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Ma' Nozzle
Karma: 38/0
668 Posts

Make it Mythical

If someone were to describe a creature to you, and you had never seen one before, how would you describe it to someone else? How would they tell their friends about it? It's a bit like playing telephone, only you're allowed to get creative with what you pass on.

The rules are as follows. I'm going to post a creature and a short description of it. The next person describes that creature based on my description, adding or forgetting as suitable. Changing the name slightly is also acceptable. The player then adds another animal (or object I guess) to the list.

After five generations, a creature/object will pass into legend, ie remove it from the list and I'll archive it in this post permanently.

In this way we can create a menagerie of mythical things for our games and stories.

1. The Elephant. A very large gray creature which moves on four thick legs. It has a long prehensile nose which it uses to feed itself. It also has ears like palm fronds, and it can make a noise like a trumpet blast. They typically live in the jungle.

Completed Myths! The Elfette. A Humongous gray creature with four fat legs and has a hose for its nose. It also has ears almost as large as its body, and when it sounds off, it sounds like Lois Armstrong. They usually live in huddles. and eat trees

The Crazorback. A large, crazy, and highly agressive pig-like animal. It has large sharp tongues which it fights off its enemies with. It's feral and will charge any threat to its territory. Its thick hide is prized as material for leather armoires.

One Chop monks. balding striped monks resembling small, short tailed squirrels. They tend to be powerful musical little creatures with a tendency towards trading music for power, which they hoard away. while others work for power for fame they do things
"just for fun" they are notorious for hiding things. the battle cry is POWER!

Posted on 2015-12-29 at 10:14:39.
Edited on 2016-02-24 at 13:43:01 by Schnozzle

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Myth 2........

1. The Ephleant. A very large gray creature which moves on four stick legs. It has a long pencil nose which it uses to feed itself. It also has ears like palm ponds, and it can make a noise with a trumpet blast. They typically live in a bundle.

2. The Razerback. A large pig like animal with large tusks. It lives in the wild and attacks almost anything. It has a thick hide and wiry stuff hairs on its back.

Posted on 2015-12-30 at 09:59:42.

Ma' Nozzle
Karma: 38/0
668 Posts

Almost a double post from me, but what the hey

1. The Eflet. A very large gray creature with pencils for legs and another one for its nose. It also has ears like pompoms, and it knows how to play the trumpet. They usually live in bundles.

2. The Razorback. A gigantic pig-like animal with large tusks. It's wild and attacks anything in its way. It has a hide so thick an arrow can't penetrate it, and has wiry stiff hairs on its back.

3. The Chipmunk. A furry little brown rodent with black and white stripes on its back and face. They have special pouches in their cheek to carry nuts and other food in. Much of their time is spent gathering food for the winter.

Posted on 2016-01-01 at 10:54:02.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 31/3
600 Posts

banana phone

1. The Iflet. A furry gray creature with pencils for legs and has a black for its nose. It also has ears like pompoms, and it knows how to play the trumpet. They usually live in bundles. an live in trees

2. The Razorback. A gigantic pig-like animal with large tusks which it hunts its prey with. that lurks the bushes. It's wild and attacks anything in its way. It has a hide so thick an arrow can't penetrate it, and has wiry stiff hairs on its back.

3. The Chipmunk. A furry evil little brown rodent with black and white stripes on its back. An beady soul sucking black eyes. They have special pouches in their cheek to carry nuts and other food in. Much of their time is spent hoarding food.

4.fuzzy bunny. evil little fuzzy creatures. They have long ears an odd pink & reddish eyes. they cannot walk but hop. They have long "bucked" front teeth an eat vegetables in a nibbling omm nomm fashion. they can run fast an kick hard.


Posted on 2016-02-23 at 18:21:17.

5 Headed Dracohydra
Karma: 80/23
1117 Posts

I'll give it a go

1. The Elfette. A Humongous gray creature with four fat legs and has a hose for its nose. It also has ears almost as large as its body, and when it sounds off, it sounds like Lois Armstrong. They usually live in huddles. and eat trees

2. The Razorback. A large and highly agressive pig-like animal. It has large sharp tusks which it fights off its enemies with. It's ferral and will charge any threat to its territory. Its thick hide is prized as material for leather armor.

3. Alvin and the Chipmunks. Furry striped rodents resembling small, short tailed squirrels. They tend to be musical little creatures with a tendency towards trading
trading music for food in which they hoard away and draw roaches and other pests (besides them) into your home.
They are notorious for hiding things in their cheeks.

4.Vorpal bunny. Evil white bunny rabbits. They have long gears an odd pink glowing dyes. They cannot wait to lure you into a false since of security with their cute mannerisms and soft white furr and bite your head off with their razor sharp vorpal "buck teeth".

5. Komodo Dragon. Large, Black, and some times speckled, lizard. Roughly 9 ft in length, this is a truly evil creature that makes it's prey suffer in agony from a bite laden in acidic enzymes and infectious bacteria from its slimy mouth. It drinks from stagnant swamp water, fights others of its kind for territory and prey, and eats said prey alive while it is still dying from its wounds.

Posted on 2016-02-23 at 22:13:09.

Ma' Nozzle
Karma: 38/0
668 Posts


Number one drops off here and things move up a number each time from here on out.
1. The Crazorback. A large, crazy, and highly agressive pig-like animal. It has large sharp tongues which it fights off its enemies with. It's feral and will charge any threat to its territory. Its thick hide is prized as material for leather armoires.

2. Olvin and the Chopmonks. Furry striped mice resembling small, short tailed squirrels. They tend to be musical little creatures with a tendency towards trading music for food, which they hoard away in little holes while they sketch roaches and other pests onto your house.
They are notorious for hiding things in their butt cheeks.

3. Forkle bunny. Chaotic Evil white bunny rabbits. They have lung gears an odd pink glowing dye on their fur. They cannot wait to lure you into a false since of security with their cute mannerisms and glowing pink fur and bite your head off with their razor sharp forklebuck teeth.

4. Commodore Dragon. Large, Black, and speckly lizard. Roughly 90 ft in length, this is a truly evil creature. I makes it's prey suffer in agony from an acid bite and with diseases from its slimy mouth. It's teeth are +2 magic weapons. It stinks from stagnant swamp water, fights others of its kind for territory and prey, and eats said prey alive while it is still dying from its wounds.

5. Jell-O - Once sponsored by a jovial dark-skinned fellow, this gelatin snack has been making the rounds at your local hospital as a form of sustenance for the past fifty years. It comes in all sorts of flavors, including red and green!

Posted on 2016-02-24 at 00:03:33.
Edited on 2016-02-24 at 00:03:56 by Schnozzle

RDI Fixture
Karma: 31/3
600 Posts

hee heee

1. One Chop monks. balding striped monks resembling small, short tailed squirrels. They tend to be powerful musical little creatures with a tendency towards trading music for power, which they hoard away. while others work for power for fame they do things
"just for fun" they are notorious for hiding things. the battle cry is POWER!

2. Funk-e bunny. Chaotic Evil steam-punk bunnies. They have large gears an odd spectral glowing dye on their fur. They cannot wait to lure you into a false since of security with their Moe & cute mannerisms and glowing fur and bite your head off with their razor sharp front buck teeth. celebrating they successful hunt with the tribal dance the hustle.

3. Commode Dragon. Lumpy, Brackish, and speckle lizard. Roughly 9 ft in length, this is a truly evil creature. I makes it's prey suffer in agony from an acrid stench from its slimy mouth. It's teeth are +2 magic weapons its breath is + 50. It stinks from stagnant swamp water an bacterial decay, fights others of its kind for territory and prey, and eats said prey alive, often preferring large burly construction workers.

4. Jelly-OH! - Once this gelatin creature has been making the rounds in your local ocean, as a form of sustenance for the past fifty years. It comes in all sorts of flavors, including red, and green! Most prefer the orange or red variants. though careful not to mistake the box jelly-oh from the instant. The most feared is the aspartame riddled cousin the diet jelly-OH's which ensnare you with their tentacles of false claims an lies.(also they taste horrible)

5. penguin - Small terrestrial sea dwelling avian which gained notoriety in the last decade for they love songs an spiffy tuxedo's. The most famous is a small jovial one who is a horrible singer who makes up for his social & fashion fopa's with intricate dance an inter-species friendships.

Posted on 2016-02-24 at 06:40:17.

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