Man, I have so many ideas for games, but no time ... NO TIME!!!
I'm planning a horror game, either set in Audalis, or perhaps Ravenloft. I think I will make it in Audalis, but with a nice Ravenloft feel. It crossed my mind to take an adventure like 'The Created', and place it in Audalis somewhere, to use it in my Audalis Shorts series (which I'm still running, but also still at the first adventure (Filthy Thief) ).
It has also crossed my mind to do an all monster Audalis game in this series, or a Audalis primitive adventure (back to the time of the cavemen: magic is raw, gods are young or not there yet, major cities are just starting to become gathered huts).
I would LOVE a Planescape game, but not with me as DM.
I would also love to restart my God of the Gnomes game, but I don't think that will ever happen.
Too much to do, not enough people to do it for me.... ehm... TIME to do it.