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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Audalis --> Religion

Audalis - Religion

 Religion in Audalis: A summary for how religion works in the Audalis campaign setting.
Good Deities
 Rydor - Greater God of Order, Justice, and Truth: The lord of the good deities and the father of the gods of Audalis.
 Lysora, Greater Goddess of Health, Healing, and Kindness: The blue lady, who sees to the health and hearts of the people of Audalis.
 Solanis, Greater God of Light, Life, and the Sun: This shining god is extremely popular across Audalis, where he brings the light of the sun to shine against any darkness.
 Oriana, Greater Goddess of Love and Passion: The Lady of Hearts holds domain over love, passion, and lust among the people of Audalis.
 Miellyah, Lesser Goddess of Fertility and Growth: One of the most commonly revered deities in Audalis, one can find followers of this goddess of fertility and growth almost anywhere.
 Therassor, Lesser God of Righteous Battle: The Honored General has a smaller following than many, but his servants are respected for their efforts to protect the weak from the horrors of war.
 Falloes, Lesser God of the Hopeless, Lost, and Needy: The Helping Hand of Audalis, Falloes provides hope to the hopeless, help to those who are beyond help.
 Merca, Lesser Goddess of Duty and Honor: This trusted servant of Rydor is tireless in the discharge of her duties, and resolute in their vows.
 Erna, Lesser Goddess of Hope: No matter how grim the situation, servants of this resilient goddess stand against the darkness as beacons of light among the despair.
 Satta, Lesser Goddess of Peace: This servant of Oriana seeks to end conflict everywhere.
 Armon, Lesser God of Mercy and Second Chances: Those who seek redemption, who wish to make things right, who embrace mercy instead of vengeance seek the face of this god.
Neutral Deities
 Jusarin, Greater God of Knowledge and Magic: All of those who treasure learning or seek knowledge - both divine and mundane - pay homage to Jusarin.
 Shinara, Greater Goddess of Luck, Chance, and Fortune: The Scarlet Mistress is one of the most popular deities in Audalis; there are very few who do not seek her blessing from time to time.
 Kith-jora, God of Nature: Kith-jora, God of Nature - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Kharox, God of Crafting: Kharox, God of Crafting - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt: Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Alvareon, Goddess of Prophecy and Fate: Alvareon, goddess of prophecy and fate - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Telamor, God of Artistry: Telamor, God of Artistry - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Cardista, Goddess of the Sea: Cardista, goddess of the sea - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Valdorn, God of Dreams and Dreaming: Valdorn, god of dreams and dreaming - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Khamaruz - God of Winter: Khamaruz, God of Winter - The Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
Evil Deities
 Tyrannis, Goddess of Evil and Treachery: Tyrannis, goddess of evil and treachery - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 D'hurgen, God of Death: D'hurgen, god of death and decay - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Garghas, God of Disease: Garghas, God of Disease - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Sharlys, Goddess of Fear: Sharlys, Goddess of Fear - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Bakloran, God of War: Bakloran, the God of War - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Anskar, God of Storms & Pride: Thadril Anskar, God of Storms & Pride - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Alanus, God of Greed: Alanus, God of Greed - the Audalis Campaign Setting for D&D.
 Salerna, Goddess of Pain: Salerna, Goddess of Pain - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Thirkell, God of Trickery: Thirkell, God of Trickery - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


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