| CliaraĆ Character Class (2e): The CliaraĆ are Telamor's special servants - these variant clerics use music to cast spells for the god of artistry.
| The Gilskalos Connection: A look into the world of Gilskalos Astrology, including a calendar, timeline, and the ancient method of predicting the future.
| The Gemhound Paragon Path (4e): A Paragon Path for the Khordaldrum race in the Audalis setting.
| The Gemhound Prest Class (3.5e): A prestige class for the Khordaldrum race in the Audalis setting.
| Currency in Antaron: This article deals with the various types of currency seen in circulation across Antaron, the major continent of Audalis.
| Languages of Antaron: A guide to the various languages spoken in Antaton, the main continent of the Audalis campaign world.
| The Bridge: A slow song sung by men before a battle or after to honour the dead.
| The History of Coria: The complete history of the great Audalis Kingdom of Coria. Not for the fair-weather RPer!
| The Ethrynian Calendar: The calender for the Audalis campaign setting
| Prayer to Therassor: A traditional prayer to the Audalis god of just battles, Therassor
| Kelvar'heru (Animal Lord): A kit for the Ranger class in second edition dungeons and dragons. A great option for animal lovers :)
| Sylvari Funeral Song: An old folk song sung at Syvari (elven) funerals.
| Runemaster Character Class (2e): A new class for the Audalis campaign setting which focuses on dwarven runes to grant power. Compatible with second edition dungeons and dragons.
| Bladesinger Character Class (2e): An Audalis version of the Elven Bladesinger character class, compatible with second edition Dungeons and Dragons.
| Beers of Antaron: Descriptions of a few beers for the Fantasy (D&D) gaming world of Audalis.