Once upon a time there was a woman who had a beautiful baby girl named Teslyn. Every night she would fight to go to sleep, and wake up every few hours wanting to make sure somebody was still nearby to put her back to sleep.
It was regular day, or so mommy thought, when she put her bundle of joy to bed. Little did she know that she would not sleep that night for longer than 20 minutes at a time. She tried everything to try to soother her baby girl to sleep without waking everyone in the building.
She tried to rock her to sleep, with no success. Teslyn would fall back asleep with a bottle, but would be right back up quickly again. Her mother tried to swaddle her up close and walk with her, but still she refused to sleep. Oval to ease an upset stomach, and still no sleep for either baby or mommy. Finally she turned to infant tylenol and got a little sleep.
In the morning, Teslyn was a happy girl again, despite very little sleep during the night. That morning while changing her bum, the mother noticed something strange in her baby's mouth. A small white blemish on the gums! Running her finger along Teslyn's gums, she realized the reason her baby was so miserable last night. She was cutting her first tooth!
April 7th Teslyn will be 5 months old, and the poor girl was sick and cutting her first tooth! What a trooper, must take after her father!