I'm working on making a role-playing game and post it online. The game is, obviously, free to download and play, but what I've got so far are only drafts of the chapters.
In addition, anyone is allowed to comment on these drafts, but since my website doesn't have a comment system yet, I would direct you to my Facebook page.
Here's a short explanation of the mechanics:
-Roll a number of d6 and choose one of them as your result.
-Add bonus or penalty to the chosen result (only the best bonus and the worst penalty apply).
-Compare the result to the difficulty chosen by the GM.
-Hope you won't die horribly.
-Repeat as needed.
So far, I have uploaded two chapters and the third chapter is awaiting its turn. I would really much like some feedback on these, since I haven't had any yet. At all. Seriously!
Grim Fictions
Emerald Samurai on FB