This gold-coloured warforged is often heard complaining about things and remarking on etiquette. His dire predictions manage to inspire courage in others, simply out of contrariness

Posted on 2011-06-11 at 00:45:22.
Edited on 2011-06-11 at 00:45:33 by Sibelius Eos Owm

Karma: 19/0
403 Posts

Another from me.

Thanks. ^^ I'm surprised no-one else had joined in, yet.

Well, let me try something else...

Sora Race: Human
Class: Swordmage (Forgotten Realms, 4th Edition)
Weapon Specialization: Longsword
Swordmage Swordbond: Keyblade
Description: Chosen wielder of the near-mythical 'Keyblade', young Sora is the bane of heartless and darkness. Though able to cast a variety of magics, most of his power is drawn from his weapon, which he can change the form of and summon to his hand at will.

Frankly, Sora from Kingdom Hearts is perfect for a Swordmage. In the 4th Edition, Swordmages can summon a weapon they've magically bound to themself at will (sounds like Sora), they're primarily Defenders in role (sounds like Sora), they use their swords as implements for their casting of spells (sounds like Sora) AND they obviously combine spellcasting and combat.

Sounds like...Sora. Do I smell a level of plagiarism? ...Nah. Still quite a coincedence, though.

Posted on 2011-06-11 at 16:43:13.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 36/8
868 Posts

You should have expected this...

Yeah, copy-paste of the one above. But hey, it's needed, just to prove the point xD ... that these characters with swords all seem to have the same abilities.

Race: Wraith
Class: Swordmage (Forgotten Realms, 4th Edition)
Weapon Specialization: Greatsword
Swordmage Swordbond: Soul Reaver

Posted on 2011-06-11 at 17:57:15.
Edited on 2011-06-11 at 17:58:00 by Darren

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

Valid Point is Valid... plus he's got a bigger sword

Hehe, indeed if you look at a lot of characters, sword and magic skills are often both present to some degree in a great many of them XD. Short of applying some Swordmage / Magus / other magic/melee combo class to all of them, there is also the opportunity to focus on some aspects of the character more than others (for example, Mario doesn't always have his hammer, and often has access to fireballs).

Of course, when they're comprised of magic and melee wedded in harmony, the aforementioned classes may still be applicable. To say nothing of cross-classing (for 3.x) and those class-combo feats (for 4e). Anyway, good stuff people! Keep 'em coming!

Posted on 2011-06-11 at 21:26:49.
Edited on 2011-06-11 at 21:39:40 by Sibelius Eos Owm

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts

Alright, cause it had to be done...

Ezio Auditore Human (or grey elf) Rogue / Fighter / Invisible Blade
Weapon Specialization: Daggers
Skill Specialization: Hide, Spot, Track, Sense Motive, Intimidate.
A calculating killer, Ezio Auditore is skilled with the art of hiding, leaping from building to building, scaling structures, and springing for the kill when the time is right.

Posted on 2011-06-12 at 03:47:24.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 6/6
153 Posts

Might as well go ahead and choose a really obscure one

Wander (Shadow of the Colossus) Human Ranger/Exemplar
Weapon specialization: Longsword, Shortbow
Skills: Climb, Ride, Jump, Tumble and Handle Animal.
Feats: Skill focus (climb)
Special abilities:
Favored enemy (Construct, Giant)
Skill mastery (climb)
Skill artistry (climb)
Travelling only with his jet black steed by his side, this wanderer pushes through daunting odds with just his sheer force of will, although a strong grip doesn't hurt either.
Just out of curiosity, why would Ezio be a Grey Elf?

Posted on 2011-06-12 at 05:59:23.
Edited on 2011-06-12 at 06:01:26 by Aardvark

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

The Dead Girlfriend Background is not in the PHB II, but that doesn't need to stop you

XD You forgot the feat for the steadily encroaching, inexorable taint working its way through his body ^^ I love the, err.. focus on climbing =3

Maybe later when sugar isn't doing the majority of my thinking, I'll put forth another.

Actually, scratch that, I'm going to fill out one possible example from mine above.

Mr. Game & Watch Gnome
Eidolon: Giant Flying Octopus-thing (Biped Base Form, Evolutions: Tentacles (4), Large, Flight (magical), and whatever else you want to ascribe to it)
This eccentric gnome summons his peculiar flying black octopus to do battle for him, as well as legions of other summoned creatures. No one knows what goes on in his alien little mind, but whatever it is, as evidenced by the fragments of speech he returns and the form his magic takes, it isn't normal "Somethin' ain't right with that boy"

Posted on 2011-06-12 at 07:23:00.
Edited on 2011-06-12 at 07:26:41 by Sibelius Eos Owm

RDI Fixture
Karma: 36/8
868 Posts


Character Name: Rico Rodriguez
"Class": Special Agent

Strength: 2
Toughness: 6
Agility: 7
Finesse: 8
Knowledge: 0
Charisma: 13
Will: 0
Luck: 2

-Parachute Training: +13 to all Parachute and Grappling Hook usage.
-Gunsman: Incredible speed and accuracy with guns of any form.
-Spatial Awarness: Rico has what could be called "spidey sense". He can see things around him, in any direction, without even looking.
-Pilot: Rico can pilot or drive any vehicle with extreme skil, due to his great spatial awareness.
-Insane Skills: Rico makes blowing up ballistic missiles with a fighter jet, before leaping from the said fighter onto a passenger jet in mid-flight, before throwing the pilot out, strapping explosives to their back and parachuting away... look easy.
-Badass: If you said "what the f***" whilst reading the last skill, you can say it again, don't worry. Nine times max, however.
-Infatiguable: Rico can, 24/7, do any number of ridiculously tiring tasks. Always. Anytime.

Mainhand: Holdt R4 Pitbull, 6/mag, high power.
Off-hand: Holdt R4 Pitbull, 6/mag, high power.


-Black shirt, unbuttoned at top (+1 Charisma)
-Black jeans.
-Black, stylish shoes.
-Cool silver/black belt.
-Small silver cross on black string, around neck.

-Holdt R4 Pitbulls
- 1 Moebius Strip's worth of ammunition.

-Reuseable parachute.
-Reuseable rare-earth magnet grappling hook.

Posted on 2011-06-12 at 14:16:49.

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