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heylo to you all my fellow innmates, i am making a comic for your reading pleasure. it is a rather silly comic that involves a dragon (with hair!) and his friends and their crazy antics. i must first make the website however (shouldnt take more than 5 minutes) and post a picture that i have been meaning to for a while (yeah i havent forgotten about it takley), both of which i will do later today when i have access to an actual computer instead of my kindle.
hope all of you are having a good day,
-Riaucard(who is feeling rather gentlemanly today)
Raliiks (pronounced Ral-licks) is the main character and the dragon (with hair!) mentioned above Mit is a wolfman is Raliiks closest friend and is (almost) always in every comic with him.
also im using a computer so expect the pic of veron soon, tak
ok so when i sent the pic to my email it turned into some wierd adobe flash thing . i cant seem to transfer it into a jpg or a bitmap if anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appriciated
but i already tried that,however i beleave fireworks will be able to change it. the only problem... the only plce i have fireworks is at school and i cant acces yahoo mail there.
also i got the framework of my website finished (all done in notepad woopee) and right now im just creating banners and other images, it should look rather profecional when im done (thank the nine my web design teacher desided to tourcher us with colledge grade stuff). the other fun part is that all the art will be done using ms paint till i get some better stuff(god i can just feel the sarcasm ive stuffed into this post).
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