t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
What kind of new game should I run?
Guiding Light is getting very close to finished. Cold Day in Hell is probably not that far away... though it could end up going for a couple more months, who knows?
Anyway, when at least one of my games comes to an end, I intend on starting another D&D game. Obviously, it will be set in Audalis. However, I have yet to decide much more than that.
I am leaning toward a game that is welcoming to D&D/Audalis newbies. I will naturaly accept veteran players, but I like to be the first GM to scar...er... game with a new player.
I am also kicking around the idea of a game that features humanoid characters... maybe an all goblin party. Not necessarily an evil game... maybe goblins are just misunderstood?
However, I may well just go with more standard fare. Are there any suggestions, input into it that you'd like to share?
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 17:13:39.
Edited on 2008-01-25 at 17:38:57 by t_catt11
Zonk Occasional Visitor Karma: 7/0 25 Posts
Hokayyyy ...
Here's yer first vict -- er, player. Not new to RP (TT, MMORP, text-based), but new to this forum.
I like your idea about an all-humanoid party. Reserve a spot for me please, 'cause I'm interested.
I do have one idea: how about "hapless" or "unlikely" characters? A challenge for the player to describe and/or play:
A half-orc bard? (I have one I have played for years -- Link --)
A character normal in every respect except for his/her chameleon-like tongue and an appetite for large insects?
A character that seems to attract magical effects to happen in his/her vicinity, unbidden and random ...?
etc ...
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 21:58:54.
Edited on 2008-01-25 at 22:06:35 by Zonk
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
I like the ideas. Please do note that it will likey be a couple of weeks before I begin actually recrutiing for the game; my plate is full right now, so until one of my current games ends, I won't start another.
But hey, I'd love to have you!
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:02:32.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Wait Confused
You say Guilding Light is close to over??
We have hardly played the game and only had 1-2 fights and its already almost over your kidding rt??
I am not sure how I feel about that, not happy for sure.
And also Cold too hell we just started that one too
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:05:17.
Edited on 2008-01-25 at 22:15:03 by TannTalas
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
Regarding goblins...
Have you read Reverse Dungeon? It’s an old 2nd ed adventure module that ran a pretty good take on the game you’ve just described.
The idea behind its first chapter (there are three, the players take control of a different species of monster in each) is that the party are the warriors of a small goblin tribe coming under attack from adventurers.
I don’t think I’ve ever actually run it as written but some of the setting info was quite good and it had a few ideas which could make for entertaining twists:
1. The PCs don’t start play with any class levels at all, just as standard goblins from the Monster Manual with the equipment you’d expect from a standard goblin war party.
I really liked this one, as when a fair fight becomes a suicide tactic you start seeing players getting that bit more into the mindset of goblins. Hit and run tactics, sniping and laying traps became the order of the day pretty quickly.
2. Running the players’ own standard adventuring characters as adversaries.
I’m not quite sure how you could make this one work for a forum game, but it struck me as a nice twist.
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:09:52.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
sadly, yes.
Guidling Light has always been intended to be a specific adventure, not a campaign. I advertised it as such when you guys signed up.
Now, I saw a couple of weeks. Much like Cold Day, it is quite possible that you guys will make it last much longer than that.
But if we post a decent rate of speed, I don't see it lasting a ton longer. I said this in early December before I went AWOL.
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:14:17.
t_catt11 Fun is Mandatory RDI Staff Karma: 378/54 7163 Posts
I had not heard of this one, but that is much how I had envisioned the idea.
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:15:32.
Almerin Typing Furiously RDI Staff Karma: 177/19 3012 Posts
Hey! An all Goblin party was my next idea for a short adventure in Audalis, for when Filthy Thief is over. But you can take it, if you want, because I've got many other ideas going on.
I think that's the one you should be going for. But I wouldn't make it a reverse dungeon, because that one is more tactical, and tactical is pretty hard in play by post dnd.
Give players a chance to make evil characters
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:20:15.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
About that...
Ehm, TBH “Reverse Dungeon” might be a slightly misleading title.
As far as I can recall the idea was just that the players were a group of pretty average goblins and adventurers were coming to kill them and their tribe.
There were some caves that the players could try to defend (probably not that great an option, as that’s where all of their tribe’s non-combatants were holed up) but they also had a lot of open terrain between them and the human village, neighbouring tribes of monsters they could try to form alliances with and the option of either trying to make a break for it or of taking the fight to the humans and launching a raid on the village that had hired the adventurers in the first place. I can see that a standard dungeon in reverse probably wouldn’t make for that entertaining a game… either you’d take down the adventurers in your 30’ by 30’ room or they’d run you down trying to flee down the corridor.
If you’re interested then I’m guessing that you could probably find the PDF online somewhere. Failing that I could always copy or scan mine to send you (might take a couple of weeks since it’s currently at my parents’ house along with the rest of my old D&D stuff).
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:41:32.
Vorrioch Chaotic Hungry Karma: 38/6 406 Posts
Oh, and unless you plan on starting over the next month or so I certainly would be interested in joining.
Ideally, if it won't be horribly inappropriate for the game, then I've already got a character concept in mind:
It's the character concept I like, and he could probably lose any class levels quite easily as needed.
Posted on 2008-01-25 at 22:55:13.
Zonk Occasional Visitor Karma: 7/0 25 Posts
Oldies are often goodies ...
The Reverse Dungeon would be a type of scenario I could realy get interested in. Being a 2e module, it would take a little "translation", but would work well. The mention of it kinda reminded me of a game I ran that was in one of the old RPGA Fanzines. It was a "satire" scenario, with a rare Snack Dragon, Kobold Ginsu Warriors, etc. Obviously low levels, but short and quick -- and fun, oh, loads of fun!
It is also something I could dig up, scan, and send for ideas, if you're interested ...
Posted on 2008-01-26 at 04:23:18.