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Fortune's Favoured Characters

Fortune's Favoured: The Lucky and the Liars

It was a happy accident that created the group known as Fortune's Favoured, though they do their best to hide that from the world. Many believe their name stems from their skill and bravery, allowing them to achieve great deeds that would require incredible luck if not for their ability, but this is a falsehood. The downtrodden need their heroes, and whether they planned it or not, that would be the fate of the Fortune's Favoured.

The circumstances that drew them to the valley where fate would snatch them up into their new destines were varied. There was the fey-elf from "Evainlewyn and the chosen soul of the Trickster, embroiled in their own game of cat and mouse across the continent. There was the Halfling, hiding from her the deeds of her past, who found herself searching for suitable stones to shape for her needs. Finally, there was the sailor, a reformed man seeking to use his skills to help those in need. Nothing in common amongst them until they came to what is now known as Giant's End.

Feephyfophum, a hill giant of ill repute and worse temperament, had tormented the outlying farms of Schell for weeks. He'd eaten the livestock, trashed the farmhouses and slaughtered the farmers, and while the citizens awaited word of help from the capital a militia had formed. Gathering their torches and pitchforks, the group set out for the giant's camp under cover of night, hoping to ambush the giant before he awoke and end his reign of terror.

How the militia would have fared again the giant we will never know, for at the same time, a knight of Caledon, seeking to prove his claim for glory, had accosted Feephyfophum, and was engaged in battle with the enormous creature. A decisive blow was struck, and the giant defeated, though too was the knight, to exhausted from the melee to avoid the giant's corpse tumbling on top of him, crushing him flat. So would have ended so ignobly the knight's tale, were his death not witnessed, and witnessed it was, by four sets of completely bewildered eyes.

Malachi, the Argent Blade was the only among the group to have actively sought out the giant. He would have attempted to end the giant's raids himself, and more than likely he would have failed, but now he stood over the enormous corpse, though he had no claim to the deed. Tristan and Sehanine had stumbled onto the scene quite by accident. Though at this point neither could really be sure who was stalking the other, the scene brought them to a momentary standstill, if only for the moment. A rolling stone brought Calopee to the camp, having escaped her grasp on the precipice of a hill overlooking the battle. Her arrival only just preempted the Schell militia, who were as bewildered as anyone.

For a few seconds, the mood was tense. Four strangers had wandered to a giant's camp, watched a knight get crushed and a giant's rampage ended, and now they were surrounded by incensed villagers who just moments before had steeled themselves for a fight. The silence was broken by a villager elder, who surveyed the scene and asked the only question logic allowed.

"Was it you four who have done this?"
The foursome looked at one another, their confusion leading to an approach from the surrounding mob. It would be Calopee, the Halfling, acting more out of survival instinct than honour, who answered as straight-faced as her grin would allow.

Thus began the legend of Fortune's Favoured, The Giant Slayers, the Heroes of Schell. The truth concealed behind a flurry of bluffs and the group's reluctance to give back the offered rewards. The townsfolk were safe, the real hero was dead without a trace, their crime was clean and victim-less. Soon word of their deed had spread, and the local townsfolk came to them with all manner of problems for them to solve.

This is when the group grew, joined by Relos, the half-elven paladin of Gian. Seeking his own destiny, and hearing tell of the assumed bravery of the Fortune's Favoured, he was quickly accepted for his strength in battle. Drawn together by a quirk of fate, Fortune's Favoured, not quite heroes, not quite liars, but something different entirely. With a start like that, one can only imagine where they'd go from here.

Posted on 2014-04-12 at 20:32:05.
Edited on 2017-12-07 at 08:06:34 by Grugg

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
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Relos Onsamryn (Jozan1)

Name: Relos Onsamryn
Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Class/Level: Paladin 5
Deity: Gian
Alignment: Lawful Good
Experience: 10000/15000

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 163lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Str 15 (+2)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 16 (+3)

HP: 60
AC: 21
Flat-footed: 20
Touch: 12
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20ft.

BAB: +5
Melee: +7
Ranged: +6
Grapple: +7

Weapon: Masterwork Halberd
To Hit: +8, Crit Range 20
Damage: 1d10+3, Crit x3

Weapon: Masterwork Dagger
To Hit: +8 (melee), +7 (ranged), Crit Range 19-20, Range Increment 10ft.
Damage: 1d4+2, Crit x2

Weapon: Masterwork Javelin
To Hit: +7, Crit Range 20, Range Increment 20ft.
Damage: 1d6+2, Crit x2

Fortitude +9
Reflex +5
Will +4

Appraise +2 (+2 Int)
Balance -4 (+1 Dex, -5 Armour)
Bluff +3 (+3 Cha)
Climb -3 (+2 Str, -5 Armour)
Concentration +2 (+2 Con)
Craft (Jewelry) +5 (+2 Int, +3 ranks)
Decipher Script* +2 (+2 Int)
Diplomacy +14 (+3 Cha, +7 ranks, +2 racial, +2 synergy)
Disable Device* +2 (+2 Int)
Disguise +3 (+3 Cha)
Escape Artist -4 (+1 Dex, -5 Armour)
Forgery +1 (+1 Int)
Gather Information +5 (+3 Cha, +2 racial)
Handle Animal* +3 (+3 Cha)
Heal +9 (+0 Wis, +7 ranks, +2 Healer's Kit)
Hide -4 (+1 Dex, -5 Armour)
Intimidate +3 (+3 Cha)
Jump -3 (+2 Str, -5 Armour)
Knowledge (Arcana)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)*+2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Geography)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (History)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Local)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Nature)* +4 (+2 Int, +2 ranks (cross class))
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)* +5 (+2 Int, +3 ranks)
Knowledge (Religion)* +5 (+2 Int, +3 ranks)
Knowledge (The Planes)* +2 (+2 Int)
Listen +1 (+0 Wis, +1 racial)
Move Silently -4 (+1 Dex, -5 Armour)
Open Lock*+1 (+1 Dex)
Ride +1 (+1 Dex)
Search +3 (+2 Int, +1 racial)
Sense Motive +7 (+0 Wis, +5 ranks, +2 racial)
Sleight of Hand*-4 (+1 Dex, -5 Armour)
Spellcraft* +4 (+2 Int)
Spot +4 (+0 Wis, +1 racial)
Survival +0 (+0 Wis)
Swim -8 (+2 Str, -10 Armour)
Tumble* -4 (+1 Dex, -5 Armour)
Use Magic Device* +3 (+3 Cha)
Use Rope +1 (+1 Dex)

Common, Elven, Dwarven, Orc

Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Extra Smiting

Racial Traits:
Counts as both a Human and an Elf for all purposes decided by race
Immunity to magic sleep effects
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells or effects
+1 racial bonus to Listen, Search and Spot checks
+2 racial bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information and Sense Motive

Class Features:
Holy Warrior (Complete Champion ACF), Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 4/day, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands (15pts/day), Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Turn Undead 6/day (as 1st Level Cleric), Charging Smite

Masterwork Halberd, Masterwork Dagger, 4 Masterwork Javelins, +1 Full Plate, Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Feather Falling, Backpack, 50ft. Hemp Rope, Bedroll, Silvered Holy Symbol, Artisan's Tools, Healer's Kit, Mortar and Pestle, Belt with Pouches, Holy Book, Journal, 2 Torches, 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Haste, Potion of Protection from Evil, 2 Potions of Invisibility, Potion of Fire Resist 10

10pp, 113gp, 5sp, 6cp

Fully adorned in his battle dress, Relos Onsamryn fits the part of holy knight perfectly. As a Paladin of Gian his brightly polished fullplate has a large deeply rooted tree tinted green emblazoned upon the chest piece. With longsword and dagger sheathed at his hips he holds his main weapon firmly in hand, haft down. A halberd made from the sturdiest dark wood and strongest of steel. The polished haft is wrapped in a deep green leather grip, which is intricately designed with a breeze blowing through grass starting at one end and ending only with the swirled breeze design bleeding onto the flats of the polished axe head.

His goods and other essentials are kept in a sturdy leather backpack and various pouches on his belt, including his scripture book which is fully leather wrapped and fastened to the outside of the backpack.

He keeps himself clean shaven, his features easily giving up his elven heritage. A long narrow face and pointed ears would make him seem more like a 70/30 elf instead of half elf, but to most others the distinction doesn't matter. Crystal blue eyes from his mother, and long black crinkled hair and dimples from his father make up the rest of his strangely animated face. Even worse is when he lets the black stubble on his chin grow, which thanks to his mixed blood comes in patchy.

Roughly 20 years ago, a lonesome knight was traveling the roads of Cordova on a pilgrimage to do good and serve the people across the land. He would not return to his knightly chapters keep until he was done, which he left up to himself to be the judge of.

On a long and winding road through the forests that led to Schell the knight road at a steady trot enjoying the crisp autumn breeze and all the seasonal scents that accompanied it. It had been a peaceful few days since he entered the wood with nothing but warm meals and friendly people on the road. Soon though that would all change, as over the canopy he spotted a thin column of smoke trailing from somewhere in the woods. He rode his horse as far as he could towards it and dismounted to approach on foot, where he stumbled upon three covered wagons circled in a clearing. Two were on fire and the last was toppled over with a commotion going on inside. The middle of the camp had a fire going with a pot of food cooking, and in between the smaller trees were lines of clothes drying. Four orcs were looting through the discarded belongings on the ground, including the bodies of eight individuals. Three were armed with the armaments of a warrior, the other five bodies were a mix of adults and children. The group looked well enough to fend off a bandit or two, but a raiding orc party clearly outclassed them.

The Knight charged, quickly dispatching all four enemies and making a dash for the toppled wagon. As he tore back the leather flaps leading inside, he watched a woman be bludgeoned with a club by a fierce looking orc. He was too late to save her but as her bodyfell a small child cowering behind her was revealed. He would be able to save him, and the knight engaged the pig faced murderer. After a struggle and almost having his arm broken in three he was able to dispatch the beast.

For minutes, the camp was silent and only the fire and quiet cries from the child could be heard. The Knights heart sunk at the sight of this lonesome child, now possibly without a family. After calming him down they exchanged words and sure enough the elven woman was his mother. Outside his father
lay dead still clinging to the blade that he tried to protect the group with.

In that moment the knight made a decision, he would bring the child with him back to the keep where he lived after his pilgrimage was complete. So from that day forth the child and the knight traveled together throughout the land of Cordova.

Years passed and the duo had many adventures together, Relos growing into a fine young squire that the knight grew attached to. They had actually visited the keep twice in the years that they were together but by that time they had decided to travel together even after coming back home. Together they rode on for seventeen years before the final days finally crept up to the aging knight.

One chilly winter morning on the slopes of the western mountains the two awoke to the sounds of footsteps approaching their camp. They hadn't expected any visitors on their journey back down from a cliff side village, so cautiously they exited their tent to meet the approaching people. Three well-armed men approached with weapons drawn explaining how they had tracked the two for some time, and now they were here to steal all their coin and belongings.

Quickly they engaged in combat the armor-less knight fending off all three attackers with only his long sword. As usual Relos stood by watching, the knight forbidding him to enter any combat that he did not need to engage in. It wasn't that Relos wasn't a swordsman; all the years on the road had given him enough time to train with all sorts of weapons. He always kept a small blade sheathed at his side for self defense but felt confident that this morning he wouldn't need it at all. One by one the knight dispatched the foes leaving one man left to fight. The melee only lasted seconds but to everyone's surprise the bandit was able to knock the knight on his back and bring his axe up for a finishing blow. Relos acted on instinct, throwing his dagger and wounding the assailant which gave the Knight enough time to recover and kill the final attacker.

That morning on their way back down the slopes, the knight made a weighty decision; His pilgrimage was complete. They spoke about it for hours and the decision still stood, they would make their way back to the keep once and for all. 6 months later they made it back, the return trip not lacking any of the grandeur or luster as any other trip but underneath it all a sense of something bittersweet lingered.

For seventeen years they were on the road and for the last three years of the knight's life he lived out his way in the keep, writing a small book while teaching Relos the same thing he was taught as a young knight. Training Relos who already had many skills and the physical conditioning needed to take up the mantle was like cutting a jewel from a rough stone. All the materials were there it just needed to be shaped into something far superior. On his death bed the knight handed Relos the book he had been penning, and blessed him for wanting to take his place on the road. On the day of his passing Relos left the keep making the same vows and promises that his predecessor had also made, but with one small change. Not only would he travel Cordova, but he would travel the known world too.

Posted on 2014-04-12 at 20:33:22.
Edited on 2017-11-14 at 21:23:08 by Grugg

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts

Tristan Brice (Chessicfayth)

Name: Tristan Brice
Race: Human (Cordova)
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Class/Level: Favored Soul 5
Deity: Discq
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Experience: 10000/15000

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 163lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 18 (+4)

HP: 45
AC: 19
Flat-footed: 17
Touch: 12
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30ft.

BAB: +3
Melee: +3
Ranged: +5
Grapple: +3

Weapon: +1 Rapier
To Hit: +7, Crit Range 18-20
Damage: 1d6+1, Crit x2

Fortitude +5
Reflex +6
Will +6

Appraise +3 (+1 Int, +2 racial)
Balance +1 (+2 Dex, -1 Armour)
Bluff +5 (+4 Cha, +1 ranks (cross class))
Climb -1 (+0 Str, -1 Armour)
Concentration +2 (+1 Con, +1 rank)
Decipher Script* +1 (+1 Int)
Diplomacy +6 (+4 Cha, +2 ranks, +2 racial)
Disable Device* +1 (+1 Int)
Disguise +6 (+4 Cha, +2 Disguise Kit)
Escape Artist + 1 (+2 Dex, -1 Armour)
Forgery +1 (+1 Int)
Gather Information +7 (+4 Cha, +1 ranks (cross class), +2 racial)
Handle Animal* +4 (+4 Cha)
Heal +9 (+2 Wis, +5 ranks, +2 Healer's Kit)
Hide +1(+2 Dex, -1 Armour)
Intimidate +5 (+4 Cha, +1 ranks (cross class))
Jump -1 (+0 Str, -1 Armor)
Knowledge (Arcana)* +2 (+1 Int, +1 ranks)
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (Geography)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (History)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (Local)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (Nature)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (Religion)* +1 (+1 Int)
Knowledge (The Planes)* +1 (+1 Int)
Listen +3 (+2 Wis, +1 ranks (cross class))
Move Silently +1 (+2 Dex, -1 Armour)
Open Lock* +2 (+2 Dex)
Profession (Conman) +5 (+2 Wis, +3 ranks)
Ride +2 (+2 Dex)
Search +1 (+1 Int)
Sense Motive +5 (+2 Wis, +3 ranks)
Sleight of Hand* +1 (+2 Dex, -1 Armour)
Spellcraft* +1 (+1 Int)
Spot +3 (+2 Wis, +1 ranks (cross class))
Survival +2 (+2 Wis)
Swim -2 (+0 Str, -2 Armour)
Tumble* +1 (+2 Dex, -1 Armour)
Use Magic Device* +4 (+4 Cha)
Use Rope +2 (+2 Dex)

Common, Elven

Improved Initiative, True Believer, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier)

Racial Traits:
1 extra feat at 1st level
+2 racial bonus to Appraise, Diplomacy and Gather Information

Class Features:
Deity's Weapon Focus, Fire Resistance 10

Spells per Day:
6/7/5, Spell DC 12 + Spell Level
Spells Known:
Lvl 0 - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Light
Lvl 1 - Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Obscuring Mist, Remove Fear, Magic Stone
Lvl 2 - Cure Moderate Wounds, Spiritual Weapon, Delay Poison

+1 Rapier, +1 Chain Shift, Chain Shirt, Bracers of Shielding +1, Amulet of Natural Amour +1, Explorer's Outfit, Silver Holy Symbol of Discq, Pouch of Persistent Magic Stone, Bag of Holding (Type 1) [Contains: Manacles, Small Steel Mirror, Signal Whistle, Tent, Disguise Kit, Healer's Kit, 50ft. Silk Rope, Razor]

25gp, 1sp

A fairly ordinary, unremarkable man, with a smile indicating he knows something you don't. (Possibly the location of your coinpurse).
-Right handed.
-No visible scars (yet)
-Shoulder length hair, slightly shaggy
-when able to shave the excess, wears a thick goatee

Fond of his wide-brimmed hat, leather boots, and especially his bracers.
The son of a candle-stick maker, Tristan was trained from his teens till his early twenties by another favored soul, an elf follower of the silver tongue who wanted to pass along his fencing skills, and recognized the divine potential in him. A few years ago he declared Tristan competent, and after gifting him with his own rapier and a set of elven bracers, departed to return to adventuring.
Tristan himself took to adventuring shortly afterward. Hearing rumors of his teachers demise on some adventure, he hopes to become proficient enough with the sword to pass on the teachings that were passed to him.
Loves causing trouble, and is not above using magic to aid him when the urge strikes him.
Recently had a spot of trouble with a moonlit-elf, who after poisoning him, stole the bracers his teacher gave him. Wary of poison thereafter, he followed her and manage to knick them back, though he expects her to come for them, eventually.

Posted on 2014-04-12 at 20:34:47.
Edited on 2017-11-16 at 05:45:16 by Grugg

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts

Calopee Kindric (Philosopher)

Name: Calopee Kindric
Race: Halfling (Caledon)
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Class/Level: Rogue 5
Deity: Chrotus
Alignment: Neutral
Experience: 10000/15000

Height: 2'9"
Weight: 28lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Chestnut

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 19 (+4)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 12 (+1)

HP: 40
AC: 20
Flat-footed: 16
Touch: 16
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20ft.

BAB: +3
Melee: +4
Ranged: +8 (+9 thrown or sling weapons)
Grapple: -1

Weapon: Skiprock
To Hit: +10 (+11 within 30ft.), Crit Range 20, Range Increment 15ft. [+8 to hit ricochet target]
Damage: 1d4, Crit x2

Weapon: Rock
To Hit: +9 (+10 within 30ft.), Crit Range 20, Range Increment 15ft.
Damage: 1d4, Crit x2

Fortitude +3
Reflex +8
Will +2

Appraise +2 (+2 Int) (+4 to appraise Halfling Weaponry)
Balance +4 (+4 Dex)
Bluff +9 (+1 Cha, +8 ranks)
Climb +2 (+0 Str, +2 racial)
Concentration +2 (+2 Con)
Craft (Halfling Weapons) +12 (+2 Int, +8 ranks, +2 Masterwork Artisan's Tools)
Craft (Trapmaking) +6 (+2 Int, +2 ranks, +2 Masterwork Artisan's Tools)
Decipher Script* +2 (+2 Int)
Diplomacy +3 (+1 Cha, +2 synergy)
Disable Device* +11 (+2 Int, +7 ranks, +2 Masterwork Thieve's Tools)
Disguise +1 (+1 Cha) (+3 to remain in character when being observed)
Escape Artist +4 (+4 Dex)
Forgery +2 (+2 Int)
Gather Information +3 (+1 Cha, +2 synergy)
Handle Animal* +1 (+1 Cha)
Heal +1 (+1 Wis)
Hide +21 (+4 Dex, +8 ranks, +4 size, +5 competence)
Intimidate +3 (+1 Cha, +2 synergy)
Jump +2 (+0 Str, +2 racial)
Knowledge (Arcana)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Geography)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (History)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Local)*+7 (+2 Int, +5 ranks)
Knowledge (Nature)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Religion)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (The Planes)* +2 (+2 Int)
Listen +10 (+1 Wis, +7 ranks, +2 racial)
Move Silently +13 (+4 Dex, +7 ranks, +2 racial)
Open Lock* +13 (+4 Dex, +7 ranks, +2 Masterwork Thieves' Tools)
Ride +4 (+4 Dex)
Search +9 (+2 Int, +7 ranks)
Sense Motive +1 (+1 Wis)
Sleight of Hand* +13 (+4 Dex, +7 ranks, +2 synergy)
Spellcraft* +2 (+2 Int)
Spot +8 (+1 Wis, +7 ranks)
Survival +1 (+1 Wis) (+3 to find and follow tracks)
Swim +0 (+0 Str)
Tumble* +4 (+4 Dex)
Use Magic Device* +1 (+1 Cha)
Use Rope +4 (+4 Dex)

Common, Halfling, Orc, Elven

Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Skiprock)

Racial Traits:
+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks
+2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with a thrown weapon and slings
+2 racial bonus on Listen checks
Bonus Feat at 1st level

Class Features:
Melee/Ranged Sneak Attack +2d6/+4d6 (Races of the Wild ACF), Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Disruptive Attack (Players Handbook 2 ACF)

Mithral Shirt, Ring of Protection +1, Backpack [Contains: Blanket, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Masterwork Artisan's Tools, Silversheen, Oil of Darkness, Oil of Flame Arrow, 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds], Masterwork Thieves' Tools, Signal Whistle, Bag of Holding (Type 1) [Contains: 60 Skiprocks, 10 Rocks], Cloak of Elvenkind

287gp, 6sp

This little Halfling lady stands less than three feet tall, and weighs less than a sack of flour. She wears an unpresuming beige outfit that is baggy and full of pockets, and a plain grey cloak. Underneath this however, is a masterfully crafted shirt of mithral, to ward off the dangers of her tireless work. Casting aside her dull choice of uniform, her lightly freckled skin hosts the subtlest hint of olive, and her hazel eyes represent a pleasant kaleidoscope of hue and texture. She keeps her deep chestnut hair in a pixie crop, and many a fool has mistaken her for a young human girl. One of her most impressive traits is a distinct lack of weaponry. Never has a guard checked her bag and held her up for carrying around rocks. In fact, she appears perpetually unarmed. Her only weapon that innocent face, her sweet little smile.

Calopee Kindric grew up in Lochgate, the daughter of Milo and Theali. Milo was a guardsman, and taught her about discipline, and an honest day's work. The bit about discipline stuck, but the honest part she cast aside. Her mother, Theali, was from the caravan clan Breniss, and though she had settled into her life as a loving wife and mother, she would regale her younglings with tales of her youth, setting fire to their imaginations, much to the chagrin of their more sedentary father.

She was a liar since before she could walk, and she was good at it too. If ever there was something missing around the house, a few cookies from the jar, for example, she would be sweetly innocent, insisting it must have been one of her brothers that did the deed. Her brothers, Arvessel and Twiggin, would always scour the shoreline for the perfect skiprocks, and she would tag along, the nuisance that she was. They made a competition of skipping, and though she had been slow to learn, she developed a technique that allowed her to polish each of her stones into the perfect shape for the job. Soon enough her skips were easily double her kin's.

She began to spread her skiprock affinity to new ventures, learning to ricochet off of different surfaces to see what kind of mayhem she could get into. This is where her professional thievery took root. She could use her stones to create the perfect distractions, knocking on doors to distract shopkeepers, or smashing windows to alert guards to an area away from her target. This was all well and fine, for a time, until her infamy caught up with her. There were only so many little Halfling girls with a penchant for stone throwing after all. Because of her father's position in the guards she was quietly collected, and whatever remained of her fortune returned to their rightful owners.

There were no charges laid, but she was made to remain in jail for a week to be taught a lesson. Ironically, this is where she met her first black market contact, a gnomish collector by the name of Beatricia; Beatie for short. Beatie and Calopee were thick into the small talk, and the topic of her internment was brought to question. Beatie was very impressed by the young Halflings tenacity, and offered her some work if she wanted to stop by the docks and look her up sometime.

Well, as soon as Calopee was in the clear, and after getting out of a grim sentence of house arrest with good behavior, she went to the docks to meet up with her new employer. From then on, her exploits went from mere mischief to highscale robbery. Precious artifacts, expensive trinkets, the works, Beatie made a request, and she skipped her way into fulfillment. Unfortunately, it was all too good to last. She was caught one night, and for the first time ever, had to resort to using her mastery of stone throw upon flesh and bone. She hadn't meant to kill, but the nobleman that had caught her left her little choice. She reacted, tossed her stone, and he fell like a sack of roots. Trembling and scared she fled the scene, and without so much as a note on the door, left behind her house and home, trusting in Beatie�s aid. Well, she was very cross, especially seeing as the young lass was remiss in collecting the article she had committed the crime for in the first place. However, she threw her on a boat and sent her to Cordova, insisting that when the time came, the young Halfling would have to repay her debt.

Calopee has since transformed into a confident young lady, and though there had been many sleepless nights recollecting her most vile of crimes, it would not be the last time she would need to kill in order to save her skin. In fact, over time, she became quite good at this as well. She focused on her talents, on her trade, and pushed the crises of conscience inward, never still, leaving little time for contemplation. Her stone polishing, though now a necessity of her lifestyle, was also her crutch, her compulsion. It protected her in more ways than one. Recent exploits had brought her from the whispers of infamy, out into an open fame, alongside a few choice compatriots. With the guild, The Fortune's Favored, she kept busy with whatever jobs were available to such talked about heroes. It was funny what a little fib here or there could muster in the matter of reputation.

Posted on 2014-04-12 at 20:35:11.
Edited on 2017-11-18 at 18:59:10 by Grugg

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6192 Posts

Malachi Williams (Schnozzle)

Name: Malachi Williams AKA Mal AKA "The Argent Blade" AKA "Arge"
Race: Human (Cordova)
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Class/Level: Swashbuckler 3/Swordsage 2
Deity: Arfar
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Experience: 10000/15000

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140lbs
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 8 (-1)

HP: 51
AC: 21
Flat-footed: 18
Touch: 16
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30ft.

BAB: +4
Melee: +4
Ranged: +7
Grapple: +4

Weapon: +1 Rapier
To Hit: +9, Crit Range 18-20
Damage: 1d6+1, Crit x2

Weapon: Dagger
To Hit: +8, Crit Range 19-20, Range Increment 10ft.
Damage: 1d4, Crit x2

Weapon: Masterwork Spiked Chain
To Hit: +4, Crit Range 20, Range Increment 10ft.
Damage: 2d4, Crit x2

Fortitude +6
Reflex +9
Will +8

Appraise +5 (+3 Int, +2 racial)
Balance +9 (+3 Dex, +5 ranks, +2 synergy, -1 Armour)
Bluff +6 (-1 Cha, +7 ranks)
Climb +6 (+0 Str, +7 ranks, -1 Armour)
Concentration +8 (+1 Con, +7 ranks)
Decipher Script* +3 (+3 Int)
Diplomacy +8 (-1 Cha, +5 ranks, +2 racial, +2 synergy)
Disable Device* +3 (+3 Int)
Disguise -1 (-1 Cha)(+1 to act in character)
Escape Artist +9 (+3 Dex, +7 ranks, -1 Armour)
Forgery +3 (+3 Int)
Gather Information +1 (-1 Cha, +2 racial)
Handle Animal* -1 (-1 Cha)
Heal +8 (+3 Wis, +5 ranks)
Hide +9 (+3 Dex, +7 ranks, -1 Armour)
Intimidate +6 (-1 Cha, +5 ranks, +2 synergy)
Jump +8 (+0 Str, +7 ranks, +2 synergy, -1 Armour)
Knowledge (Arcana)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (Geography)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (History)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (Local)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (Nature)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (Religion)* +3 (+3 Int)
Knowledge (The Planes)* +3 (+3 Int)
Listen +3 (+3 Wis)
Move Silently +10 (+3 Dex, +8 ranks, -1 Armour)
Open Lock* +3 (+3 Dex)
Profession (Sailor)* +5 (+3 Wis, +2 ranks)
Ride +3 (+3 Dex)
Search +3 (+3 Int)
Sense Motive +4 (+3 Wis, +1 ranks)
Sleight of Hand* +10 (+3 Dex, +5 ranks, +2 synergy)
Spellcraft* +3 (+3 Int)
Spot +3 (+3 Wis)
Survival +3 (+3 Wis)
Swim -2 (+0 Str, -2 Armour)
Tumble* +12 (+3 Dex, +8 ranks, +2 synergy, -1 Armour)
Use Magic Device* -1 (-1 Cha)
Use Rope +3 (+3 Dex) (+5 to bind someone)

Common, Elven, Dwarven, Giant

Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus (Rapier, Shortspear, Bastard Sword [Katana], Trident), Shadow Blade, Weapon Finesse

Racial Traits:
1 extra feat at 1st level
+2 racial bonus to Appraise, Diplomacy and Gather Information

Class Features:
Weapon Finesse, Grace +1, Quick to Act +1, Discipline Focus (Diamond Mind), AC Bonus (Wis)

Maneuvers Readied: 4
Maneuvers Known: 7
Desert Wind: Blistering Flourish, Burning Blade
Diamond Mind: Moment of Perfect Mind, Sapphire Nightmare Blade
Setting Sun: Counter Charge
Shadow Hand: Clinging Shadow Strike, Shadow Blade Technique
Stances Known: 2
Diamond Mind: Stance of Clarity
Shadow Hand: Child of Shadow

+1 Rapier, Dagger, +1 Chain Shirt, Cloak of Resistance +1, Amulet of Aquatic Salvation, 3 potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, Hooded Lantern, Bedroll, 3 pints of Oil, Common Clothes, Argent Blade Costume, 50ft. Hemp Rope, Grappling Hook, Masterwork Spiked Chain, Dimension Stride Boots, Gloves of Fortunate Striking

211gp, 6sp

Malachi has curly black hair that falls in ringlets to his shoulders. His gray eyes are sharp and focused, though they often look into the distance as though he can hear the call of the sea. He is of average height but exceptionally lean build; he doesn't bulge at his clothes nor do they hang limp around him. He has the musculature of one who has spent long at sea - strong arms, strong legs, strong back, but none of him is particularly stout.

He's not a bad looking fellow, all in all, but once he opens his mouth it becomes obvious why he doesn't attract many friends. Malachi Williams is an asshole. He means well; in fact he's a downright do-gooder. But when he can't see to find something nice to say, he just says whatever is on his mind. Usually it's an insult.

No beard or moustache adorns his face. In Malachi's opinion, a clean-shorn face is the mark of a gentleman, and gentility is a thing Malachi finds worth pursuing. This has gotten him into arguments before, and may well do so again.

Malachi likes to go by the name Mal most of the time, but when the time is right (often after nightfall), he goes by the name "The Argent Blade." He dons a sort of costume, a close fitting black outfit with silver trim, and a mask, also black and silver. The mask is intricately worked - a pegasus on either side, a lyre in the middle, and a filigree on either cheek. He isn't a well-known vigilante - in fact, he was trying to gain a bit of renown when The Giant Incident happened.

Fortune's Favored indeed.

Malachi Williams was born poor, the bastard son of a dead sailor's wife. His mother's husband was two years gone before he was born, eliminating the possibility of a proper birth. He grew up poor and hard, often stealing his meals and running from bullies who would take his hard-stolen bread.

At the tender age of eleven he was offered a berth on the Oriax, a merchant ship, and he jumped at the opportunity. He labored for five hard years onboard before he had moved up the ranks to second mate. He was much the man then that he is now, but he had not yet reached his captaincy.

Alas, it was a dream deferred. The Oriax foundered on a rock within sight of Arrowhead Island. He and his crewates made it to shore in a lifeboat, but only a handful survived the melee with the welcoming party of pirates and thieves.

Malachi's fighting impressed one of the older pirates. He was taken in by a man named Rickstraw, who taught him a great deal about swordplay and the sort of magic that surrounds the way he fights. For over three years Mal did nothing but practice the art of the blade, and when Rickstraw had taught him all he knew, he sent Mal away. Rickstraw was a good man among villains, and he insisted that Mal use what he had learned of swordplay and villainy for the benefit of others.

The young man swore it would be so, though he knew the law wouldn't be on his side. Upon his return he created the mantle of The Argent Blade, and has been trying to gain notoriety since then.

Posted on 2014-04-12 at 20:35:33.
Edited on 2017-11-18 at 19:05:28 by Grugg

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts

Sehanine Meliai (Nimu)

Name: Sehanine Meliai
Race: Moonlit Elf
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Class/Level: Fey Sorcerer 5
Deity: The Silver Tongue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Experience: 10000/15000

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 98 lbs
Eyes: Incandescent Violet
Hair: Silver

Str 9 (-1)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 18 (+4)

HP: 25
AC: 14
Flat-footed: 11
Touch: 14
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft.

BAB: +2
Melee: +1
Ranged: +5
Grapple: +1

Weapon: Dagger
To Hit: +1 (melee), +5 (ranged), Crit Range 19-20, Range Increment 10ft.
Damage: 1d4, Crit x2

Weapon: Sling and Bullets
To Hit: +5 (ranged), Range Increment 50ft.
Damage: 1d4, Crit x2

Fortitude +4
Reflex +6
Will +6

Appraise +2 (+2 Int)
Balance +3 (+3 Dex)
Bluff +11 (+4 Cha, +7 ranks)
Climb -1 (-1 Str)
Concentration +8 (+1 Con, +7 ranks)
Decipher Script* +2 (+2 Int)
Diplomacy +6 (+4 Cha, +2 synergy)
Disable Device* +2 (+2 Int)
Disguise +4 (+4 Cha)
Escape Artist +3 (+3 Dex)
Forgery +2 (+2 Int)
Gather Information +4 (+4 Cha)
Handle Animal* +4 (+4 Cha)
Heal +0 (+0 Wis)
Hide +3 (+3 Dex)
Intimidate +6 (+4 Cha, +2 synergy)
Jump +1 (-1 Str, +2 Dimension Stride Boots)
Knowledge (Arcana)* +9 (+2 Int, +7 ranks)
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Geography)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (History)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Local)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Nature)* +4 (+2 Int, +2 Ranks)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (Religion)* +2 (+2 Int)
Knowledge (The Planes)* +3 (+2 Int, +1 ranks (cross class))
Listen +2 (+2 racial)
Move Silently +3 (+3 Dex)
Open Lock* +3 (+3 Dex)
Ride +3 (+3 Dex)
Search +4 (+2 Int, +2 racial)
Sense Motive +0 (+0 Wis)
Sleight of Hand* +5 (+3 Dex, +2 synergy)
Spellcraft* +11 (+2 Int, +7 ranks, +2 synergy)
Spot +2 (+2 racial)
Survival +0 (+0 Wis)
Swim -1 (-1 Str)
Tumble* +3 (+3 Dex)
Use Magic Device* +4 (+4 Cha) (+5 related to scrolls)
Use Rope +3 (+3 Dex)

Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan

Fey Bloodline | Spells Known: detect secret doors (1st), glitterdust (2nd), tongues (3rd), hallucinatory terrain (4th), seeming (5th), mislead (6th), sequester (7th), irresistible dance (8th), wail of the banshee (9th)
Fey's Fate: +1 Luck Bonus on all Saving Throws

Racial Traits:
Immunity to magic sleep effects
+2 save bonus vs Enchantment spells
+2 Listen, Search, Spot checks
Automatic search check to notice secret/concealed doors when passing within 5 feet of one
Low-light vision
Proficient with longsword, rapier, long bow, composite long bow, short bow, composite short bow

Class Features:
Eschew Materials
+1 Damage Reduction (overcome by cold iron) - increases by +1 every 4 levels for a maximum of +5 at level 20
Bloodline Spells: entangle (3rd), hideous laughter (5th), deep slumber (7th), confusion (9th), baleful polymorph (11th), geas (13th), phase door (15th), mass charm monster (17th), shapechange (19th)

Spells per Day:
6/7/5, Spell DC 14 + Spell Level
Spells Known:
Lvl 0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Lvl 1 - Charm Person, Detect Secret Doors, Entangle, Mage Armor, Power Word Pain, Silent Image
Lvl 2 - Glitterdust, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Shatter

Dagger, Sling, Cloak of Resistance +1, Ring of Protection +1, Dimension Stride Boots, Wand of Color Spray, Wand of Magic Missile (1st), Shift Weave, Handy Haversack (Contains: Pouch of 20 Bullets, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Bedroll, Blanket, Flint and Steel, Small Steel Mirror)

Funds: 161gp, 4sp

Sehanine is blessed with an unearthly beauty. Her fey ancestry lends her a haunting grace that is remarkable even among the elves. A mane of long, silvery white hair, flows in loose, spiral curls over pointed ears. Lithe bodied, she possesses the slender curves of a dancer's physique. Her copper hued skin is tinged with a slight blue cast that makes it appear as if she is ever under the soft shadow of twilight. Her face is ageless with smooth, flawless skin and high cheekbones that narrow to dark, full lips. Almond shaped eyes gaze out in a brilliant violet hue and burn with the telltale incandescent light of the faery folk. It is here that her fey ancestry is written most clearly. Although few outside of vainlewyn know the signs of a faery, those that do will recognize her for what she is when they see her eyes

Like any seductress, Sehanine prides herself on her beauty and dresses to accentuate it. She prefers quietly adorned garb over the highly ornamental, letting her garments remind all her see that she needs no cosmetic assistance. In her homeland she wears diaphanous gowns, delicately stitched to hug the curves of her body. They could never be considered immodest, but the layered, finely woven cloth is slightly translucent so as to reveal just barely enough to highlight desire. Even when travelling she is no less provocative. All her garments are form fitting, so as to blend utility with desire. Sehanine uses the garment like a weapon, and dresses to conceal and reveal according to her needs. She wears a simple, form fitting, grey dress that falls just below her knees. Beginning at her narrow waist, two slits run along the left and right sides to reveal fine, indigo dyed woolen leggings tucked into dark boots. A dove grey cloak is wrapped around her shoulders.

Born out of liminality, the faery folk are ever wrapped in enigma. They haunt the crossroads and walk between the worlds to step into the dreams of men. Theirs is an ever-shifting world that is at once eternal and fading, just as the fey are themselves. Esoteric by nature, they are drawn to magic like moths to flame. It flows through their blood and is the single guiding force in their lives. Magic is life, and the fey are just as capricious as magic.

Over the passage of millennia the faery folk have grown more complex, and as if reflecting the political struggles of the mortal realms, have split off into two separate factions; the Seelie and Unseelie courts. It is too simplistic to see them as merely good and evil factions, for the light can burn and the dark protect. Like the fey themselves, even their courts are mercurial.

Of all the faery folk, elves are perhaps the most well known in the mortal world and most humans with a touch of faery blood can surely count an elf among their ancestors. The elves have been long residents of Jamaara and many a mortal scholar will argue that the elves are something other than faeries, citing the lack of allegiance to the Seelie and Unseelie courts as proof of this. Yet they forget that there are elves that walk in the light and elves that walk in the dark. It does not take much to see the enmity of the elves and drow as an extension of the Seelie and Unseelie courts.

Still, the elves are perhaps not as capricious as their fey brethren. Many live among the mortal races of the world and even bear children with humans. Even so, there are those among the elves in whom the ancient faery blood sings. Longer lived and even more beautiful than other elves, they are as mercurial as any faery and just as dangerous.

Sehanine Meliai is one such elf. Raised on vainlewyn not far from Inis Mona, she walked an esoteric path from the beginning. Like any moonlit elf, she was to be trained in the wizard's arts. Sehanine, of course, had other intentions. Fascinated by magic though she was, Sehanine was more interested in star gazing than arcane study. From the earliest days of her childhood, the faeries whispered to her. On moonlit and starry nights they would call out to her to join them in celebration. She would often disappear from the arcane halls for weeks at a time and then return acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

She would never be a true wizard, but her aptitude for magic was too great to be ignored. Ignoring nearly all attempts at tutelage, Sehanine still wielded magic with a surprising proficiency that spoke of rare innate ability. There was no need for magical training for she already was magical.

Recognizing her fey nature, the wizards let her come and go as she pleased. The fey blood that led her on her own path was the same that lent them a magical aptitude of their own, and they would not deny it. So she wandered and returned for years, until she discovered the scrying pools.

Forged long ago, with ancient, fey magic, the pools were both mirrors and gateways to the world beyond the Moonlit Isle. Sehanine was transfixed and so the elven sages let her wander among the looking pools on her own. It was not a wise decision, for it was curiosity that transfixed her, and curiosity always has a new question to ask.

Her mercurial, fey nature did not take long to rise up. It was not a remarkable day, the sun did not shine particularly brightly, nor where there ominous clouds in the sky. Yet things tend to happen on unremarkable days. On this day like any other day, Sehanine sat gazing into one of the many pools, watching the lives of mortals pass by. She let the pool set it's own course, finding the random nature of the visions almost relaxing. Those shifting visions happened upon a small boy child living in Cordova.

From the moment her gaze fell upon his chestnut curls, Sehanine was besotted. He explored his tiny world with a free abandon and wore a constant impish grin. If there was ever a human child to draw the favor of the faery folk it was him.

When the sages let Sehanine wander among the looking pools they warned her never to touch those waters, for even a drop would take her to the place upon which she gazed. They might as well have sent her off with a parade. She gazed upon the boy child and not even a heartbeat passed before she reached out a hand to touch the pool's liquid surface. In that instant her whole world changed.

One moment she was in vainlewyn, and the next she was sitting atop a heap of hay with a small boy staring up at her. Resilient as any faery, Sehanine went about exploring her new world. Much of the time she spent magically hidden and was the secret friend to the small child, Gaetano. Rather than forage the wilds, she stole food from his family. This went on for far longer than one would have imagined possible. For a time his family thought themselves infested with marauding armies of hungry rodents until they started to believe that Gaetano's imaginary friend, the "Silver Lady" was some sort of ghost that haunted good people's food stores. This brought Sehanine endless amusement.
They were happy days, but like all things, they were not to be forever. This is a dangerous world where greed begets violence. Gaetano's family lived on the far outskirts of a rural town, and while that isolation was peaceful it also left them vulnerable. A band of raiders came through one night, most of the village made it through, but Gaetano's family was not so lucky. Seeing the men approaching the homestead, Sehanine acted quickly. Spiriting the boy child away, she hid them both behind a veil of magic while the raiders slaughtered his family. There was nothing she could have done for them, she was no hero.

In the aftermath of that night, Sehanine found herself with a grieving child that needed to be cared for. A few days passed, and authorities from a nearby city came to the village to assess damage and give aid where they could. Among them was a fledging holy knight with shining golden hair and full with righteous pride. Sehanine had found a challenge. There really was nothing more enticing than corrupting a holy knight. That he was a pretty man made the game all the more enjoyable.

It did not take much of a seduction. He was young, starving and eager. She disappeared before the first rays of morning light, leaving the young knight with broken vows and the grieving Gaetano to care for. She did not look back. It was a cruel thing to have done, and yet, young Gaetano was taken in by the knight. Raised by this noble man, he grew to become a great hero, perhaps greater than the fallen knight would have ever been himself. Poetic are the lives touched by the fey.

Sehanine lived like a gypsy in Cordova. Drawn to something or someone, she would settle down for a time. Without fail curiosity and the call of faery would rise up again, and the enchantress would move on, leaving those around her without even the slightest farewell. What became of those lives touched by the faery?

Eventually Sehanine found herself travelling with a caravan of merchants and entertainers. It was an engaging group and there was something different everyday. She had been with them almost 6 months, longer than she had stayed with any others. While the caravan settled in a small city for a time, Sehanine had her first encounter with Tristan at a local tavern. The shining, silver bands at his wrists drew her immediately to him. They were not only elven, they were ancient and bore signs of the Seelie court. Focus and raged burned through her. These were vestments of her people and had no place in mortal hands.

Introducing herself with a drink she began to work her enchantment, using fey magic to beguile. Whether the magic failed or Tristan simply valued to bracers too greatly, the result was the same. He refused to give her the bracers when she asked. So she poisoned him and took the bracers from him.

Tristan managed to survive the poisoning, and a few days later stole the bracers from her. Disguised as a merchant, he distracted her with a pair of shiny bracelets. When she removed the bracers to try the jewelry on, he grabbed them and dashed off. Sehanine followed. A friendly enmity grew between the pair as they stole the bracers back and forth from one another. Sehanine seduced Tristan, and left him with his pants around his ankles when she took the bracers. In return, he had her arrested under false charges of attempted regicide, taking the bracers from her while she was imprisoned. Tristan's proficiency as a conman caught up with him and he soon found himself hogtied by a group of dimwitted thugs. Sehanine threw a little magic at the bunch and with a little charm convinced them to leave the man to her. She set him free, but not before she took back to bracers. The elf kept them for a while until she found herself playing a game of seduction. While Sehanine and the gentleman were entwined in bed, Tristan snuck into the room and once again stole the bracers. Finding the bracers missing, she knew immediately who had taken them. Sehanine has been following ever since, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Posted on 2014-04-12 at 20:35:57.
Edited on 2017-11-18 at 19:10:26 by Grugg

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