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Red Sector A
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Karma: 16/1
114 Posts

Thanks Again!

Such a friendly bunch! ~Wipes face off with the towel~ I can tell I am going to fit right in here.

Now I do have one question; I have been reading the Audalis information and must say I like what I see. A well thought out setting and one that most people here are familiar with and know better than me. I am leaning towards using this setting in my upcoming game, so to my question.

Who do I get permission from to use Audalis on here for my adventure setting? Or is it generally ok to use on this site?

Thanks! Be seeing you!

Posted on 2012-04-03 at 10:48:15.

Angel Reincarnated
Karma: 87/22
1159 Posts


It's free to use on this site. We held a competition a few months ago based in Audalis setting to help expand the timeline. Please feel free to use it If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me or any of the staff members.

Posted on 2012-04-03 at 11:58:47.

Resident Finn
RDI Staff
Karma: 77/3
1131 Posts

Another Audalis game?

We would be happy to see another game running in here and it's always great to see DM's using the Audalis setting created by our dear Webmaster t_catt11.

Many of us have created material into Audalis, some more, some less. And even more us have contributed to the campaign world via the games we've enjoyed all around the fantastic Antaron.

So like said by cdnflirt above, you are definitely free to use Audalis in your game(s) be it free-form or rules-based and you're welcome to create new stuff into it in the progress. Of course any new material will be approved by Olan first before it becomes "official". But in the games anything goes.

Posted on 2012-04-03 at 12:13:27.

Red Sector A
Veteran Visitor
Karma: 16/1
114 Posts


Thanks for the info; I wanted to make sure before using Audalis.

Adapting my adventure to Audalis settings now; I figure it would be easier for Innmates to take part in a setting they are more familiar.

Besides I like the setting and I can tell alot of work has gone into it's creation.

Posted on 2012-04-03 at 16:56:15.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 378/54
7163 Posts



Audalis is there for everyone's enjoyment. There is canon material for your use, but if you want to change things up... you are the DM, it's your world!

Example: I run games where the gods are unapproachable cosmic forces. I hate it when mortals kill off gods, assume their powers, etc... one of our staff members, on the other hand, ran a game where the party did kill off Audalisian gods, eventually ended all magic in the world. He and his players had a great time.

Isn't that the point?

Note that more than a little of the current canon material has come from regular DMs and players - they fill in the gaps for their own game, and if it fits the setting, it can become "official" info.

Your Forgotten Relams game probably looks different than mine. My Audalis game may be different from yours. We are all correct.


Posted on 2012-04-03 at 17:21:19.

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