I'd like to make a long, long, looong speech about how great this last year has been since I joined the Red Dragon Inn. On the other hand, I doubt you'd like to read the whole thing if I would. So here's the shorter version:
I've been a member of the Inn for a full year and I have to say that is a personal record. I can't think of any forum that I am a member of that I have been as active on as I have been active here. Although it may not seem as big of a deal to most of you, nearly 800 posts in a past year is a big deal for me. Not to mention two articles I've sent in, as well as all the pictures I might have done and sent to you if I had a reasonable scanner (or any scanner really).
In this past year I have successfully started two games on the forum. First there was the Eberron game and then there is the currently running game of World of Darkness. Personally, I think that is pretty good.
This past year is probably the best year in my memory, and although the Inn may not be the sole reason for it, I know it has done its part in making it so.
I would like to thank all of you Innmates who have joined me in discussions or games on these forums. I may not call all of you my friends, but all of you are my comrades in the art of the dice