-- Character concept and backstory (please post it here in the Reccy)
-- Once concept is approved, we will PM our email address so you can send the sheets to us that way.
Here is the link you will need. Please be sure to use this.
When figuring out your stats you may either roll (keep nothing under a ten as a base roll) or use the point system (if you understand it great but as a player We hate it) Please also use level adjustments for the base creature if there are any. Make sure your
ECL is 5 no higher. We will go back over the sheets to make sure. If you wish to use a Level adjustment monster of 5 you will have no class levels. Just keep that in mind. You may use any of the books we have listed below. Remember we have the right to ask you to change something if we feel the need. Before writing up a back story please consult the map given in the opening post. Ask all the questions you want.
Books Available for use
--These are the books that we have on hand. If you want to use a book that is not listed in the 3.5/3rd ed rules, please PM one of the DMs for approval. If we are not familiar with it We will PM you for a link or a site where we can find the book. If you have it in a PDF format and can send me the pages I’ll need via email or PM we will accept that. Though we would prefer the whole book in case we need to reference something else in it.
PHB (Players Hand book)
DMG (Dungeon Master’s Guide)
MM –MM V (Monster Manual one through 5)
Fiend Folio
Spell Compendium
Fiendish Codex 1&2
Drow of the Underdark (If you use this please speak to us about the changes the Island Drow have from others)
Races of the Wild
Races of Stone
Races of destiny
Races of Dragon
Complete Adventurer
Complete Divine
Complete Champion
Complete Warrior
Complete Arcane
Complete Mage
Complete Scoundrel
Complete Psionics
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Dragon Magic
Players Hand Book II
Dungeon Master Guild II
Savage Species
Magic Item Compendium
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Deeds
Arms and Equipment
Weapons of Legacy
Magic Incarnum
Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved
We also have the Epic Level handbook but since that is only useful if we each that level We don’t see it being needed right now. You may use any of these if you wish. We have them in hard copy only so We can’t send you the PDF but We can try and scan some parts in if needed. We would rather not since scanning a whole book is rather time consuming and hard to do some times.
If we have questions we’ll ask. If you have questions about anything, feel free to do that same.