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I'm thinking about starting a game. I'd love to do a rules based, but being that I'm away from home I don't have the time or resources to do so. So, I'll be starting a free form to get back into the habit of role playing and whatnot. Lemme know if you're interested.
I'm juggling between sci fi and fantasy on that one, leaning a bit more towards fantasy. I've got a particular setting in mind, one I've created over the past while, and it would have a very heavy religious undertone. Basically, there are separate planes of existence, and a royal family, per say, of each plane. The plane for mortals sees these other planes as gods, the eldest of the royal families being gods, children being demigods. There is limited transportation to the other planes, and it is generally reserved for those taking the tests to become clerics for their respective gods, and the clerics play a major role in the society. I'm still working out the fine details.
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