I've had an idea recently of a post apocalyptic, post modern, D&D world...
I know that it has been done before but I'm still working on own
And I would like to get your opinion on the news stories I've developed to into this Brave New World.
The Globe and Mail
Dungeons & Dragons; ALL TRUE!
Magical Radiation Well, outside Toronto Ontario Canada.
The table top roll playing game that first debuted in 1974, and captivated the war gaming world early on is true. Myths and Magic have returned to the world! Over the past year and a half more and more reports have been pouring in about unexplained creatures being seen and phenomenon happening from all over the world. And in the last six months confirmation has been made about these claims. Creatures have been caught, people are manifesting powers, and religious leaders have been physically contacted by their deities granting them powers.
Scientists have detected a new form of (previously) unknown radiation flowing out of “wells.” These “Wells” are all near the locations where creatures were spotted, and where people have manifested magical powers.
Scientists can only theorise about this increasing phenomenon occurring throughout the world. The leading theory (drawing heavily from the Dungeons & Dragons game) is that the planes of existence shift in and out of phase. When all the planes are in phase then magic (the unknown radiation) flows though weeks spots in the planar fabric. Creatures also are able to push through these weeks spots.
Scientists believe this is just the beginning, and that the planes are not yet completely in phase. The more in phase the planes become the more phenomenon are going to be seen.
Another disturbing phenomenon has been attributed to the magical radiation. Electronic devices (reportedly even hardened military electronics) stop working the closer in proximity to the magic well they come. Government Officials fear the collapse of society with the loss of electricity. However scientists are working endlessly to circumvent the negative effect of the magic on electronics.
Continues on pg. 7
The Globe and Mail
Is this the End? The war still rages!
Magical Combat Team
Orcs, Goblins, and other mythological creatures and monsters continue to pour through the planar rifts scattered around the world. The world’s militaries are hard pressed to force them back. Resupply being the biggest issue. To help fight back many people who have manifested magical powers have joined the military in repelling the threats.
Even with the help of the Elves, Dwarves, and other races who have allied themselves with us, scientists have still not been able to find a way to bring our electronic devices back online. Due to the modern world’s dependence on electronics, this is causing major problems.
With not having working electronics, the vehicles that would normally be used to drive supplies and ammunition to the front, the soldiers are unable to fight effectively. They are often forced into hand to hand combat with a numerically superior force. And due to the number of planar rifts spread across the world (many more than originally thought and defended) many creatures are gaining entry to our plane unopposed.
Those in the major cities (and elsewhere) are also dealing with the problems of starvation, lack of water/dehydration, disease, and sanitation. Without electrical power to run the pumps the cities are unable to supply water to the population, and remove sewage which is causing disease to spread like wild fire.
Also without electricity the pharmaceutical companies are unable to produce the needed medications for all kinds of diseases, and pre existing conditions.
Because of the planes coming back into phase we have been brought back to the dark ages. People are dying in the thousands daily, whether from the war, famine, disease, or any number of things.
The Globe and Mail
Pray for Stabilisation!
The hostile races have carved their way through the militaries round the world. Most posts ran out of much needed ammunition then were overwhelmed. Reports that are still coming in from hostile territory, say though that the enemy paid dearly for the land they took though.
Surviving high ranking military officials, say that most of the ammunition that was made and stock piled before the return was used up in the defence against the monsters that were pouring through the rifts.
It is also estimated that there have been more than 3 billion people that have died or were killed in the past 3 years since the Return. However a like number (or possibly even greater number) of monsters and other races (coined “demihuman”) have replaced those who have died.
Things will never be the same as the world settling into its new order proves.