Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
Checking In
Hello everyone. I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I did play in a couple games here over a year ago.
Well due to the stay at home situation, I'm finding myself with little to do, so that frees me up for things like RP again. I'm looking for a game, it would have to be free form as I don't know the rules to any systems.
I hope to find something here, and if I do, I hope to stick around. I'm about as recovered as I'm ever going to get from my accident a year ago, so I'd like to come back, if you all will have me.
p.s. Not sure what happened to my first post, it didn't show up.
Posted on 2020-03-29 at 10:23:26.
cdnflirt Angel Reincarnated Karma: 87/22 1159 Posts
Welcome Back
Welcome Back!! The doors are always open to the Inn.
I don't know any rules either, but the DM of the games are very knowledgable and help out a lot. I am currently building a 5e and a 2e character. I am doing lots of research to better play my characters in the campaigns.
Posted on 2020-03-29 at 11:52:42.
Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
Well thanks Cdnflirt, at least there is at least someone other than me here. I don't see a lot going on, so I guess I'll just keep an eye open and see if anything I can play will pop up.
im still not certain if a rules game is what I want to try, but I might not have a choice as I don't see much or people that I remember.
Posted on 2020-04-04 at 14:39:37.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
We're here. Welcome back.
Posted on 2020-04-04 at 16:40:29.
dragon-soul92 RDI Fixture Karma: 16/1 884 Posts
A Whole New World
Would you like to create a new roleplay together, Altaria? We could do some world building. And yes, it's freeform.
Posted on 2020-04-05 at 18:49:40.
Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
I would be very interested dragon soul. Do you want to PM me what you have in mind, or you want to start a thread in the section for new games? Maybe find one or two more.
Posted on 2020-04-06 at 19:01:50.
Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
Well now
I was trying to post a new thread in the Recruitment section, but I get and error every time I try, so I will try here.
I’m looking for Free Form game, Preferably Fantasy, to join or to start something new. Fantasy is preferred, but I will entertain any other free form game.
Please post any thoughts or suggestions here I guess. I don’t know why I can’t seem to open a new thread.
Posted on 2020-04-10 at 19:06:48.
breebles #1 Kibibi Karma: 58/1 1843 Posts
Recruitment Threads
Hi Altaira! I've found it's helpful to make LFG posts in the Recruitment Threads area, and/or search for games that are searching for more players there.
And honestly, you really don't need to know a system in order to join a game, considering GMs tend to resolve and make the majority of the rolls on their end after you've narrated your intentions in game. At least, that's been my experience. Whether that's different with other GMs or not, I'm positive any and all of them around here are more than willing and available to work with you, should you show interest in joining their game.
Gouda luck!
Posted on 2020-04-12 at 04:51:45.
Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
Yes, I tried the recruitment section, and I couldn’t make a post there, every time I tried I got an error and my post didn’t show up.
I’ve tried rules game before, and while you are correct that the GM makes the rolls and things, but still there are things with spells to choose and knowledge you need of things to make the actions work out. When I tried before it just became too much and I didn’t enjoy it as much as I do Freeform.
Thanks! I guess I will keep looking!
Posted on 2020-04-12 at 20:08:06.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
What sort of error message(s) are you getting, Altaira?
I know there were some issues with creating new threads when the site originally went back online but, as far as I know, those particular bugs have been corrected. I just tried adding a new topic in the recruitment thread, myself, and didn't have any problems.
Posted on 2020-04-13 at 09:36:41.
Altaira Resident Karma: 24/0 404 Posts
Of course
Well, I went to post my new thread again so I could see the error to let you know what it said, and guess what, no error. It figures.
Hey Eol! Long time no see.
Posted on 2020-04-13 at 10:34:48.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8864 Posts
We must have scared it into submission!
Good to see you, dear! Glad you've decided to pop back in.
Posted on 2020-04-13 at 10:42:42.