...no need to move the thread!
Now, as to making your game scarier (and, if I may refer you to the
Zombies in Chicago thread) might I suggest using "fast zombies"? Yes, I know, there are some pretty good arguments out there as to why zombies shouldn't (or even
couldn't) be able to run and such but, lemme tell ya, a single, screamin', maggot-farmin', flesh-eater charging you from a dark alleyway is, IMO, a way scarier proposition than a horde of shambling, shuffling corpses that you could easily outrun and pick off from a distance. *nodnodnods*
Also, don't be afraid to let a PC or three get munched on! It's the Zombie Apocalypse fer the luv o' Pete! Not everybody is gonna make it... even those "heroic" types that are typically personified by your players. In fact, before you start, I'd get with your players and have them make back-up/replacement characters to hold in reserve for when/if their initial characters get eaten or infected.
I'm sure there's more that can be done to amp up the
very limited starting equipment, someone in the party is already infected, etc... but there's a start, anyway.
Now... speaking of zombies... I think I hear Chicago calling...
Don't I, Olan?